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dc.description.abstract일반인에게는 익숙하지 않은 ‘상토’는 농사의 출발인 어린 묘를 키우는 인공 흙으로 그 중요성은 다른 농자재에 비길만하다. 과거 농가 단위에서 어린 묘를 키우던 시절에 상토는 꼭 필요한 자재는 아니었다. 벼의 경우에도 농민들은 황토를 곱게 만들어 못자리용 흙으로 사용하는 것이 전부였다. 고품질 농산물 생산체계가 정립되면서 농민들은 튼튼하고 좋은 어린 묘를 키워내야 하는 부담을 안게 되었다. 하지만 농민 스스로 적절한 육묘용 흙을 만드는 것은 매우 어렵다. 특히 대규모 농작물 재배시 우량 육묘 재배를 위한 농민 스스로의 인공 흙 생산은 일시에 불가능하다. 이제 상토는 개별 농민이 아닌 전문화된 회사에서 생산·판매하고 있다. 수도용의 경우 지방자치단체들의 지원에 의해 사용량이 증가하고 있다. 원예용은 전문 육묘상들이 중심이 되어 사용하고 있다. 일부는 수입되고 있다. 문제는 품질 좋은 묘 생산을 위해 우량의 상토가 생산, 공급되어야 함에도 불구하고 그동안 이러한 부분에 대한 정책적 관심이 거의 없었다는 점이다. 생산과 소비실태조차 파악이 되어있지 않다. 그동안 일부 품질과 제도에 대한 단편적인 지적과 주장은 있었지만 산업과 농민들에 대한 조사결과로 전체적인 문제를 정리하고 개선방안을 강구한 것은 이 연구가 처음이다.-
dc.description.abstractObjective of Research Artificial Substrate is artificial soil with components and properties ideal for seedlings, and a kind of agricultural material used for growing young plants. While the steps of producing agricultural products are subdivided, and the importance of growing young plants is emphasized, high-quality Artificial Substrate is produced and sold. Bad Artificial Substrate results in damaging young plants and can be a trouble in growing agricultural products. This is why people are interested in Artificial Substrate. By the way, there are a lot of complaints around the Artificial Substrate. Farmers and large-scale nurseries who use a lot of Artificial Substrate, and the collective paddy management members complain about inconsistent quality and non-diversity of Artificial Substrate. Artificial Substrate providers complain about Nonghyup’s aggressive intervention in the market, and delays in fund circulation obtained by selling products. Most raw materials for producing Artificial Substrate are imported, of which the price is not stable, and it is hard to secure the required volume of imported Artificial Substrate at proper time. Although a significant volume of Artificial Substrate important for growing young plants has been used for a long time, there is no comprehensive Artificial Substrate study conducted. The volume of produced Artificial Substrate is unknown. The market volume is estimated to be 150~250 billion won. The portions of Artificial Substrate for rice grown in paddies and horticulture are presumed to be 70% and 30%, respectively. Various issues discovered in various fields and the request of solutions led to this study. In the light of relative importance, the low level of political interest should be corrected. Although local governments provide subsidies which are also from the central government’s support, this implies subsidies are important as such. Little study has been comprehensively done on the aforementioned issues so far. This study aims to investigate general various issues of Artificial Substrate, and describe resulting information. This study describes the analyzed assessment about the process of using Artificial Substrate and after using it by farmers and nurseries to investigate Artificial Substrate producer’s management and outcomes. This study suggests a strategy for addressing the issues found through the investigation and analysis. Another strategy is suggested to develop the Artificial Substrate industry and guide an ideal use of good Artificial Substrate. Result of Study Programs and extraneous variables Artificial Substrate, which has been in a blind spot of regulations, has been managed by the process specification provided in the Fertilizer Control Act since 2013, and classified as No.1 and No.2. The Act provides weight criteria and rules on used raw materials. Most raw materials used in producing Artificial Substrate are imported. Exemplary raw materials include zeolite, diatomite, yellow soil, granite soil, peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, cocopeat, etc. Although the technology for producing Artificial Substrate is not so simple in subdivided steps, it does not need a cutting-edge technology. The basic process of producing Artificial Substrate is just processing and mixing the raw materials. Production and demands of Artificial Substrate is seasonal like ordinary agricultural materials. Although the structure of distributing Artificial Substrate is not complicated, actions and transaction practices among distributors are very different. The Artificial Substrate for rice grown in paddy fields and horticulture has different distribution structure, and has different fund circulation structure after being sold. In particular, Artificial Substrate producers are partially dissatisfied with Nonghyup in the subsidy payment process. The macro economic variable changes related to the Artificial Substrate