FTA에 대비한 축산물 유통·물류 체계 선진화 방안
- 영문 제목
- A Study on Improving Logistics and Distribution of Meat Products toward Free Trade Agreement
- 저자
- 우병준; 국승용; 김현중; 경준형; (주)하우드 엔지니어링; 
- 출판년도
- 2010-04-30
- 초록
- 해외 축산 선진국과의 FTA 체결과 관세 철폐는 국내산 축산물과 수입 축산물간의 경쟁 심화를 의미한다. 축산물 수입 증가로 인한 국내 축산물 생산 기반의 축소를 막기 위해서는 수입 축산물에 대한 경쟁력 강화가 시급하다. 특히 국내 축산물 유통의 경우 산지 조직화와 생산~판매까지의 통합경영체계 도입 정도가 낮기 때문에 해외 사례와 같이 축산물 전문 판매조직(패커)의 육성을 통해 산업의 효율성과 경쟁력 확보를 추진해야한다.
본 연구는 축산물 경쟁력 제고의 일환으로 축산물 유통 구조와 물류 체계의 개선을 위해 전국 축산물 소비의 50% 이상을 차지하는 수도권에의 “축산물 종합유통센터” 건립을 검토하였다. 수도권에 축산물 종합유통센터를 건립할 경우, 경제적 효과는 물류의 효율화에 따른 비용 절감, 포장 재료의 개선에 따른 비용 절감, 유통단계의 축소에 따른 비용 절감 등으로 나타나며, 10년간 약 673억 원의 사회적 편익이 누적 발생하는 것으로 추정되었다. 이러한 사회적 편익이 발생함에도 불구하고 축산물 종합유통센터 건립은 초기 비용이 매우 높고, 투자비용 대비 수익성이 낮기 때문에 민간 부문에서 단독으로 수행하기에는 어려움이 많다. 따라서 사업의 공익적 측면을 감안할 때 정부의 재정 투입이 요구된다.
The main purpose of the study is to analyze feasibility and set up master plan of establishing meat products distribution center which is targeting capital area consumers. To do this, this study deals with several issues such as domestic meat products distribution and logistics problems, National Agricultural Cooperative Federation(NACF)'s future plans of improving meat produce and distribution competitiveness toward upcoming Free Trade Agreement(FTA), and other related issues.
Korean meat distributing industry faces several problems such as unorganized meat producers and their low market power, hygiene problems of meat processing industry from a rarely adopted batch processing system, delayed respond to the changing marketing environment, and high cost inducing marketing channel and its fixation. To deal with these problems, it is necessary to integrate meat producing, slaughtering, processing, and marketing activities. The integration ensures enhancing market power of meat producers. Thus fostering meat packer from an integration is a key factor to improve efficiency and competitiveness of domestic meat industry.
The meat products distribution center which is analyzed in this study is playing an important role as a link between packer and capital area consumers. More precisely, the meat products distribution center is expected to contribute to merge small less competitive brands, reduce distributing cost, foster meat packer, effectively adjust meat demand and supply.
To analyze economic benefit and financial feasibility of the meat products distribution center, this study calculates a handling capacity of the center using NACF's future domestic meat marketing plan and Korea Rural Economic Institute(KREI)'s agricultural outlook data. With the calculated handling capacity, this study analyzes three proposed site alternatives to establish the meat products distribution center. The estimated economic benefit of the center for 10 years cumulative were 67.26 billion won with NACF's plan and 58.91 billion won with KREI's data. The economic benefit is based on reduced logistics costs and boxing material costs.
Among alternatives, the study counts out "Karak Market" for its limited available space and tight regulations. Thus "Eumsung Market" and "Boocheon-Ojeong Logistics Complex" are considered remaining alternatives. With the alternatives, the study estimates the total constructional and operational cost of the facility which ranged between 23.3 billion won and 88 billion won with NACF's plan while 20.6 to 85.9 billion won with KREI's data.
The results of the financial feasibility analysis show that in a short-term, establishing the center in "Eumsung Market" is financially better than in "Boocheon-Ojeong Logistics Complex". However, "Boocheon-Ojeong Logistics Complex" can provides more available spaces and operational options than "Eumsung Market". This characteristic affected long-term financial condition and makes "Boocheon-Ojeong Logistics Complex" can earn 2.2 billion won more compare to "Eumsung Market" after 10 years of operation.
This study identifies that it is necessary to introduce the meat products distribution center to reduce marketing costs and improve meat hygiene and safety. In addition, the center facilitates restructuring of domestic meat industry by ruling out several deficit operational slaughters and processors. However, it is important to point out that acquiring adequate handling capacity and products stock is the key factor of center's success.
Researchers: Byung-Joon Woo, Seung Yong Gouk, Hyun-Joong Kim, Jun-Hyung Kyung, HAUD Engineering
Research period: 2009. 9. - 2010. 4.
E-mail address: bjwoo@krei.re.kr
- 목차
- 제1장 서론
제2장 축산물 유통 현황
제3장 축산물 유통·물류의 문제점과 개선 방향
제4장 농협의 축산물 공동브랜드 사업과 선결과제
제5장 축산물 종합유통센터의 필요성과 고려사항
제6장 축산물 종합유통센터 건축 계획
제7장 축산물 종합유통센터 건립의 타당성 분석
제8장 요약 및 결론
- 발행처
- 한국농촌경제연구원
- 과제명
- FTA에 대비한 축산물 유통.물류체계 선진화 방안
- 발간물 유형
- KREI 보고서
- 보고서 번호
- C2010-11
- http://repository.krei.re.kr/handle/2018.oak/20804
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