동북아농정연구포럼(FANEA) 2014 활동보고서
- 영문 제목
- 2014 FANEA Annual Report
- 저자
- 문한필; 서대석; 유혜영; 이정연; 임수현; 
- 출판년도
- 2014-12-30
- 초록
- 동북아농정연구포럼(FANEA)은 한국농촌경제연구원이 중국농업과학원 농업경제발전연구소(IAED/CAAS), 일본농림수산성 농림수산정책연구소(PRIMAFF)와 함께 한·중·일 3개국 농업·농촌정책 관련 정보 및 자료의 교류와 학술 활동 촉진을 목적으로 2003년 설립된 포럼이다.
FANEA는 설립 목적에 부합하기 위해 3개 기관이 공동주최하는 국제심포지엄을 매년 개최해 오고 있으며, 2003년 10월 제1회 국제심포지엄(한국 서울 개최)을 시작으로 2014년 6월, 제10회 국제심포지엄이 우리나라에서 개최되었다. 제10회 국제심포지엄은 ‘농업의 6차 산업화와 신가치 창출'을 주제로 한·중·일 3개국 전문가들이 각국의 현황과 지원정책을 발표하고 공동의 관심사에 대해서 토론하였다.
이 보고서는 2014년도 동북아농정연구포럼(FANEA) 사업의 활동보고서로 제10회 국제심포지엄 발표논문 전체를 수록함으로써 정부, 학계, 농업 관련기관 등에 필요한 자료를 제공하기 위해 작성되었다.
The 10th FANEA international symposium was held on June 12, 2014 at the Korea Rural Economic Institute. Six papers were presented and discussions ensued among experts from Korea, China and Japan on the theme of “The Sixth Industrialization of Agriculture and the Creation of New Value in the Agricultural Industry.”
From the Korean side, President Choi Sei-kyun of the Korea Rural Economic Institute and five researchers from the institute participated in the event as a moderator, a speaker and discussants. China and Japan also took part with six and seven members. Among them were Qin Fu, Director General of the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences) and Yoshimura Kaoru, Director General of Japan's Policy Research Institute (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries).
The three institutions decided to perform the joint study on the sixth industrialization of agriculture in Korea, China and Japan from December 2013 to June 2014, and published a report of the three countries’ research results through this symposium.
In all the three nations, rural areas’ negative changes, including the aging and decreasing population and the widening urban-rural income gap, have become an obstacle to vitalizing the areas, although the degree and the period are different. To slow or reverse this phenomenon, it was agreed that the revitalization of the regional economy and the development of specialized local industries should be strengthened through the sixth industrialization centered on agriculture. Based on this awareness, the three countries analyzed cases through joint research, drew vitalization plans given each nation’s policy environment, and shared the results in this FANEA symposium. It is especially evaluated to be very meaningful that the sixth industrialization plans were drawn from each nation’s new viewpoint. Korea also seems to be able to seek for ways to invigorate the domestic sixth industry through implications and policy tasks drawn from an analysis of the three countries’ support policies and cases of the sixth industrialization of agriculture and rural areas.
Prior to the seminar, the heads of the three institutes who highly appreciated the outcomes of the joint study had discussions on how to conduct joint research and promote research cooperation and human exchanges among them for next year’s symposium. They also had a discussion on the theme of the 11th FANEA symposium and tentatively set the main theme as “Remote Areas Development and Agricultural Policy Assessment.” Next year’s symposium will be hosted in China, and Hainan and Yunnan provinces were selected as candidates given Beijing’s weather conditions in summer. The concrete schedule and venue will be discussed later.
The 10th FANEA international symposium is expected to contribute to promoting the three institutes’ increased mutual understanding and personal exchanges and strengthening internationalization capabilities and cooperation by actively conducting joint and comparative studies on the common interests.
Researchers: Moon Han-pil
Research period: 2014. 1. - 2014. 12.
E-mail address: hanpil@krei.re.kr
- 목차
- 제1장 FANEA 운영 현황
제2장 2014년도 주요 사업별 추진실적
- 발행처
- 한국농촌경제연구원
- 발간물 유형
- KREI 보고서
- 보고서 번호
- M129
- http://repository.krei.re.kr/handle/2018.oak/21006
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