농어업재해재보험기금 사업의 확대와 안정적 재원확보 방안 등에 관한 연구
영문 제목
- A Study on the Expansion for Agricultural and Marine Reinsurance Fund and Its Stable Funding Strategies
- 정원호; 최경환
- 2013-09-30
- 이 연구는 농어업재해보험의 재보험 기금수입 채널의 다양화 및 안정적 재원확보 방안을 모색하고자 시작되었다. 아울러 재해보험사업의 효율적이고 안정적인 관리체계 구축을 위해 각종 농어업 보험사업을 통합하여 기금사업으로 확대 전환하는 방안과 이를 위한 기금관리기관인 농업정책자금관리단의 역할도 검토하였다.
Background of Research
As frequency of natural disasters and size of crop insurance program continue to increase, current income coming from reinsurance premium and government budget is not enough to maintain the reinsurance fund. Stable funding strategies through finding diverse funding sources should be established to prepare for reinsurance payment in case of occurrence of large scale disasters. In addition, institutional improvement such as merging various disaster insurance programs into one big program based on the government fund system has been suggested for efficient management of public finance and government programs.
Method of Research
This study reviewed all disaster insurance programs, reinsurance fund, additional funding strategies, and several developed countries' reinsurance systems. We visited the United States and Japan to study their systems. We also analyzed the effect of merging disaster programs into the reinsurance fund statistically, conducted a simulation analysis for improving government reinsurance system, and considered all possible ideas suggested by policy makers, insurance companies, and researchers in KREI.
Research Results and Implications
After reviewing various disaster related programs including its funding sources and operations, we found that merging all agricultural and marine insurance programs including disaster assistance is most effective from the perspective of risk management and program operation. It would be appropriate to follow the three steps for merging all disaster related programs toward one big fund based program. First, merge all agricultural insurance programs and reinsurance fund. Second, add disaster assistance program to the merged fund. Third, add marine insurance programs to the merged fund.
We reviewed current reinsurance system and possibility of pursuing external funding and operating profit business to secure additional funding for the reinsurance fund. There are three possible strategies to increase the fund at this time: applying the US reinsurance system to our system, merging disaster related programs and reinsurance fund, increasing government contribution from the general account.
The Management of Agriculture Policy Fund(MOAF), which is in charge of managing the reinsurance fund, needs to expand its organization if all disaster programs are merged into the reinsurance fund. Furthermore, MOAF needs to establish four departments including 13 teams with 5 members per team if it takes on a role as the National Agricultural and Marine Insurance Corporation which the government pursues.
Researchers: Wonho Chung, Kyung-Hwan Choi
Research Period: 2013. 6 ~ 2013. 9
E-mail address: wchung@krei.re.kr
- 제1장 서론
제2장 재보험기금 사업의 범위 확대
제3장 재보험기금 재원의 안정적 확보 방안
제4장 외국의 농어업재해재보험 운영사례
제5장 농업정책자금관리단의 역할 및 업무영역 확대방안
- 한국농촌경제연구원
- 농어업재해재보험기금 사업의 확대와 안정적 재원확보 방안 등에 관한 연구
발간물 유형
- KREI 보고서
- http://repository.krei.re.kr/handle/2018.oak/20607
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