농림업 후방연관산업의 전략적 발전방안(2/3차연도) : 농기계·종자·산림종묘

영문 제목
Development Directions for Backward Linkage Industries in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
농업 발전에 좋은 농자재의 공급이 필수 요소이다. 좋은 농자재는 농자재기업들이 생산한다. 농업의 전방에서 관련된 원자재와 기술을 구입, 개발해서 농민들에게 필요한 농자재를 생산, 공급한다. 농업의 발전을 지원하는 이러한 농자재와 산업은 어려움에 봉착해 있다. 그동안 농업 성장과 함께 나름대로 성장을 해왔지만 전반적인 농업 성장 정체와 농가소득 감소, 농업취업자수의 감소와 함께 외국 농자재의 대규모 유입은 국내 농자재산업의 발전과 생존을 위협하고 있다.

연차별로 진행되고 있는 이 연구에서는 이러한 상황에 대응하면서 국내 농자재산업이 지속적으로 발전하고, 동시에 좋은 농자재를 공급하기 위해서는 어떠한 전략이 필요한가에 대해 고민하고 있다.

지난 1차년도에서는 농자재산업과 농업과의 연관 정도를 체계적으로 정리하였고, 관련 연관 효과를 살펴보았다. 무기질 비료(화학비료)와 작물보호제(농약)를 둘러싼 문제와 해결방안 등을 검토하였다.

금번 2차년도에서는 농기계와 종자, 산림용 육묘산업에 대한 현황과 문제점을 분석, 정리하고 있다. 농기계산업에 대한 분석은 마이클 포터의 이론을 중심으로 5개 경쟁요소를 분석하여 발전방안 강구에 활용하였다. 이 연구에서는 신규 진입과 대체재, 부품산업, 수요자와 해당 농기계 기업에 대한 현지조사를 바탕으로 분석한 후, 발전방안을 제시하고 있다.

종자산업 연구에서는 우리나라 종자산업의 현황 및 실태를 분석하여 국내 종자산업을 미래 고부가가치 신성장 동력산업으로 육성하는 전략을 제시하였다.

산림산업 연구에서는 산림사업용 종자, 양묘산업의 현황과 문제점을 파악하고, 산림사업 활성화를 위해 종자, 양묘산업의 발전전략을 도출하였다.
Background of Research
Development Strategy for the Agricultural Machinery Industry
The agricultural materials industry, which includes agricultural machinery, agricultural chemicals, fertilizers, seeds and saplings, is an essential downstream industry of agriculture and forestry. It is a basic and practical industry field that provides necessary and sufficient conditions for the development of agriculture and forestry. Among them, the agricultural machinery industry has positive influence on the farm household economy by addressing the challenges of labor shortage and the transition to a high-tech agriculture through mechanization of agriculture. Nonetheless, the industry is in a more difficult situation than ever before due to negative earnings and the increasing imports of agricultural machinery. So far the agricultural policy of the Korean government has been focused mostly on the farmers who purchase and use agricultural machinery. For sustainable development of the domestic agricultural materials industry, a variety of efforts are made by the agricultural machinery industry, and in line with this, this study investigates development strategies for the agricultural machinery industry. The features of the domestic agricultural machinery industry and the present issues are identified and various strategies for its industrial development are explored.

Development Strategy for Upgrading of the Seed Industry
The purpose of this study is to present ways of developing the domestic seed industry by exploring recent trends of the seed industry and finding out its problems. When the market value of the seed industry in 2010 was estimated, the value of food seeds was 75.4 billion won, vegetable seeds 236.8 billion won, fruit seeds 116.6 won and flower seeds 259.2 billion won. The total market value of the seed industry was estimated, therefore, at 688 billion won. The seed industry is divided into four parts and each part has a different structure. The production and distribution are operated in the food seed industry by the state and in the vegetable seed industry by private companies. In the fruit and flower industry, the production and distribution are indeed partly operated by the state and partly by private companies, but in this case most seeds are imported.

A Study on the Development Strategies for Seed and Seedling Industry to Revitalize Forestry Business
Seed and seedling industry is important as the basis of forestry business. The demand of forestry is growing not only for the quality of life but also for providing natural resources. As income grows, the public is looking for better environmental service as well as wooden materials for the living. Because the demand for new renewable energy is increased to cope with climate change and the CER(Carbon Emission Reduction), there is a growing interest in forest resources.

Method of Research
Development Strategy for the Agricultural Machinery Industry
This study used Michael Porter's competitive forces model as a basic analytical framework. In his model, he derived five competitive forces that determine the nature of the industrial structure, which include the bargaining power of customers, the bargaining power of suppliers, the threat of new entrants to the market, the threat of substitute products or services, and the rivalry among related and competing firms. In order to apply the five variables determining the competitive structure to the agricultural machinery industry, a study has been carried out on the farmers who are the customers of the agricultural machinery, the machinery parts makers, the machinery manufacturers, and the overseas market. However, due to time constraints, a survey on retail stores and repair shops, Nonghyup and municipalities, government officials and experts was excluded. The agricultural machinery studied mainly include tractors, rice-planting machines, combines, and speed sprayers which are the leading agricultural machinery. And the research content which is related with the agricultural materials industry was contracted out to the external specialists, and the results have been published to be made available.

