지역단위 6차산업화 활성화 방안

영문 제목
Ways to Promote the Regional 6th Industrialization
김용렬정도채 (isni=000000004658716X)이형용
6차산업화 정책은 시장개방, 고령화 등 농업의 대내외적인 환경 변화 속에서 상대적으로 영세한 농업 구조 문제를 해결하기 위한 노력의 일환으로 추진되었다. 정부는 농촌 지역 일자리 확충과 새로운 부가가치 창출을 목표로 농식품 가공, 농촌 체험‧관광 분야에서 농가 경영체의 경영 다각화를 지원하기 위해 다양한 사업을 추진해오고 있다.

이 보고서는 농업의 6차산업화 추진 과정과 6차산업화와 관련한 기존의 제도와 정책들이 어떤 문제점을 안고 있는지를 진단하고, 지속가능한 6차산업화를 위한 조건들은 무엇인지 등을 지역단위 산업생태계의 건전화라는 차원에서 발전 방안을 모색한다.

그동안의 농업·농촌 6차산업화는 눈에 띄는 외연적 성장을 이루었으나, 스스로 지속가능한 6차산업의 활성화를 위한 지역단위의 정책과 스스로의 노력들이 충분히 이루어졌는지에 대해서는 아직까지 의문을 갖게 한다. 지역의 산업생태계는 발달단계에 따라 참여주체들 간 협력, 갈등, 갈등 해소, 새로운 협력의 과정을 거치고 있으며, 결국 협력을 통해 건전한 산업생태계를 구성할 수 있다. 따라서 6차산업화에 참여하고 있는 지역과 경영체는 스스로의 6차산업이 어느 시점에 와 있는지, 어디를 향하고 있는지를 판단해야 할 것이며, 상생을 위한 건전한 산업생태계 형성에서 협력할 수 있는 것은 무엇인지를 끊임없이 고민해야 한다. 이와 함께 정부의 정책은 이러한 지역의 고민을 해결할 수 있도록 지원해야 할 것이다.
Purpose of Research
To improve an ecosystem of the regional 6th industrialization, this study analyzed problems of the current related system and policies, and the present cooperation system. From the analysis, the study drew ways to promote the sustainable regional 6th industrialization with a healthy ecosystem in rural areas. To create a healthy ecosystem of the regional 6th industrialization, this study analyzed the health of the current ecosystem, and derived ways to boost the industrialization based on a sustainable cooperation system led by each region.

Chapter 2 set a relationship between the regional 6th industrialization and an industrial ecosystem, and examined conditions ideal for “cooperation,” the key element. The regional 6th industrialization structure is that the convergence or combination of the agriculture, manufacturing, and service industries in a certain region creates synergy. In this regard, the regional 6th industrialization can be reviewed at a micro level of a regional industrial ecosystem.
A major example is the specialized regional industries. The specialized rural industries, clustered by utilizing agricultural specialties and rural resources, can be approached in the aspect of a micro regional industrial ecosystem. Therefore, concerning a certain region’s specialized industries, a representative ecosystem structure of the regional 6th industrialization is an ecosystem among companies in the region, the knowledge base such as universities and research institutes, and business support institutions that provide various services.
For the sustainable regional 6th industrialization, cooperation and competition among actors are very important. This is the same in the industrial ecosystem. It is needed to analyze cooperation conditions necessary for the regional 6th industrialization that maintains a healthy ecosystem. Accordingly, this study theoretically identified under what conditions actors of the industrialization cooperate with one another, and under what constraints such cooperation is not smooth, and identified the most effective policy to induce cooperation.
In conclusion, for the regional 6th industrialization with smooth cooperation, the following principles are necessary. First, as actors who want to cooperate increase, profit from cooperation should grow proportionally. Second, if the government provides support for cooperation, it should provide continued support and reduce fixed cost. Third, there is a limit in the structure where profit from cooperation is distributed equally to all participants. It is important to distribute the profit transparently, objectively, and efficiently. A system is needed to find reasonable distribution conditions such as the Sharpley value, and reasonably distribute incentives according to participation.

