「농촌경제(Journal of Rural Development)」는 한국연구재단에 등재된 농업ㆍ농촌분야의 전문학술지로 1년에 4번 (3월, 6월, 9월, 12월) 발간된다.
2018년 12월에는 영문특별호가 추가 발간되었다. Journal of Rural Development (JRD) is a collection of scholarly papers on agricultural economics, rural sociology, regional planning and other related academic fields. Written in English and registered as Nongchon-Gyeongje, the journal is published annually by the Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI).
■ Nongchon-Gyeong je was selected as an officially registered scientific journal in 2005 by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF).
■ Publication Cycle
- four times a year: March 21, June 21, September 21, December 21
Examining the Effect of Corn Price Risk on Import Source Diversification
Dong Hee Suh
The Use of Price Elasticity to Estimate Future Volatilities in Stochastic Simulation: an Application to the Korean Rice Market
Byung Min Soon, Patrick Westhoff, Sukho Han, Wyatt Thompson
Economic Ripple Effects of Health-Functional Food Industry Applying Input-Output Analysis
Donghoon Kim, Inbae Ji
Does the Farmer Field Schools Program Improve Farmers’ Behavior to Adopt the Drought-tolerant Rice Varieties in Pangasinan, the Philippines?
Sunmee Cho, Taeyoon Kim