Korea Rural Economic Institue

축산업 선진화 방안 연구

영문 제목
Policy Measure for Livestock Industry Progress
정민국;  이명기;  황윤재;  김윤형;  김현중;  이용건
이 연구는 축산업 선진화의 개념과 정책방향에 대해 살펴보고 방역 추진과정에서 부각된 문제점과 개선방안을 제시하였으며, 축산업 허가제 도입방안에 대해 검토하였다. 그리고 무허가 축사 실태 파악과 더불어 개선 대책을 제시하였으며, 축산물 인증제의 운영 현황과 개선방안을 제시하였다.

This study aims to reflect the need of conversion of livestock industry paradigm requested since the outbreak of hoof-and-mouth disease thus to define the concept of livestock industry progress, to set the basic direction thereof, to identify issues of livestock industry, and then to derive a scheme for upgrading livestock industry sustainable and competitive.
Livestock industry progress is defined to achieve the state of sustainable environment, a high level of epidemic prevention technology and specifications, advanced productivity and quality, reliability between livestock farmers and consumers and between livestock and non-livestock sectors, the equity between large-competitive and small-noncompetitive thus, marginalized farmers.
The livestock industry has significantly grown in terms of quantity, but a very important challenge at the moment is to achieve stabilization through quality development for developing livestock industry, overcoming various problems instability in terms of structure, e.g., high dependence of feed supply on other countries, low productivity, the issue of treating livestock manure, and frequent occurrence of livestock diseases.
For livestock industry progress, improvement of competitive power considering mainly the economic aspect is not the only issue. Continuous development of livestock industry will be accomplished when negative impact on the environment is reduced and positive recognition for livestock industry is attained in the society. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the direction of livestock policy to pursue both of the economic value and social and environmental values and to keep balance thereof.
The occurrence of foot-and-mouth disease at the end of 2010 resulted in culling 3.48 million livestock including pigs and cattle and more than 3 trillion won was spent from the national finances. The occurrence of foot-and-mouth disease is considered to result partly from the ineffective system for preventing livestock diseases and partly from the structural problem of factory-style livestock.
To strengthen the prevention system of livestock diseases, it is necessary to enhance the quarantine system, to cooperate with neighboring countries, to strengthen the diagnostic function of quarantine institutions in each city and province and to enhance the early action system, e.g., taking action for halting spread of the disease when the relevant disease is first identified. It is necessary to establish a strategy for strengthening farmer’s quarantine system by blocking spread of livestock epidemics, to early achieve 'FMD free with vaccination' status and to establish actions for vaccination. It is necessary to secure and manage sites suitable for burial in advance, to improve the livestock industry structure, to construct an basis for livestock industry progress, and to introduce the livestock industry permission system.
In spite of the livestock industry registration system already established, it is highly needed to introduce the livestock industry permission system. The livestock industry registration system just requires to meet a specific condition and notification of registration. However, because the administration institution has the permission right for the livestock industry permission system, it is essential to apply for livestock industry permission to the administration institution and the application should be approved by the institution. Therefore, the livestock industry permission system can be an effective means for regulating new farms' entry to livestock industry.
For smooth progress of the livestock industry permission system announced by the Government from 2012, it is necessary to establish a education program as soon as possible, to cultivate specialists for education, and to designate institutions for the education.
As a result of investigation about livestock farming households (6 kinds of livestock, 1,012 households), the livestock facility area registered in the Building Registers among the entire livestock farms is 77.7% (the ratio of unregistered livestock facility area is 22.3%). The investigation showed the ratio of registered pig facility area is the highest (93.5%) and that of duck facility area is the lowest (63.3%). The reason of so many unregistered livestock facilities is because many livestock farms do not meet the permission conditions, e.g., the building-to-land ratio.
The problem of unregistered livestock facilities is that they have very poor disease prevention facilities to result in livestock disease occurrence and spreading, and they don't have good livestock manure treatment facilities to be a source of bad smells and water contamination. It is shown that the poor and unregistered livestock facilities result in very low productivity.
One solution for the unregistered livestock facilities is to ratify the unregistered livestock facilities and to register them in the building registers according to the Building Act. Also, it is possible to reform the Livestock Act to solve the problems that may be caused by the unregistered livestock facilities.
With growing consumer’s interest in agro-food quality, food safety, etc., a variety of livestock product certification systems have been introduced and enforced since 1990. However, it is shown that involvement of livestock farmers is still not high at the step of production, and both of farmers and consumers are negative towards the livestock certification system or do not recognize the system. It is shown that most of livestock farmers are negative towards the present livestock product certification system.
It is necessary to overhaul and make up for the certification and marking systems which are ineffective or confuse consumers in order to improve livestock related certification systems. It is necessary to overhaul acts and regulations for supplementing and integrating livestock certification systems. It is necessary adapt the livestock product certification systems by applying HACCP on the basis of existing principles to butcher houses, milk collection centers, processing factories, etc., and revising the certification system at the farm level more applicable. It is necessary to establish strategies for training and public relation for settling and expanding the livestock product certification system and to ensure consumers for increasing the number of livestock farmers who comply with the livestock product certification system.

Researchers: Min-kook Jeong, Myoung-ki Lee, Yun-jae Hwang, Yoon-hyung Kim, Hyun-joong Kim, Yong-geon Lee.
Research period: 2011. 5. - 2011. 9.
E-mail address: mkjeong@krei.re.kr
제1장 서 론
제2장 축산업 선진화의 개념 및 정책 방향
제3장 방역체계 개선방안
제4장 축산업 허가제 도입 방안
제5장 환경을 고려한 축산업 진단과 과제
제6장 무허가 축사 실태와 대책
제7장 축산 관련 인증제 현황과 개선 방향
제8장 요약 및 결론
축산업 선진화 방안 연구
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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