농림수산식품부가 국제농업협력사업에 대한 예산을 확보하여 사업을 시작한 지 5년이 지났고, 2010년에는 이 사업을 보다 체계적으로 수행하기 위하여 글로벌농림수산협력추진협의회를 구성하고 총괄 관리기구를 우리 연구원에 설치하였다. 2009년에 제정된 국제개발협력기본법에 따라 농림수산분야 ODA 중장기 추진계획을 수립하도록 되어 있는 바, 이제 농림수산 국제협력이 그 기초를 다지고 도약을 준비하는 단계에 접어들고 있다고 하겠다.
이 보고서는 이렇게 빠른 속도로 변화하고 있는 국제농업협력 부문에 대한 중장기 추진방안을 제시하고 있다. 그리고 협력사업의 중장기 비전과 목표를 설정하고 관련 기관 간의 역할분담에 관하여 제언을 담고 있다. 아울러 협력사업에서의 선택과 집중을 위하여 중점협력 대상국가와 대상분야의 선정, 사업의 종류 및 형태별 발굴과 평가 등 체계적 관리에 관한 다양한 아이디어를 제시하였다. 특히 이 사업의 효율적, 안정적 시행을 위하여 예산확보 방식의 변경과 조직개편에 관한 방안도 제시하였다.
It is necessary to have mid- to long-term approach to the international agricultural development and cooperation projects, following the increasing trend of the budgets of the projects.
We set the vision as to pursue the co-existence and co-prosperity with the less developed countries through the international cooperation for agricultural and rural development. The purpose of the projects shall be to contribute to the enhancement of the national brand value through strategic cooperation which aims for food security and poverty elimination in the developing and less developed countries.
The Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(MIFAFF) needs to control and coordinate all international cooperation projects which are undertaken by all affiliated administrations besides its own projects. The functions of the "Council for Global Agricultural Cooperation" shall be strengthened for more effective coordination of cooperation projects. The establishment of "Global Agricultural Cooperation Center" and enactment of "Act for International Cooperation in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries" are also crucial. In the long run, the MIFAFF should take over all international aid projects in the agricultural sector.
For "selection and concentration," we suggest to focus on the south-east Asian region and Africa first as key target areas for cooperation. For target countries, it needs to distinguish strategic cooperation countries and general cooperation countries. Country assistance strategy for agriculture, or CASA, is to be prepared for efficient discovery and implementation of projects.
Categories of projects are: special type projects, international collaborative projects, experience transfer projects and general type projects. To discover potential projects, diverse survey should be used including survey in written form. Some small, general type projects which have shown excellent performances can be expanded to become special type projects. International collaborative projects, considering the difficulties in project formation and initiation, need to be categorically combined with the special type projects.
For sustained and secure implementation, stable supply of budget is crucial. It can only be possible through introduction of relevant law or regulations which would have clauses on the budget. Current method of budget, subsidization, should be changed to the contribution method so that the implementing agencies can stably perform the projects. Following the change in budgeting, a separate control organization, as corporative body, should be established.
Researchers: Yong-taek Kim, Jang Heo, Jeong-seung Kim, Bok-young Park, Tae-hee Lee
Research period: 2010. 6. - 2010. 11.
E-mail address: yongkim@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론
제2장 비전, 목표, 추진방향 및 추진과제
제3장 추진과제별 세부 방안
제4장 농업분야 개발협력 중점지원 대상국 선정 사례
제5장 국제협력사업 추진 방식의 체계화 방안: KSP 사례