market do not look positive. In particular, the reduced area for rice grown in paddy fields, fruits and vegetables is a change negative to the growth of the future Artificial Substrate market. In most cases, while the subsidy for buying agricultural materials is given by the central government, the subsidy for Artificial Substrate is given by local governments. Each local government employs different scale and method of providing the subsidy for Artificial Substrate. The subsidy currently focuses on rice grown in paddy fields, and does not cover horticulture. Artificial Substrate industry The volume of Korea’s Artificial Substrate market is estimated to be approximately 160 billion won. The volume of Artificial Substrate sales has continued to grow so far. The amount of sold Artificial Substrate is increasing every year. Operation of Artificial Substrate production facilities is highly seasonal. It is because the peak of Artificial Substrate demands is from March to May. Although they are interested in technology development, Artificial Substrate producers invest just 0.6% of sales therein. It is because developing a new product is not so hard, that is, there is no urgent need of R&D, and no differentiation in developed products contributes to their judgement. A special method of sales promotion is not studied. The number of Artificial Substrate distributors who have a relation with producers has increased from 300 to 360 for the last 3 years. Most of them are agents. This implies intense expansion of a sales network. Sales commission paid to distributors is not fixed, and estimated to be roughly 15%. Many Artificial Substrate producers value repeat-purchase loyalty. The biggest reason for this is quality (42%). However, if there is no significant difference in quality and price, it seems there would be a lot of repeat-purchase loyalty attributable to personal connections and service. The potential of new entry from the outside is very high. It is because the facilities for producing Artificial Substrate are very universal to be used for other purpose, and it is not hard to secure new land, equipment and facilities. Differentiation indicators for entry barriers are evaluated low. There is no institutional barrier. Artificial Substrate price discount competition is intense in the distribution market. Price discount is provided. Marketability and evaluation of Artificial Substrate producers are slightly low. However, they have a relatively stable profit structure. Nonetheless, Artificial Substrate producers hesitate to increase and invest funds in the fixed asset or equity capital. Farmers and nurseries who use Artificial Substrate Farmers are aware of the necessity of Artificial Substrate. They think it is necessary to continue to buy it although they cannot have access to the subsidies. They highly depend on acquaintance’s opinion to buy Artificial Substrate. They little depend on and trust producers, or agents to buy it. They want to access necessary information because they know Artificial Substrate is important. Most farmers read the information written on the Artificial Substrate bag, and know Artificial Substrate specification and raw materials. Farmers’ first priority in buying Artificial Substrate is quality followed by price. They often change Artificial Substrate producers because they are not satisfied with quality and price thereof. Of course, they buy different producer’s Artificial Substrate through acquaintance’s recommendation. Farmers think Artificial Substrate of each producer is not so much different. However, it does not mean their low satisfaction. In addition, they recognize the difference in specification and price of each producer’s Artificial Substrate. Farmers have positive opinion for the future Artificial Substrate market. However, because it is not easy for local governments to expand subsidies in reality, they don't think fast increase of Artificial Substrate use would happen as it did in the past. The collective paddy management (operates a joint nursery) who uses a lot of Artificial Substrate for rice grown in paddy fields obtains required information from colleagues, and trusts the obtained information the most. Its members do not depend on Nonghyup or producers (agents) much similarly to farmers. They value quality the most as an important selection indicator. They do not care about prices much. They buy different producer’s Artificial Substrate if the current Artificial Substrate is not good in quality. It is because large-scale plant growers require high-quality Artificial Substrate. The collective paddy management members are highly satisfied with