「농촌경제(Journal of Rural Development)」는 한국연구재단에 등재된 농업ㆍ농촌분야의 전문학술지로 1년에 4번 (3월, 6월, 9월, 12월) 발간된다.
2018년 12월에는 영문특별호가 추가 발간되었다.
A Multivariate Tobit Estimation of Rural Land Rental and Labor Market Participation Decisions of Farm Households in Ethiopia
Zegeye Tirfe, Kim Kyung-ryang
An Asymmetric Price Transmission Analysis in the U.S. Pork Market Using Threshold Co-integration Analysis
Yoon Jong-yeol, Scott Brown
Impacts of Aid for Trade on Agricultural Development and Trade
Ahn Soo-jung, Lee Sang-hyeon
The Influence of Household Types on Food and Grocery Store Choices
Kim Man-Keun, Lee Yoon-geum, Kim Sung-sook
Time-Saving Food Preparation Pattern and its Relationship to Income and Age Cohort in Korea
Kim Ji-yoon, Ahn Byeong-il