Korea Rural Economic Institue

농업·농촌 여건변화 대비 농지은행 대응방안

영문 제목
A Scheme for Farmland Bank prepared for changes in circumstances of agriculture and rural society
김홍상;  김수석;  황의식;  채광석
1990년 국내 농업의 경쟁력 강화를 위해 처음 영농규모화사업이 도입되었으며, 1995년부터 쌀전업농 육성 위주로 사업이 추진되었다. 이후 농업구조개선을 촉진하고 농지시장 안정을 도모하기 위해 농지임대수탁사업, 농지매입비축사업 등 다양한 농지은행 사업이 도입되었고, 2009년 농어촌공사법 개정을 통해 기존 영농규모화사업은 농지은행사업으로 통합되었다.
지난 20여년간 지속적 사업의 추진으로 쌀 전업농 호당 평균 6ha의 7만호 육성 목표를 어느 정도 달성하게 될 전망이다. 하지만, 최근 쌀 공급 과잉 등에 따라 추가적인 쌀전업농 규모 확대를 핵심내용으로 하는 영농규모화사업을 포함한 농지은행 사업의 기능과 역할을 재편해야 한다는 의견이 제기되고 있다.
쌀 시장 여건만이 아니라 농업·농촌인력 구조의 변화, 농지시장 여건 변화, 농산물 시장 개방 확대 등 다양한 변화 속에서 2013년 이후 영농규모화사업을 포함한 농지은행의 기능과 사업의 재편 방향을 정립하고 사업의 효율적 추진 방안을 모색할 필요가 생겼다. 이에 따른 과제를 객관적으로 검토하고, 필요한 제도 및 정책 보완 사항을 도출하는 것이 중요하게 되었다.
이러한 문제와 관련하여 이 보고서에서는 농지은행사업을 둘러싼 환경 변화에 대응한 농지은행의 중장기 발전방안을 제시하고자 하였다.

For conclusion of the UR agreement in 1990, the Korean government introduced the Farmland Scaling Improvement Project for supporting specialized farm households and improving farmland scales to strengthen competitive power for the rice industry in Korea, which is the mother project for launching the Farmland Bank from the broader viewpoint. However, some people have opinions that the policy for supporting rice farming should be finalized in 2013 which is focused on expanding the scale of farm households dedicated to growing rice, because of achieving 80 to 90% of the target of supporting farmers dedicated to growing rice, excessive rice production and supply.
The conditions of supporting farmers dedicated to growing rice are significantly changing due to reduced income of the farmers dedicated to growing rice with dropping rice price and progressing discussion on rice tariff. Furthermore, it is predicted that rice price would drop in a mid- and long-term which is led by further opening the rice market and oversupply and production of rice. The pressing issue thus needed is to objectively review the mid- and long-term environmental changes in expanding the farm household scale project and the farmland bank project and to establish the direction of reorganizing the project.
The purpose of this study is to present the direction of mid- and long-term development of the farmland bank to cope with environmental changes for the farmland bank project. Details of the project to present the direction of mid- and long-term development are as follows: (1) review reorganization of the scheme for the farmland bank project to cope with changes in conditions for agriculture, e.g., rice tariff in the market, oversupply of rice, etc., (2) develop a project to carry out the farmland bank project to cope with changes in the rural conditions, e.g., rapidly aging workforce in rural districts, further scarcity of future agricultural workers (3) establish plans for performance analysis and inspection for improving the farmland scale and for efficiently carrying out the project, (4) identify and analyze details of policies related to the farmland bank project in major countries advanced in agriculture, and develop implications in terms of policy and plans for introducing them in Korea.
The key conclusion is described below.
Firstly, the project for improving the farmland scale should be reorganized in consideration for the changes in condition. There were shown many unwanted results and inefficiency because the existing farmland bank project (including the improvement of farmland scale) was promoted on a nationally standardized basis. It is necessary to promote the project in consideration for local characteristics to avoid the previous unwanted result. For example, it is necessary to differentiate the project of improving farmland scale and farmland bank project depending on the level of farmland price, considering difference in local farmland price and the like to enhance the performance of entire project. In association with this, it is necessary to apply different standards to the method of assessing the projects by local organizations (province headquarter, branches) under the Korea Rural Community Corporation (KRCC, Farmland Bank) to reflect characteristics of each region.
Secondly, it is necessary to discard the existing project promotion system monopolized by KRCC for developing a plan for using farmland, promoting the project of facilitating use of farmland, to achieve smooth and efficient promotion of farmland integration and use and to establish an appropriate role sharing system by the Korean Government, the municipalities, KRCC, etc. It is necessary to enhance non-systematic project promotion through municipalities’s participation, and to systematize farmland related information for each region to prepare a scientific basis for promoting the project.
Thirdly, there is a problem of ill-defined target in the other farmland bank project to result in staffs in charge of the project being unable to understand promotion of the project, as compared to the existing project of improving farmland scale. It is necessary to set a definite target and direction in terms of policy before developing a scheme for efficient farmland bank project including improvement of the farmland scale and for improving the system. For example, exemplary methods include establishing policies and project goals, e.g., provide fund support of low interest in order to keep 50% of the ratio of farmland owned by farm households for stabilized management of farm households dedicated to farming in relation to the farmland purchase support project; the Government manages farmland of approximately 5 to 10% in relation to the farmland purchase project for reserve; and manage the farmland lease of 50% in relation to the farmland lease and trust project.
Fourthly, it is necessary to perform model projects, e.g., the farmland integration and efficiency project, the farm lease project, etc., for smooth promotion of key new projects, including the farmland purchase support project, the farmland integration and efficiency project, the farm lease project, etc. In particular, develop the necessity of continuous promotion of the farmland integration and efficiency project and difficulties in the process of promoting the project by carrying out a model project per region in each province headquarter.

Researchers: Hongsang Kim, Soosuk Kim, Euisik Hwang, Gwangseok Chae
Research period: 2010. 8. - 2011. 4.
E-mail address: hskim@krei.re.kr
제1장 서 론
제2장 농지은행사업의 추진실적과 성과·특성 분석
제3장 농지은행사업의 중장기 환경변화 분석
제4장 농지은행사업의 한계와 문제점 분석
제5장 외국의 농지은행 운용 사례 분석
제6장 농지은행 기능 및 사업 재편방안
제7장 농지은행사업 효율화 방안
제8장 요약 및 결론
농업, 농촌 여건 변화 대비 농지은행 대응방안
농지은행; 농지
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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