Korea Rural Economic Institue

산업활동의 지역간 실태비교와 농촌지역 산업활성화

영문 제목
Regional Comparison of Industrial Activities and Industrial Revitalization in Rural Area
이 연구에서는 통계분석과 실태 조사에 의한 도농 간 산업격차의 정도를 확인하고, 이를 통해 문제점 내지는 해결해야 할 주요과제를 도출한 다음, 도농 간 산업발전격차 축소를 위한 정책 방향을 제시하고자 한다. 이를 상술하면 다음과 같다.
제2장에서는 도농지역의 제조업 및 서비스업 격차를 중심으로 통계자료분석을 통해 각 지역을 업종별, 지역별로 유형화한 다음, 정책방안을 제시하였다. 도시지역이란 기초지자체의 시와 광역지자체의 구를 대상으로 하며, 농촌지역은 기초지자체의 군과 광역지자체의 군을 포함한다. 여기서 사용된 통계는 통계청 광공업통계 중분류에 의하였으며, 산업분석대상 기간은 1995년부터 2002년까지로 하였다. 도농 간 불균형 정도는 생산, 고용, 사업체 수 등 기초통계를 이용해 비중 및 변화 추이를 비교하였다.
분석 결과, 2002년 당시 전국 제조업대비 도시지역 제조업의 비중을 보면, 사업체 수 등 주요 생산 관련 지표면에서 87~88% 정도에 달하고 있으며, 부지 면적만 80%를 하회하고 있다. 1995년에는 제조업 주요 지표면에서 도시의 비중은 약 80% 내외였으므로, 부지 면적을 제외하고는 그 후 7년 동안 도시의 비중이 약 8%포인트 정도 높아진 수치이다. 이러한 결과는 도시의 인구나 면적 변화율인 4%포인트 내외의 증가에 그친 것에 비하면, 주요 제조업지표의 변화가 훨씬 더 컸다는 것을 의미한다.
(이하 본문 참조)

Throughout industrialization and urbanization, disparities between regional industries have deepened and widened. Therefore, the achievement of balanced regional development has become an important policy theme. To attain policy goals of balanced regional development, the development gap between urban and rural industries should be eliminated.
In Chapter 1 of this study, the gap of industrial development between urban and rural areas is surveyed, and the characteristics of the industries located in each region are analyzed. Then existing problems are described, and the direction for rural development is suggested. Hopefully, this study can contribute to reducing disparities between regional industries.
Chapter 2 analyzes the status of manufacturing and service industries in urban and rural areas, and classifies regions by development degree and industry, and then suggests policy tools. In this study, the KSIC 2-digit code of manufacturing data from the years 1995 to 2002 was used. The severe disparities between urban and rural areas, as well as between rural areas were analyzed. For example, the percentage of urban manufacturing industries was 80% in 1995, but in 2002 the figure rose to 87~88%.
In Chapter 3, an interview-based survey was conducted for residents in Haman-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do as a representative of developed area and Yungdong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do as a representative of underdeveloped area. During the survey, the focus was put on comparing location, industrial development, supporting policies of local government, and regional problems between the developed and underdeveloped regions. Based on the results of this analysis, it is concluded that the most important thing for regional development is to foster strategic industries within the region. For example, Haman-gun has many machinery-related firms, which constitute a strategic industry of Gyeongsangnam-do, but Yungdong-gun doesn't have such strategic industries. However, differential factors between the two regions, such as distribution of resources, policy measures of local governments and prices of industrial sites, are not that significantly different.
In Chapter 4, the trends of industrial location policies and rural industrial park policies are reviewed. Next, recent policies for balanced regional development are studied. In this study, it is found that the government supports strategic industries mainly in urban areas, and developed regions have heavy and knowledge-based industries due to many policy measures. But the government has been less supportive of rural industries to date and underdeveloped regions have only light and traditional industries. In the future, the central government needs to be more interested in fostering rural industries.
In Chapter 5, the fostering of rural industries through the use of agricultural products and resources and the raising of their competitiveness are stressed. It is very difficult to foster advanced industries in rural areas within a short time, because rural areas doesn't have universities, research institutes and companies. So the central and local governments have to identify and foster competent industries in such areas. According to the survey, the rural residents want to have agricultural and manufacturing industries together in their region.
The first section of Chapter 6 describes the causes of underdevelopment of rural industries. The discovered causes are as follows: ⅰ) Based on the theoretical models, it seems that the disparities between urban and rural areas have deepened because knowledge spillover from urban to rural areas haven't properly occurred; ⅱ) The differences in industrial structures have caused the disparities between urban and rural areas. Therefore, the rural areas have to restructure their industries to enable them to produce high added values; ⅲ) Comparing the case study regions, it is found that location conditions and industrial structure connections to near-urban industries are important factors in producing regional disparities; and ⅳ) The interview of the rural residents were conducted to explore the causes of underdevelopment of rural areas and how to resolve them.
In the second section of Chapter 6, the measures to resolve the causes of underdevelopment are proposed. This section puts a focus on the fact that the agricultural industry has its limit in developing rural areas in the future, so that by fostering other local industries based on agricultural products and resources, local governments have to increase rural incomes. Moreover, to develop rural industries, it is important to establish clusters and RIS's (regional innovation systems) centered on rural industries, such as high value-added agricultural processing industries and the revitalization of industrial parks in rural areas.
Researchers: Jeong-Hong Kim.
E-mail address: Kimjh@kiet.re.kr
제1장 서 론
1. 연구 목적 1
2. 연구 방법과 범위 2
제2장 도농 간 산업분포의 현황 및 유형화에 의한 정책대응
1. 지역 간 성장 격차의 발생원인에 관한 이론모델 5
2. 도농 간 면적 및 인구분포의 차이 12
3. 도농 간 산업분포의 불균형 15
4. 농농 간 산업분포의 불균형 22
5. 업종별·지역별 유형화에 의한 정책적 대응 24
제3장 농촌 사례 지역의 산업발전 실태비교
1. 산업발전지역의 사례: 경남 함안군 35
2. 산업낙후지역의 사례: 충북 영동군 53
제4장 지역산업 분산을 통한 도농 간 균형발전정책의 추진
1. 산업입지정책의 추진 70
2. 농공단지 조성정책의 추진 80
3. 국가균형발전정책의 추진 84
4. 낙후지역개발정책의 추진 91
제5장 지연산업의 현황 및 사례
1. 지연산업의 개념 및 특성 93
2. 지역별 지연산업 선정 현황과 육성방향 97
3. 충북 영동군의 자원활용형 지연산업 사례 107
제6장 결 론
1. 농촌지역 산업낙후의 원인 113
2. 농촌지역 산업발전을 위한 제언 124
참고 문헌 143
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