Research Result and Implications
Chapter 3 examined domestic and foreign trends in the 6th industrialization and related policies. The chapter reviewed domestic trends in individual enterprises’ 6th industrialization and policies for the regional 6th industrialization, and conducted policy assessment targeting beneficiaries, thereby drawing implications. Also, this chapter examined the cases of Japan and Germany to derive implications for policy.
As shown in the analysis of conditions for cooperation for the sustainable regional 6th industry, the current state of and policies for the domestic 6th industry show that sound cooperation needs policies that create synergy from cooperation. Profit from cooperation should increase proportionally, and policy support for this is necessary. In addition, for sustainable cooperation, the profit should be reasonably distributed. However, the present policies are insufficient to satisfy these conditions.
Planned preparation is also inadequate at the regional level. As pointed out in policy assessment, despite the enforcement of the related law and the establishment of the central government’s plan according to the law, planning at the regional level is insufficient. It is one of the reasons for difficulty in the systematic regional 6th industrialization. Planning is both the result and the process. The planning process is an opportunity to learn by forming a consensus and grasping reality. This implies that it is important to set up sound regional plans.
The cases of Japan and Germany were examined as overseas cases. The case of Japan has the following implications. First, as implementing actors are in a wide area, the content of projects should be clarified, and key actors are needed to faithfully carry out the projects for a long time. There were key actors in all cases of Japan’s regional 6th industrialization. The actors, including farms, agricultural cooperatives, local governments, and regional public organizations, are key members in the industrialization. The key members need the ability to identify the overall regional reality such as local resources for the 6th industrialization, and the ability to embrace all members. This leads to the expansion of the range of business, which drives the sustainable 6th industrialization.
Second, the role of agriculture-related institutions, including local governments and agricultural cooperatives, is important in the regional 6th industrialization. For the industrialization, it is required to know the local reality related to agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, and exchange with local farms, companies, and other groups. Therefore, only agriculture-related institutions can play this role in a region. In the future regional 6th industrialization, the role of agricultural cooperatives will increase and has to be stressed more, because they have detailed knowledge on the region’s agricultural situation and resources.
The implications of Germany’s case are as follows. First, it is very difficult for individual farms to independently develop items in the secondary and tertiary industries and run the business. Therefore, it is important to establish a harmonious partnership between actors in the agricultural sector and actors in the non-agricultural sectors with efficient sales nets and marketing systems. Second, in producing specialties with local features, it is needed to create synergy through cooperation with small and medium-sized enterprises that produce promising foods. Third, the regions where the 6th industry has developed in Germany have operated private-led regional councils for a long time, despite changes in the policy environment at home and abroad. Stably running regional councils and gaining actors’ trust are factors in sustained cooperation among actors in various sectors.
Chapter 4 analyzed ecosystems, value chains, and network activities in 4 case regions (Seocheon, Yeongdong, Sunchang, and Hadong) that carry forward the regional 6th industrialization. The analysis aimed to draw implications to build a healthy industrial ecosystem for the sustainable development of the industrialization.
According to the result of the network analysis, the overall regional cooperation network related to the 6th industry is growing, although there are regional differences. The result of analyzing the cooperation network of companies that carry out the 6th industrialization in the 6th industrialization districts shows that the regional cooperation network other than direct business relations is growing with councils of enterprises, innovation actors, and support institutions in the region at its center. Particularly, councils of regional enterprises, including farming association corporations and research groups, play a central role in the cooperation network. Also, the network of regional support institutions, such as local governments’ research institutes and agricultural technology centers, is being vitalized. In Sunchang-gun, previous research findings show that the business support network of enterprises related to the 6th industry (small and medium-sized enterprises that produce traditional fermented food) was limited to research institutes or business support institutions (Lee, 2011). Nevertheless, a partnership with regional councils, including the Gochujang Village Farming Association, and other enterprises seems to develop gradually.
To develop the rural industries through the 6th industrialization, an important policy task is how to change an early partnership. In Seocheon-gun at the beginning stage and Yeongdong-gun at the growth stage, the regions where the history of industrial clustering is relatively short and whose market shares are increasing, regional actors are cooperating with one another actively, and the actors are positive about the current structure of the regional 6th industry and its outlook.
On the other hand, in Sunchang-gun and Hadong-gun at the maturity stage, the regions whose major products markets are stagnant and whose market shares are difficult to be increased, residents were negative about the capacity of the regional 6th industry and its outlook. In Sunchang-gun, although expectations of creating innovation-based value added are not higher than those in the regions at the growth stage, partnership has developed. In this regard, the ecosystem of Sunchang-gun’s 6th industry was healthier compared to Hadong-gun.
It is necessary to differentiate support projects and policies by considering various regional conditions, including each region’s growth stage and clustering and growth levels of production activities of the 6th industry. Policies for the regional 6th industrialization are being implemented by classifying project stages into the network support project for the 6th industry and the 6th industry district project. Nonetheless, the policies have not been differentiated according to regional conditions such as the market environment and clustering and growth levels of the regional 6th industry.
For regions at the beginning and growth stages, it is needed to increase collective activities led by councils of companies and farms formed voluntarily or through policy support, and it is necessary to provide opportunities for many actors to participate in regional collective activities.
For regions whose market is stagnant or that are at the maturity stage of the 6th industry, it is required to create new value added by diversifying business, and implement support projects that encourage local actors’ continued collective activities.
Chapter 5 presented ways to promote the sustainable regional 6th industrialization by establishing a healthy ecosystem. The chapter examined major issues regarding the creation of a sound ecosystem and sustainable development, and sought the direction of the regional 6th industrialization and feasible plans in the direction.
The following basic direction was set for the sustainable regional 6th industrialization based on the healthy ecosystem. First, policy support should be differentiated by considering each region’s growth stage. Second, to improve the regional innovation capacity, it is needed to lay the foundation continually and strengthen diverse support for it. Third, a stronger and efficient implementation system is necessary for the regional 6th industrialization.
As ways to promote the industrialization, first, differentiated support is necessary with consideration of the growth stage. It is needed to differentiate support by classifying development stages into beginning, growth, and maturity stages, and by dividing each stage into the establishment of the innovation base, R&D, a market, etc.
Second, it is necessary to continuously lay the foundation for enhancing regional innovation capacities and to strengthen support. For this, the basic process for establishing regional innovation infrastructure was emphasized, and strengthening knowledge-based infrastructure was stressed.
Third, it is required to create an efficient implementation system. To this end, it is needed to establish regional plans, and nurture key actors in city/county networks and intermediary support organizations that support building a market.

Researchers: Kim Yonglyoul, Chung Dochai, Lee Hyungyong
Research period: 2017. 1. ~ 2017. 10.
E-mail address: kimyl@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론
제2장 산업생태계와 지역단위 6차산업화 협력 조건
제3장 국내외 6차산업화 동향과 관련 정책
제4장 지역단위 6차산업화 생태계 실태
제5장 지역단위 6차산업화 활성화 방안
제6장 요약 및 결론
지역단위 6차산업화 활성화 방안
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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