식품산업의 발전방향

영문 제목
Direction of Development in Korean Food Industry
AbstractThe proportion of the foodindustry was 4.9 percent over GDP in 2000 in Korea, while that of themanufacturing industry was accounted for 15.7 percent. In this sense thedevelopment of food industry is important for both agricultural andmanufacturing sectors in Korea. The development policy for food industry can besummarized as follows; 1) sanitary and safety for food need to be emphasized andimproved for consumers, 2) regional processing industry for traditional Koreanfood should be stressed to increase demand for domestic agricultural porducts,3) government role for development of food industry should be made to increasecompetition in food industry, not to regulate the industry, and 4)administrative reform within government should be made in terms of developmentand sanitary aspects.1. 농업의 역할과 여건변화2. 식품산업의 현황3. 식품산업정책의 현황 및 문제점4.식품산업의 발전방안
AbstractThe proportion of the food industry was 4.9 percent over GDP in 2000 inKorea, while that of the manufacturing industry was accounted for 15.7 percent.In this sense the development of food industry is important for bothagricultural and manufacturing sectors in Korea. The development policy for foodindustry can be summarized as follows; 1) sanitary and safety for food need tobe emphasized and improved for consumers, 2) regional processing industry fortraditional Korean food should be stressed to increase demand for domesticagricultural porducts, 3) government role for development of food industryshould be made to increase competition in food industry, not to regulate theindustry, and 4) administrative reform within government should be made in termsof development and sanitary aspects.
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