Under the regime of WTO, the
directions for major countries' agricultural policies enter on two aspects such
as global standard and national specialty. First, the aspect of global standard
is drawn from the reflection process on each country's agricultural policy
toward an ideology of WTO Agricultural Agreement. Second, national specialty of
each country's agricultural policy stems from an effort for solving inherent
agricultural problems under the stream of global universality.
and agricultural policies in Korea and Japan areidly changing with the stream of
international affairs. In short, Korea and Japan were commonly tried to cope
with the defensive position on the Uruguay Round under the globalization trend
based on heterogeneous feeling toward the Western agriculture. Now, they are
actively trying to throw into relief each country's specialty of agriculture in
showing true perception of the global community in the recent WTO negotiation
1. 머리말
2. 농정 여건과 UR 협상의 이행 경험
3. UR 이후 농정 변화와 특징
맺음말 Abstract
Under the regime of WTO, the directions for major countries' agricultural
policies enter on two aspects such as global standard and national specialty.
First, the aspect of global standard is drawn from the reflection process on
each country's agricultural policy toward an ideology of WTO Agricultural
Agreement. Second, national specialty of each country's agricultural policy
stems from an effort for solving inherent agricultural problems under the stream
of global universality.
Agriculture and agricultural policies in Korea and Japan areidly changing
with the stream of international affairs. In short, Korea and Japan were
commonly tried to cope with the defensive position on the Uruguay Round under
the globalization trend based on heterogeneous feeling toward the Western
agriculture. Now, they are actively trying to throw into relief each country's
specialty of agriculture in showing true perception of the global community in
the recent WTO negotiation process.