1. 서론
2. 중국 축산업 현황
3. 중국 축산업의 국제경쟁력
4. 중국축산업의 문제점 및 전망
5. 시사점 This paper is to estimate competitiveness of China's livestock industry
appling the Revealed Comparative Advantage(RCA) index. In the case of live
animal, China's competitiveness has been decreased and the RCA index reduced
from 4.3 in 1983 to 1.3 in 1999. The index shows that China's live animal still
maintains international competitiveness. However, the cattle industry does not
maintain international competitiveness with decreasing RCA indexes of 0.3 in
1999 and 0.9 in 1983.
The live swine industry and the poultry industry have strong international
competitiveness with high RCA indexes of 5.6 for live swine and 3.7 for poultry.
For the meat industry, only poultry meat is evaluated to have competitiveness.
This result is from a simple calculation with export data and does not include
the other factors determining international