Sustainable and Effective Farmland Use in Viet Nam Case Study in the Red River Delta and Practical Experiences from Korea
- 저자
- Vu Thuc Linh; 김홍상; 
- 출판년도
- 2014-12-30
- 초록
- Agriculture is very important to Viet Nam as it plays role in ensuring the national food security, poverty reduction, and preservation of natural landscape, the economic growth of the country. With more than 70% of the population living in rural areas and 48% of population live on farming directly, so the farmland is very valuable assets to rural households, especially the poor farmers who are depending very much on cultivating activities as for their livelihood. Hence, the efficient use of farmland is necessary to increase agricultural productivity and its competitiveness in the international market, as well as to improve income for farm households.
The research try to review and identify issues in farmland use in Viet Nam, particularly in the Red River Delta to make recommendations for improvement of efficient use of farmland referring Korean practical experiences in farmland management and preservation through programs on farmland bank and farmland consolidation.
The research includes five chapters. The first chapter is about the general introduction of the research. The second chapter mentions on the agriculture and farmland use in Viet Nam. Matters such as impact of climate change on farmland use and impact of farmland use to the national food security are also focused. The next chapter is about the farmland use in the Red River Delta and issues in farmland use. At this chapter, the research had found issues of land fragmentation and farmland reduction that the Red River Delta are now facing with and limit to the agricultural development, reduce the competitiveness of agricultural products of the region. The chapter four on Korea experiences on farmland management and preservation through its programs on farmland bank and farmland consolidation is as important foundation for the final chapter to make recommendations for the efficient farmland use and management in Viet Nam and in the Red River Delta in the future, as well.
- 목차
- Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Agriculture and farmland use in Viet Nam
Chapter 3 Agriculture and farmland use in the Red River Delta
Chapter 4 Experiences on farmland use in Korea
Chapter 5 Conclusion and recommendations
- 발행처
- 한국농촌경제연구원
- 발간물 유형
- KREI 보고서
- 보고서 번호
- D388
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