울산 농수산물도매시장 활성화 타당성 조사연구

영문 제목
A Feasibility Study for Activating Agricultural and Marin Products Wholesale Market
이 연구는 울산 농수산물도매시장의 현황 및 문제점을 파악하고 미래의 울산 농수산물 도매시장 활성화 방안을 제시하기 위하여 이전, 리모델링, 재건축을 면밀하게 분석하였다.
Since its opening in March 1990, Ulsan wholesale market has performed the role which was to supply agricultural and fishery products in Ulsan, Korea. However, Ulsan wholesale market don’t respond appropriately to retail distribution environment changes which are Ulsan wholesale market’s old facilities, narrow parking and logistics space etc. And also residents around Ulsan wholesale market has raised a lot of complaints that there are environmental issues and traffic congestion because ​​the new town in the surrounding area of Ulsan wholesale market was constructed.
This study finds the status and problems of Ulsan wholesale market and closely analyze remodeling or reconstruction in order to propose to revitalize the future of Ulsan wholesale market. The results of this study represent that the construction in new areas adjacent to the current position of Ulsan wholesale market is better than the remodeling or reconstruction in the current position in terms of economic benefits, reduction of citizen discomfort, shortened construction period and cost savings etc.
We select five candidates of Ulsan wholesale market and carefully analyze the new site of Ulsan wholesale market according to detailed evaluation criteria which are geographical environment factors, lot environmental factors, wholesale market facilities and environmental factors, the linkage of urban planning and wholesale market etc. The results represent that the appropriate new site is the site of the straight line distance approximately 1.5 km from current position of the Ulsan wholesale market where it is convenient to collect and distribute agricultural and fishery products and also citizen can use it conveniently to buy those.
This study propose strategies for advancement of distribution Information, logistics efficiency, improvement of trading system and countermeasures through the SWOT analysis in order to respond appropriately to retail distribution environment changes and to consumer’s needs, for example food safety etc.

Researchers: Choi Byung-Ok, Jeon Chang-Gon
E-mail address: bochoi@krei.re.kr
제1장 서 론
제2장 농수산물 유통환경 변화와 도매시장
제3장 울산 농수산물도매시장 유통현황 및 문제점
제4장 울산 농수산물도매시장 활성화 방안
제5장 울산 신 농수산물도매시장의 거래물량 및 시설규모
제6장 울산 신 농수산물도매시장 관리·운영 효율화 방향
제7장 울산 신 농수산물도매시장 설계 계획
농수산물도매시장 활성화 타당성조사
농수산물 도매시장; 도매시장
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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