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dc.description.abstract축산업 계열화는 1990년대부터 본격적으로 시작되어 육계, 오리, 양돈산업에서 상당한 비중을 차지하고 있다. 축산계열화가 급속하게 진행되면서 농가소득 안정과 축산업의 외양 발전과 같은 긍정적인 요인 이외에 계열업체와 계약농가의 불평등한 계약관계에서 비롯한 각종 문제점들이 불거지고 있다.정부는 이러한 문제점을 인식하고, 제도 정비와 법률 제정을 통해 축산계열화사업의 질적 성장을 도모하고 있다. 이 연구는 이러한 배경에서 육계산업을 중심으로 우리나라 축산계열화사업의 현황을 살펴보고 지금까지의 성과를 분석하고 있다. 또한 이를 바탕으로 축산계열화사업의 지속적 발전을 위한 미래 과제도 제시하고 있다.-
dc.description.abstractThe Korean government has introduced the “law of Livestock industry integration” in 2013. The main purpose of this study is to assess a law-abidingness of poultry industry after the legislation. This study also pursues drawing a task for a successful livestock industry integration policy. To achieve the purpose, this study summarizes a concept and history of a livestock industry integration in Korea. The keystone of the “law of Livestock industry integration” and related regulations are reviewed in the study. This study shows that top 10 poultry packers’ slaughtering volume occupied 70.4 percent of total domestic poultry slaughtering in 2014. This study estimated the Korean poultry market concentration rate, and its annual growth rate is less than 2 percent during last 10 years. The estimated CR3, CR5, and CR8 are 36%, 50.5%, and 64.7% each. In addition, estimated HHI shows that the annual growth rate of the Korean poultry market is less than 3 percent. All those outcomes confirm that the Korean poultry market is not a perfectly oligopoly market. The becoming of oligopoly market is currently underway but the competition between high-ranked packers is getting deepened.After introducing the livestock industry integration policy, the poultry productivity index increased from 203.5 in 2000 to 294 in 2013. Especially contracted farms show highly increased outcome compared to non-contracted farms. Farmers replied to the survey that the “law of Livestock industry integration” positively affects several rearing contract related issues. The survey result from 94 poultry farms shows that farms’ annual number of breeding is about 5 times and average commission is about 23,600 thousand won for a time. The main reasons of farmers’ changing contractor are replied as “quality of chick”, “the amounts of commission”, and “commission evaluation system.” These replies mean farmers still feel disadvantage by packers after introducing the “law of Livestock industry integration” in 2013. This study realizes the main task for improving livestock industry integration policy is forming the mutual trust between farmers and packers in rearing contract. To meet this end, several policy improvements are necessary such as “prompt introducing and adopting use of standard form contract”, “forming and strengthening the farmer-council toward contractors or packers”, and “monitoring illegal activities of packers.” The U.S. “Packers and Stockyards Program” is also a good example to improve relationship between farms and packers towards better partnership. Introducing a better standard, such as productivity measure or efficiency measure, to analyze a performance of the related policy is another key to achieve better industry structure. Researchers: Woo Byung-joon, Kim Hyung-jinResearch period: 2014. 12. ~ 2015. 2.E-mail address: bjwoo@krei.re.kr-
dc.description.tableofcontents제1장 서론제2장 육계산업 현황과 구조제3장 육계계열화사업 도입과 현황제4장 계열화사업 문제점과 성과제5장 계열화사업 발전 과제-
dc.title축산계열화사업 성과와 과제: 육계산업을 중심으로-
dc.title.alternativePerformance and Emerging Issues of Vertical Integration Policy in the Livestock Industry-
dc.typeKREI 보고서-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameWoo, Byungjoon-
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