Artificial Substrate they use. It is similar to the response of farmers. This does not mean that Artificial Substrate quality of each producer is highly differentiated. They admit the difference in specifications, prices and subsidies for each product. Because they are not fully aware of subsidies, 30% of members have not received the subsidies in some municipalities. The prospect of the future market for bulk Artificial Substrate buyers, for example, at least a ton, is slightly increasing. The increase is a trade-off with a decrease in farmer’s use, that is, an offset occurs. Nurseries Because they think themselves experts, nursery people are very confident of their job. Their first indicator for buying Artificial Substrate is quality (47.1%), and they value their experience (23.5%). like the collective paddy management member do, they do not care about prices or post-service. They have often changed Artificial Substrate brands because of a quality issue. Nurseries who complain inconsistent quality of Artificial Substrate produced in Korea are highly likely to use Artificial Substrate of foreign brand. They say they will buy more imported Artificial Substrate because its quality is consistent. In many cases, they buy Artificial Substrate produced in Korea in bulk along with imported Artificial Substrate. They do not differentiate each Artificial Substrate like farmers and the collective paddy management members, but their satisfaction is not low. Of course, their satisfaction in Artificial Substrate produced in Korea is relatively low in comparison with imported Artificial Substrate. They recognize the difference in specification, prices and subsidies for each product. They also want precise information and knowledge about how to use Artificial Substrate, and say they read the contents written on the bags. The growing seedling market contributes to brightening the future of the Artificial Substrate market. However, because the Artificial Substrate for rice grown in paddy fields that accounts for a large portion in the total market is almost saturated, it is the opinion of horticultural nurseries which account for about 30% and it is not predicted that the future market will significantly grow. Strategy for Developing the Industry The strategy for developing the Artificial Substrate industry is described, focusing on the above analyzed data. This study suggests 7 fundamental actions to be conducted about various conditions and situations. 1) Develop the industry given the stagnant domestic market. 2) Diversify the Artificial Substrate-dependent management. 3) Establish a method of securing raw materials. 4) Endeavor to mitigate competition among Artificial Substrate producers. 5) Be ready for expansion into the overseas market for Artificial Substrate export. 6) Establish programs for sales promotion and training programs. 7) Develop Artificial Substrate consumers want, and manage its specification. The strategy for developing the Artificial Substrate industry suggested on the basis of the above fundamental actions is described below. 1> Restructure the domestic Artificial Substrate industry. 2> Diversify management. 3>Implement joint purchase of raw materials. 4> Expand investment in technology and development. 5> Install and operate domestic and overseas market expansion teams. 6> Review the distribution system including joint delivery. 7> Execute Korea’s consumer protection and training programs. 8> Establish an institutional or autonomous quality management system. However, the strategy for development suggested in this study is not for all Artificial Substrate producers. The strategy may be revised depending on producer’s situations and owner’s view toward the future. In fact, because it is hard to know the future situations, the current issues and strategies may not be ideal in the future. Therefore, more studies should be done for the future situations in this regard. Researchers: Kang Chang-yong, Park Hyun-tae, Seo Dae-seok, Kang Seong-pil Research period : 2014. 1. ~ 2014. 12. E-mail address: cykang@krei.re.kr <mailto:cykang@krei.re.kr>-
dc.description.tableofcontents제1장 서론 제2장 상토의 의의와 거시변수 제3장 상토산업 실태와 문제 제4장 상토사용 실태와 문제 제5장 상토산업 발전방안-
dc.title상토산업의 발전방안-
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment Strategy for the Artificial Substrate Industry-
dc.typeKREI 보고서-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameKang, Changyong-
dc.contributor.alternativeNamePark, Hyuntae-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameSuh, Daeseok-
dc.relation.isPartOf농림업 후방연관산업의 전략적 발전방안(3의3차년도) - 친환경 농자재, 상토와 유기질 비료-
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