「농촌경제(Journal of Rural Development)」는 한국연구재단에 등재된 농업ㆍ농촌분야의 전문학술지로 1년에 4번 (3월, 6월, 9월, 12월) 발간된다.
2017년 12월에는 영문특별호가 추가 발간되었다.
Forest Carbon Sequestration and Optimal Harvesting Decision Considering Southern Pine Beetle (SPB) Disturbance: A Real Option Approach _ An Hyun-jin
An Economic Effect of the Crop Insurance at the Farmland in Korea _ Park Ji-yun , Kim Chang-gil
The Production and Dissemination of Agricultural Knowledge at U.S. Research Universities: The Role and Mission of Land-Grant Universities _ Lee Yoo Hwan , Gregory D. Graff
Impact of Increased Imports of Agricultural Products due to FTAs on Domestic Price Decline _ Jeong Min-kook , Moon Han-pil , Song Woo-jin
Trends in South Korea’s Grants-Based Aid for Agricultural Sector in Developing Countries _ Lee Hye-jin