WTO출범 이후 국제 농산물 관세구조의 비교 분석과 정책과제
- 영문 제목
- Comparicons of the International Agricultural Tariff Structure after Launching the WTO and Policy Implications
- 저자
- 임정빈; 
- 출판년도
- 2000-12
- 목차
- 1. 머리말
2. WTO 출범 이후 국제 농산물 관세의 비교 분석
3. UR농산물 관세 협상의 합의 내용과 우리 나라의 이행상황
4. WTO 차기 농산물곤세협상의 효과적 대응과 향우 정책과제
The UR agreement on agriculture put in place a set of rules regarding
tariffication of all the non-tariff barriers on agricultural trade. However the
process of tariffication internationally produced a number of very high tariffs
beyond 200%, and intensified tariff dispersion and tariff imbalance both among
countries and among products.
In many WTO members, high level of tariffs and complicated tariff systems
remains on staple food and politically sensitive products.
Thus the issue of tariff peaks and dispersion must be addressed in the
context of the next negotiation on agriculture. In this regard, the paper
examined the international agricultural tariff system and structure after
launching the WTO in order to find the policy implication of the domestic tariff
system on agriculture.
Korea's tariff system on agricultural products was basically in the form of
ad valorem tariff and many agricultural raw materials are in a relatively higher
level of tariffs than the processed goods.
- 발행처
- 발간물 유형
- KREI 논문
- 보고서 번호
- RE23-4-06
- http://repository.krei.re.kr/handle/2018.oak/17168
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- 학술지 논문 > 농촌경제 / JRD
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