농촌주민의 사회경제적 역량을 활용한 마을복지 활성화 방향과 과제

영문 제목
A Study on the Direction and Policy Tasks of Village Welfare Activation Utilizing the Competence of Rural Residents
최근 저성장시대의 도래, 농촌인구의 급속한 고령화, 사회복지전달체계에서의 국가와 시장의 역할 한계 등으로 인해서 마을공동체 및 마을복지의 중요성이 부각되고 있다. 이것은 이웃에 대한 관심과 배려, 호혜, 나눔, 협동이 있는 마을공동체의 복원과 활성화를 통해서 산업화와 도시화 등으로 생겨난 여러 가지 사회문제를 상당 수준까지 해결할 수 있다고 생각하기 때문이다.

농촌주민의 사회경제적 역량을 복지자원으로 활용하면 우리나라의 낮은 복지 재정 수준으로 인한 문제점과 주민들의 다양한 복지욕구를 제대로 충족시키지 못하고 있는 현행 사회복지서비스의 약점을 상당히 보완할 수 있다.

그리하여 이 연구는 농촌주민의 사회경제적 역량과 마을복지 활성화 실태를 조사하고, 관련 우수사례와 정책 및 제도 등을 검토하여 농촌주민의 사회경제적 역량을 활용한 마을복지 활성화의 방향과 과제를 제시하였다.
Background of Research
The purpose of this study is 1) to investigate the current situation of rural residents’ competence and village welfare activation, 2) to identify the current conditions and problems of related policies, and 3) to suggest the direction and policy tasks of village welfare activation utilizing the competence of rural residents.

Method of Research
The major research methods were the field survey, telephone survey, focus group interview, overseas field survey, and investigation of existing data. The field survey was conducted among 300 rural residents. The telephone survey was conducted among 120 social organizations. Three focus group interviews were conducted. The overseas field survey was conducted in Germany. Existing related data were collected by searching the data of related research institutes and governmental organizations. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentage, means and t-test, multiple regression analysis were used to organize and summarize the data.

Research Results and Implications
The basic direction of village welfare activation utilizing the competence of rural residents is as follows: ① active uses of rural residents’ competence, ② strengthening socio-economic competence, and ③ 5 types of policy approaches (ⓐ complementing the blind spot of national welfare, ⓑ supplementation of areas where social welfare services are absolutely insufficient, ⓒ improvement of existing national welfare projects, ⓓ promotion of unique village welfare projects, and ⓔ improvement of legal and institutional basis).
Major policy tasks to activate the village welfare utilizing the competence of rural residents in complementing the blind spot of national welfare are ① care for mild dementia patients, and ② promotion of village welfare projects during the non-farming season.
Major policy tasks to activate the village welfare utilizing the competence of rural residents in the supplementation of areas where social welfare services are absolutely insufficient are ① enlargement of talking partner service, and ② provision of community meals during the major farming season.
Major policy tasks to activate the village welfare utilizing the competence of rural residents in the improvement of existing national welfare projects are ① happy package business, ② elderly group home, ③ information education for the rural elderly, and ④ village side dish service.
A major policy task to activate the village welfare utilizing the competence of rural residents in the promotion of unique village welfare projects is utilizing village property funds.
Major policy tasks to activate the village welfare utilizing the competence of rural residents in the improvement of legal and institutional basis are ① construction of a national village welfare support system, ② activation of local social security councils, and ③ improvement of welfare hub business.

Researchers: Park Daeshik, An Sok, Oh Jeonghun
Research Period: 2016. 1. ~ 2016. 10.
E-mail address: pds8382@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론
제2장 마을복지 활성화 관련 이론적 검토
제3장 농촌주민의 사회경제적 역량과 마을복지 활성화 실태
제4장 농촌주민의 사회경제적 역량을 활용한 마을복지 활성화 사례
제5장 농촌 마을복지 활성화 관련 우리나라의 정책과 제도
제6장 농촌주민의 사회경제적 역량을 활용한 마을복지 활성화 방향과 과제
제7장 요약 및 결론
농촌주민의 사회경제적 역량을 활용한 마을복지 활성화 방향과 과제
농촌주민; 마을복지
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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