Development Strategy for Upgrading of the Seed Industry
In the seed industry, a study has been carried out on the farmers who are the customers of the seed, and manufacturers. Also, the research content which is related with the seed industry was contracted out to the external specialists, and the results have been published to be made available.

A Study on the Development Strategies for Seed and Seedling Industry to Revitalize Forestry Business
Seed and seedling industry lacks in size and capacity to allow forest business to catch up with increasing demand. Hence, after examining the current situation of production and usage of seed and seedling, we derive a development strategy for the seed and seedling industry to revitalize forestry business. The scope of the study covers seed production, seedling production, and afforestation.

Research Results and Implications
Development Strategy for the Agricultural Machinery Industry
The results of the study that applied Michael Porter's theory to the agricultural machinery industry are as follows.
First, the industry-friendly factors to the external environmental factors include ① the sustainable growth of the world agricultural machinery market, ② the growing trend of the domestic agricultural machinery export, ③ the domestic agricultural machinery firms run on a relatively small scale, ④ the continuous funding by the government, and ⑤ the simple and transparent distribution system of agricultural machinery. And these are referred to as positive factors to the industry. On the other hand, the unfriendly factors include ① enhanced entry barriers of the world's large corporations, ② the limits to growth of domestic markets, ③ the relatively low level of technology, ④ the unstable management indexes, ⑤ the stagnant agriculture growth and the decline in income, ⑥ Nonghyup's monopoly on the customers, and ⑦ the aggressive fostering of collective paddy management entities in rural areas.
Next, the causes enhancing competition in the factors related with competition between companies are ① the agricultural machinery-oriented production structure, ② domestic market-oriented sales, and ③ the non-discriminatory situation between the different models. On the other hand, the competition-mitigating factors are ① overseas export expansion and ② the CEO's determination.
Third, among the customer threat factors, the elements enhancing the threat are ① enhancement of information gathering activities of the farmers, ② the demand shift toward some large-scale agricultural machinery, ③ the long-term use of agricultural machinery, ④ low level of satisfaction with agricultural machinery, ⑤ growing preference for foreign products, and ⑥ the change of purchasing behavior to one that puts emphasis on price and quality. The factors mitigating the threats include ① the fact that farmers as customers recognize the agricultural machinery as essential goods, ② the increase of transaction costs when purchasing foreign goods, and ③ the increase of the purchase of new equipment replacing secondhand agricultural machinery.
Fourth, the elements strengthening the threats related to parts suppliers are ① a relatively small proportion of farm machinery parts, ② the fact that many companies can manufacture different products with existing facilities, ③ the difficulty of new entry into the market, and ④ the active technology development of non-agricultural machinery parts. On the other hand, the factors mitigating the threats include ① the parent company's low dependence on outsourcing partners, ② existence of many potential corporations, ③ lack of differentiation between machinery parts, ④ unequal relationships between agricultural equipment manufacturers and parts suppliers, and ⑤ instability of the parts suppliers' management.
Last, as the factors threatening new entrants, the elements strengthening the threats include ① the increasing threat of foreign companies, ② the indiscrimination of agricultural machinery, and ③ the growing preference for foreign products. On the other hand, the factors mitigating the threats include ① the necessity of huge investment of money and ② agricultural machinery-related policies of the government.
Before considering the development strategies for agricultural machinery, we need to precisely recognize the reality of the agricultural machinery industry and the companies' situation. After analyzing the management status of the domestic agricultural machinery manufacturers, some characteristics could be derived. First, the competition between the agricultural machinery manufacturers is intense because there are no distinctive elements of each company.
In the case of the surveyed companies, the production of the main agricultural machinery accounts for about 80% of total sales. They are very sensitive to changes in external conditions of agricultural machinery markets because they produce only agricultural machinery.
The capacity utilization of the agricultural machinery companies is very high compared to the agricultural machinery industry; the tractor is 85%, rice-planting machines are about 70%, and combines are about 70-85%.
According to the survey, agricultural machinery companies consider the customers' purchase loyalty to their own products high. However, when considering the survey result that there's no differentiation between companies selling the same models, we can say that their judgment is nothing but self-confidence. Quality and service satisfaction of farmers is relatively low and the score about differentiation between companies is only 2.8(out of 5).
On the other hand, the bargaining power of the parts companies is relatively low due to the numerous subcontractors of agricultural machinery parts scattered around the country and many potential manufacturers which can be created easily. The power of the parent company is still strong when it comes to making decisions concerning the contract with the agricultural machinery companies and the method of payment.
The survey shows that agricultural machinery companies are dissatisfied with their market performance. They have much dissatisfaction with the market growth, business performance, or price. And the high rate of increasing debt and the unstable profit-making structure show that they are not in a good management condition.
The overall development plan for the agricultural machinery industry is common throughout the industry, but the same strategies cannot be applied to individual companies because they are in competition. In this study, only common development strategies that can be applied to all the companies have been suggested.
First, the expansion of foreign markets and the stabilization of the domestic market are needed. The manufacturers producing the main agricultural machinery, controlled sprayers, driers and so on need to shift their business focus from the domestic market to the overseas market. It means that all the capabilities including organizations within and outside the company and their research need to be export-oriented. At the same time, the domestic market must be ensured and defended. Without the domestic market, it is hard to enter the global market.
Second, the needs of farmers should be met, and the differentiated policies should be enhanced. Agricultural machinery companies need to improve the quality and performance of their products and, at the same time, be cautious in increasing the price. Also, the actual differentiation needs to be highlighted.
Third, the centralization of research and development is needed. Above all, a thorough review of the content and the method of research and development is required. Lastly, mutual growth should be sought with agricultural machinery parts companies through a coexistence policy. It is because the basic technology development is more likely to be made from the parts companies in the future and we need to prevent excellent parts makers from going out of business.

