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dc.description.tableofcontents1. 문제의 제기 2. 우리 나라 잎담배 생산실태 3. 전매제도와 한국담배인삼공사의 민영화구상 4. 기존의 잎담배 생산조정방안과 그 한 계 5. 맺는 말: 잎담배 생산조정을 위한 전제조건-
dc.description.tableofcontentsPurposes of this study are as follows ; 1) to describe current situation of the Korean tobacco industry, 2) to identify task for the successful privatization of KTG, and 3) to discuss the problem and measurement for the tobacco reduction program of KTG. For the development of tobacco industry, first of all, it is necessary to enhance competitiveness in tobacco production through enlargement of farming size and mechanization, etc. In addition, at least 50% of tobacco should be produced by ourselves because international tobacco markets are quite uncertain. Although KTG urges using more than 50% of the imported tobacco as raw material for producing low cost cigaret, it might be difficult to ensure differentiation of Korean cigaret in terms of brand royalty if we use large share of foreign raw materials.-
dc.title한국담배인삼공사의 민영화와 잎담배 생산조정을 위한 전제조건-
dc.title.alternativeProduction Adjustment Policy for Tabacco Growers in the Process of Privatization of KT&G-
dc.typeKREI 논문-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameLee, Dongphill-
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한국담배인삼공사의 민영화와 잎담배 생산조정을 위한 전제조건.pdf (681.91 kB) Download

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