Korea Rural Economic Institue

간척지의 농업적 이용을 위한 종합계획 수립방안

영문 제목
A Study on the Comprehensive Planning for Agricultural Use of Reclaimed Land
박석두;  박시현;  채광석;  김정승
이 연구는 농업용 간척지 30,394㏊를 대상으로 「간척지의 농업적 이용 및 관리에 관한 법률」에 따라 농업적 이용을 위한 종합계획을 수립하는 방안을 제시하는 데 목적이 있다.

The purpose of this study is that targeting 30,394 ㏊ agricultural polders of reclaimed land of 12, to present a comprehensive plan for agricultural use. In the "Act on the agricultural use and management of reclaimed land"enacted in January 2012, this study was conducted on the basis of such provisions to develop a comprehensive plan every five years from January 2014.

The contents of this study is organized as follows. Following the introduction in Chapter 1, in Chapter 2, review on the current states of construction and usage of twelve reclaimed land, the contents of the use system of reclaimed land was made. In Chapter 3, we examined the trends of supply and demand in the international grain markets, reduction of farmland area, the number of farm households and farm population, changes in the agricultural structure and agricultural income, and patterns of food consumption. In Chapter 4, we set goals and direction and basic vision of the agricultural use of reclaimed land, and analyzed the priority of land use of the reclaimed land in crop cultivation. In Chapter 5, firstly we set the target area of each crop that can be grown in reclaimed land, secondly classified the area of all crops into eight groups by purpose of land use, lastly alloted the area of eight groups into each district of 12 reclaimed land. In Chapter 6, we proposed the business promotion procedures and systems for agricultural use of reclaimed land, measures of business execution by stage, application and districts of reclaimed land, and funding methods. In Chapter 7, we studied management and leasing system of reclaimed land, maintenance and repair of agricultural infrastructure in these reclaimed land, and measures for supporting agriculture and agribusiness. Chapter 8 is the Summary and Conclusions.

Researchers: Seok-Doo Park, Shi-Hyun Park, Gwang-Seok Chae, Jeong-Seung Kim
Research Period: 2012.4~2012.12
E-mail Address: sdpark@krei.re.kr
제1장 서 론
제2장 간척지 이용 현황과 이용제도
제3장 국내외 농업여건과 전망
제4장 농업적 이용의 기본방향과 목표 및 토지이용우선순위
제5장 농업적 이용의 용도별 위치와 면적
제6장 간척지의 농업적 이용을 위한 사업추진 방안
제7장 간척지 관리 및 운영 방안
제8장 요약 및 결론
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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