1. 머리말
2. 중국의 채소 생산 및 유통정책
3. 중국의 새소 샌산·유통 현황과 전망
4. 중국의 채소 수출입과 한·중 채소 교역 현황
5. 결 론 China's vegetable industry has grown up rapidly due to expanding farmer's
production responsibility since "reform and liberalization" policy in 1978
leaded to public and foreign private investments on vegetable seed and
production facilities. Low laber costs, diverse climate, and geographical
proximity make China export vegetables mainly to Japan and Korea.
China's entry into the WTO in the near future entails stronger export-driving
policies for China's vegetable industry. it is critical to Korea vegetable
industry that improved tariff system, continued and strict monitoring of
country-to-origin labeling and phytosanitary system, as well as reduction in
production cost and high-quality vegetable production to increase Korea
vegetable's competitiveness in foreign markets.