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dc.description.tableofcontents목차1. 머리말2. 채소종자시장의 여건변화와 동향3. 채소종자 수출실태와 수출 가능성 검토-
dc.description.tableofcontentsThe structure of Korea's vegetable seed industry has changed rapidly sincethe IMF financial crisis in 1997. That is, Korea's major seed companies weremerged and acquired by the multinational seed enterprises. The size of Korea'svegetable seed market is estimated by 150 billion won, and is relatively smallcampare to its capacity. After all, over 50 companies compete with each otherseverely in the limited domestic market.In order to maintain their management balance soundly, it is necessary tobreak out through the seed export. This paper aims to review the situation ofglobal seed market and to promote the scheme for enlarging vegetable seedexport.-
dc.title채소종자의 시장동향과 수출 활성화 방안-
dc.title.alternativeExport Promotion Scheme for the Vagetable Seed in Korea-
dc.typeKREI 논문-
dc.contributor.alternativeNamePark, Hyuntae-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameLee, Doosoon-
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학술지 논문 > 농촌경제 / JRD
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