Development Strategy for Upgrading of the Seed Industry
According to the investigation on the vegetable seed companies, the proportion of the companies, which achieved in 2012 revenue over 10 billion won, was 36.8 % and the companies of revenue under 5 billion won accounted for 57.9%, but the companies of revenue between 5 and 10 billion won accounted for only 5.3%. Consequently the corporate structure of vegetable seed companies can be seen as a polarization by the large and the small companies. The opinion survey about the agricultural policy for the seed industry shows that 70% of the farmers prefer the production and distributions of food seeds by the state. On the other hand, the majority of seed companies prefer the privatization of the food seed industry. As for the breeding promotion policy, most farmers prefer the promotion of the hybrids breeding to the gene manipulation (GM) breeding for the consumer protection and food safety.
For the development of the domestic seed industry, the following measures can be suggested:
1) The basic direction of the seed industry policy should promote the breeding of the hybrid seeds rather than of the GM seeds. The reasons for this are that the safety of GM seeds are still uncertain and the GM breeding ability of domestic industry has no competition ability.
2) In order to protect the indigenous genetic resources from the patent rights of the climate gene by the global enterprises, the Access and Benefit Sharing agreement (ABS) should be executed.
3) The privatization of food seed industry should be introduced gradually. Selecting the seed should be also placed in order. In the transition phase towards privatization, the agricultural cooperative(NACF) plays an important role.
4) To resolve the problem of dual structure in the vegetable seed industry, it is necessary to bring the specialization of certain seeds by the coalition of many small companies.
5) In the fruit and flower industry, the strategy should be developed, in which one accepts the foreign highly qualified varieties as a better technology and looks for ways of cooperation with those foreign companies.

A Study on the Development Strategies for Seed and Seedling Industry to Revitalize Forestry Business
We found the following as the current problem in seedling industry. Both public and private tree nurseries have the same single big problem. That is the shortage of labor and it has been getting worse. Tree nurseries irregularly require much labor during the short period of time and it is getting more difficult in rural areas to recruit labor especially good experienced labor. The shortage of labor is the biggest problem in planting for both public and private forests.
We propose the following as the solutions for the problems of seed and seedling industry. First, it is necessary to establish mid to long term seed supply plan. Based on this, we need to readjust seed production system. It is better to provide only the major seeds from central seed orchard and seeds for special purpose or selected area from the seed stands.
Second, the formulation of the national seed management system can't be done without proper marketing and distribution of seeds. In that sense, early settlement of the producer verification can restrict the usage of unproven seeds to grow saplings for the forestry.
Third, the shortage of labor can be solved by mechanization and facility cultivating, which is less demanding in labor compared with outdoor cultivating. The expansion of facility cultivating in seedling is possible only when the number of species from facility cultivating of national afforestation is increased, not to mention facility itself and related nursery technique. When the facility cultivating is equipped with modern tools and automatic control system, it is much easier to resolve the labor problem in the seedling industry.
Forth, we need to reinforce the infrastructure both tangible and intangible. In the sense, a professional education organization with specialized program would be desirable to make new seed and seedling specialists and keep them by providing supplementary education.
Fifth, Expanding both the research areas and the research volume is necessary. Considering the required long period of time for growing and the difficulty for species differentiation, the application of BT technology including cloning and tissue culture is important but it is better to focus only on core, major species considering the necessary size of budget for the research.

Researchers: Chang-Yong Kang, Soo-Suk Kim, Hyun-Tae Park, Ho-gun Chong, Hye-Sung Han
Research Period: 2013. 1 ~ 2013. 12
E-mail address: cykang@krei.re.kr, funny1978@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론
제2장 농기계산업의 발전방안
제3장 종자산업의 도약을 위한 발전전략
제4장 산림사업 활성화를 위한 종묘산업 발전방안
농림업 후방연관산업의 전략적 발전방안(3의2차년도) - 농기계·종자·산림종묘
후방연관산업; 농기계; 종자; 산림종묘
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