Korea Rural Economic Institue

동북아농정연구포럼(FANEA) 2017 활동보고서

영문 제목
2017 FANEA Annual Report
구자춘;  이호종;  임수현;  한태녕
동북아농정연구포럼(FANEA)은 한국농촌경제연구원이 중국농업과학원 농업경제발전연구소(IAED/CAAS), 일본농림수산성 농림수산정책연구소(PRIMAFF)와 함께 한·중·일 3개국 농업·농촌정책 관련 정보 및 자료의 교류와 학술 활동 촉진을 목적으로 2003년 설립된 포럼이다.

FANEA는 설립 목적에 부합하기 위해 3개 기관이 공동주최하는 국제심포지엄을 매년 개최해 오고 있으며, 2003년 10월 제1회 국제심포지엄(한국 서울 개최)을 시작으로 올해 10월, 제12회 국제심포지엄을 일본에서 개최했습니다. 제12회 국제심포지엄에서는 ‘농촌지역 활성화’를 주제로 한·중·일 3개국 전문가들이 각국의 현황과 지원정책을 발표하고 공동의 관심사에 대해서 토론하였다.

이 보고서는 2017년도 동북아농정연구포럼(FANEA) 사업의 활동보고서로 제12회 국제심포지엄 발표논문 전체를 수록함으로써 정부, 학계, 농업 관련기관 등에 필요한 자료를 제공하기 위해 작성되었다.

The 12th FANEA International Symposium was held in Saitama, Japan on October 12, 2017. In the event, relevant experts from Korea, China, and Japan presented and discussed six papers on the theme of “Revitalization of Rural Areas.”
Six people including President Kim Changgil attended the symposium as a moderator, speakers, and discussants from the Korea Rural Economic Institute; six people including Deputy Director Wang Jimin from the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences; and seven people including Director General Sato Hayami from the Policy Research Institute of the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
Particularly, the three institutes published a report on the three countries’ discussion results about the revitalization of rural areas through this symposium.
In this event, Korea, China, and Japan examined structural changes in agriculture and agricultural communities and farmers’ problems through joint research, and sought each nation’s solutions considering each country’s policy environment. Also, the three nations shared experiences to revitalize rural areas analyzing each country’s case of agricultural marketing, and derived relevant implications and policy tasks.
Before holding the symposium, the heads of the three institutes, who highly evaluated the performance of the joint research, discussed the three countries’ joint study for next year’s symposium, plans for research cooperation and the expansion of human exchanges among the institutes, and the theme of the 13th FANEA International Symposium. As a result of the discussion, a tentative agreement was reached that the 13th FANEA Symposium’s major theme would be “Improving Labor Force and Rural Welfare for Enhancing Competitiveness.” Korea will host the FANEA Symposium next year, and the three institutions decided to discuss the schedule and venue later.
It is expected that the 12th FANEA International Symposium will lead to the three institutes’ active joint and comparative research on themes of common interest that can enhance mutual understanding, expand human exchanges, strengthen global capacities, and promote collaboration among the institutes.

Researchers: Koo Ja choon, Lee Hojong, Lim Suhyun, Han Taenyoung
Research period: 2017. 1. ~ 2017. 12.
E-mail address: selenium78@krei.re.kr
제1장 FANEA 운영 현황
제2장 2017년도 주요 사업별 추진실적

부록 1 FANEA 국제심포지엄(2003~2017) 분야별 발표논문 제목
부록 2 제12회 FANEA 국제심포지엄 발표논문
부록 3 FANEA 회원기관 개요
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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