Korea Rural Economic Institue

농촌의 사회통합 실태와 정책 개선방안(1/2차년도)

영문 제목
Current Situation of Rural Social Cohesion and Policy Improvement Measures (Year 1 of 2)
박대식;  안석;  임지은
최근 우리나라 농촌에서는 다문화가족 및 귀농·귀촌인의 증가, 소득 양극화의 심화, 도·농 간의 사회경제적 격차 확대, 가치관이나 생활양식의 차이 등으로 인해서 사회적 갈등과 배제가 증가하고 있다. 이러한 사회적 갈등과 배제와 같은 사회문제는 사회통합의 관점에서 접근할 필요가 있다. 그러나 사회통합 관련 선행연구들은 전국 단위의 실태 파악 또는 지표(지수)화 작업에 주로 초점을 두었기 때문에 농촌에 대해서는 별로 관심을 두지 않았다.

사회통합은 사회형평성의 제고, 경제성장의 지속가능성, 사회갈등의 해소 등에 있어서 필수적인 요소로 인식되고 있다. 그리하여 새 정부에서도 약자를 포용하고 모두가 함께 성장하는 것을 강조하면서 사회통합을 중요한 국정과제로 다루고 있다.

그리하여 이 연구는 사회포용과 사회적 자본을 사회통합의 핵심 요소로 보고, 농촌의 사회통합 실태를 경제‧사회문화‧정치적 측면에서 심층 조사하고, 관련 정책의 문제점을 파악하여 농촌의 사회통합 증진을 위한 정책 개선방안을 제시하였다.

Background of Research
The composition of the population in rural areas has been diversifying due to multi-cultural families, people returning from urban areas, and aging rural residents. Furthermore, rural residents are experiencing economic polarization. These changes of population composition and polarization exacerbate social conflicts and create disputes among groups and generations. Therefore, this research aimed to explore the current situation of social cohesion in rural areas and suggest policy tasks to improve social cohesion in rural areas.

Method of Research
This research employed a survey among rural residents including people who have returned to rural areas and multi-cultural families, focus group interviews, analysis of national data, overseas field survey, and investigation of existing data. The survey was conducted among 810 residents in rural areas. Three focus group interviews in which rural community representatives such as a chair of a rural women’s association, a director of a welfare agency and a leader of the community participated were conducted. National data sets have been analyzed to describe the current situation of cohesion in rural areas and to compare the social cohesion level between rural and urban areas. A research team visited Kochi in Japan, to investigate exemplary cases of rural social cohesion and the related policies.
Descriptive statistics including t-test and chi-square test were conducted to elucidate the current situation of rural social cohesion. Finally, multiple regression analysis was employed to identify the influential factors in the level of perceived social cohesion.
Research Results and Implications
Rural social cohesion has been investigated through four aspects: economic, sociocultural, political, and general aspects. As for the economic aspect, rural residents perceived increased polarization in income due to lack of jobs and insufficient opportunities to increase income. Women, multi-cultural families, low income residents were groups who were experiencing high economic exclusion in rural areas.
In terms of the sociocultural aspect, rural residents evaluated that there were serious conflicts in rural areas between the rich and the poor, between residents and people who returned to rural areas, and between the young and the old as well as the ideological conflicts. Compared to urban counterparts, rural residents showed low participation in culture and leisure activities because of lack of related services and programs.
As to the political aspect, more than half of respondents evaluated negatively the government’s efforts to solve social conflicts. As to the general aspect, rural residents responded positively to the question about the current level of rural social cohesion and the prospects of future rural social cohesion. However, multi-cultural families and people who have returned to rural areas perceived the level of social cohesion to be lower compared to rural residents.
This research also identified the influential factors that improve perceived social cohesion in rural areas. As the theory suggested, social inclusion indicators (economic exclusion, social conflicts, community inclusion) and social capital indicators (trust/network, social communication) significantly impacted the perceived social cohesion controlling socio-economic factors. Multi-cultural families and people who have returned to rural areas perceived the social cohesion level to be lower compared to rural residents controlling for socio-economic factors, which is consistent with descriptive statistics.
Reviewing current policies for rural social cohesion, we identified that social cohesion policies did not reflect the feature of rural areas. Therefore, we suggested several policies to improve rural social cohesion. First, we suggested developing policies to support small and medium size farmers, developing a basic format to support social farming, creating rural jobs for older adults, and minimizing the blind-spots of the National Basic Livelihood Security Act in rural areas. Second, we recommend improving rural social security councils, initiating the certification system of barrier-free community, supporting social contribution activities of rural residents, improving accessibility to services for adolescents and multi-cultural families, and supporting programs that help rural residents and people who return to rural areas live in harmony. Finally, we suggested constructing local governance to deal with social conflicts and improving political parties’ candidate nomination system in the local autonomy governments.

Researchers: Park Daeshik, An Sok, Lim Jieun
Research period: 2017. 1. ~ 2017. 12.
E-mail address: pds8382@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론
제2장 사회통합 관련 이론 검토
제3장 우리나라 농촌의 사회통합 실태
제4장 농촌주민의 사회통합인식 영향요인 분석
제5장 농촌의 사회통합 관련 정책과 국내외 모범사례
제6장 농촌의 사회통합 증진을 위한 정책 개선방안
제7장 요약 및 결론
농촌의 사회통합 실태와 정책 개선방안(1/2차년도)
농촌 사회통합
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
보고서 번호
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