논농업 효율화를 위한 들녘경영체 육성방안

영문 제목
Plan for Promotion of Cooperative Agricultural Enterprises for Rice Farming Efficiency
정부는 쌀 산업의 경쟁력 제고와 논농업의 생산기반 강화를 위하여 논농업 효율화하는 방안으로 들녘단위의 조직화를 추진하는 “들녘경영체육성정책”을 추진하고 있다.

쌀농업의 경쟁력 확보를 위해서는 생산단지의 규모화·조직화를 통하여 들녘단위의 저비용·고품질 생산시스템 확보와 논 농업의 소득 기반을 강화하기 위한 복합화·다각화 등을 유도할 수 있는 경영혁신시스템을 구축하자는 것이다. 시장개방에 대응하여 논농업 효율화를 위한 들녘경영체 육성사업의 효과적인 추진방안을 모색하는 것이 중요하며, 들녘경영체 육성을 통한 논농업의 효율화만이 아니라 밭농업에서도 조직경영이 확산되도록 성공모델을 제공하는 것이 필요하다.

이 연구는 현재 논 농업 경영체 육성정책의 일환으로 추진 중인 들녘단위의 조직경영체인 들녘경영체의 실태를 평가하고, 이를 통해 육성모델 및 지원체계에 대한 개선방안을 제시함으로써 들녘경영체의 효율적이고 체계적인 육성을 도모하고자 하였다.

주요 연구내용으로 들녘경영체 육성의 기본시각, 들녘경영체 육성정책의 동향과 문제점, 들녘경영체의 실태·사례 및 경영성과, 일본의 집락영농 정책동향과 추진사례를 검토한 결과를 바탕으로 들녘경영체의 육성방향과 들녘경영체 육성정책의 효율화 방안을 제시하였다.
Since the promotion of rice tariffication, the competitiveness enhancement of domestic rice farming has emerged as a major policy challenge. Although the rice farming is recognized as an agriculture with relatively low profitability while rice prices fall due to excessive rice production, etc., it can be referred to as a critical task to maintain a certain level of rice farming for food security, maintaining multi-functionality of agriculture.
In order to secure the competitiveness of rice agriculture, it is necessary to secure the production system with low-cost and high quality by field units through a large-scaled and organized production complex, and to establish the innovative management system that can lead to such complexation and diversification for enhancing the agricultural income base. This study intends to place a focus on the presentation of a promotion model suitable for regional characteristics through understanding and evaluation of the status of agricultural firms by the fields, and also on the research that leads to the income source diversification through co-work for a more effective model.
Major contents of this study are as follows. Chapter 2 reviewed the primary view on the promotion of farming firms and its expected effect. Specifically, this chapter examined the challenges that rice farming and the rice industry are confronted with, and the expected effects that agricultural firms have. Chapter 3 reviewed the trends and issues of the rice farming firm promotion policy. Specifically, this chapter examined the trends of policies and others related to rice farming firms conducted by the central government and local governments, and their problems in view of policy implementation. Chapter 4 reviewed the status and operating practices of the rice farming firms. In particular, this chapter examined the management status, management performance and best practices of 55 facility and equipment supporting businesses, and reviewed the implications associated with the promotion of them. Chapter 5 examined the trends and practices of colonized agricultural policy in Japan. Finally, chapter 6 presented the direction of promotion of rice farming firms for rice agriculture efficiency and the efficiency policy for rice farming firms promotion.
As the major research methods, first, the preceding study related to rice farming firms and the policy data of the central and local governments were reviewed. Second, the survey was carried out to examine the actual status of rice farming firms. Third, the practices of rice farming firms were surveyed. Fourth, the case studies were carried out on institutional and policy trends in Japan. Fifth, policy experts meetings were held.
The basic directions of rice farming promotion are: ① social and economic organization management firms, ② fostering regionally differentiated business models, and ③ establishment of rice agricultural supporting systems by regions.

Researchers: Park Moonho, Hwang Euisik and Heo Joonyung
Research period: 2015. 1. ~ 2015. 10.
E-mail address: mhpark@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론
제2장 들녘경영체 육성의 기본시각
제3장 들녘경영체 육성정책의 동향과 문제점
제4장 들녘경영체의 실태분석
제5장 일본의 집락영농 정책동향과 운영사례
제6장 논농업 효율화를 위한 들녘경영체 육성방안
논농업 효율화를 위한 들녘 경영체 육성방안
논농업; 들녘경영체
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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