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dc.description.abstract「농촌경제(Journal of Rural Development)」는 한국연구재단에 등재된 농업ㆍ농촌분야의 전문학술지로 1년에 4번 (3월, 6월, 9월, 12월) 발간된다. 2016년 12월에는 영문특별호가 추가 발간되었다.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsComprehensive Rural Development Strategies of Korea and their Implications to Developing Countries [Jang_Heo Yun-jung_Kim] Assessment of Market Power and Cost Efficiency Effects in the U.S. Beef Packing Industry [In-bae_Ji Chan-jin_Chung] Revisiting the Classified Milk Pricing System: Seasonal and Spatial Milk Pricing in the U.S. [Hong-seok_Seo Bruce_A._McCarl] Multilevel Analysis on Mother’s Nutrition Label Use and Children’s Propensity for Being Overweight [Sung-ju_Cho Sang-hyeon_Lee] Construction of the Rural Development Index: The Case of Vietnam [Tae-hwa_Kim Seung-ryong_Yang] A Way forward to Sustainable International Forestry Cooperation: A Case Study of the ‘Greenbelt Plantation Project in Mongolia’ [Dae-seob_Lee Gyu-mi_Ahn]-
dc.title농촌경제(JRD) 제39권 특별호-
dc.title.alternativeJournal of Rural Development vol.39 special issue-
dc.typeKREI 논문-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameKorea Rural Economic Institute-
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