Korea Rural Economic Institue

농촌 문화산업의 실태와 육성 방안

영문 제목
A Study on Promoting Rural Cultural Industries
김광선;  이규천;  홍준표
침체된 농촌지역경제의 활성화를 위해 그간 다양한 정책 사업들이 추진되어 왔다. 이들 사업 중 2000년대 이후 추진된 주요 사업들의 특성은 농촌에 존재하는 문화자원의 산업화를 도모함으로써 농촌의 내생적 발전을 추구한다는 공통점을 지닌다. 이들 사업의 내용은 산업적으로는 농촌의 전통 및 향토 식품 부문, 전통공예 부문, 전통문화·예술축제 및 전통소재에 기반한 공연 부문, 문화유적에 기반한 농촌관광 부문, 농촌체험관광 부문 등으로 구분되는데 이들은 후방연계나 전방연계 시 부문 간 융합에 의해 다양한 시너지 효과를 발휘한다.

이에 본 연구는 이들 부문을 농촌 문화산업이라는 하나의 산업부문으로 통합하고 그 실태와 발전 방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 수행되었다. 농촌 문화산업은 국가적 수준에서는 아직 미약한 규모이지만 개별 농촌 시·군의 입장에서는 주요 기반산업의 하나로 성장하고 있다. 특히 농촌에서 지역경제의 순환구조를 구축하여 보다 지속가능한 경제발전의 가능성을 높이고 있다. 또 농촌지역 내에서 자생적으로 성장하는 기업 활동을 창출하는 효과를 초래하고 있다.

본 연구는 농촌 문화산업의 실태를 분석하기 위해 다양한 방법을 활용하였다. 먼저 전국 139개 농촌 시·군 전체를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 농촌 문화산업의 하위 부문별 사례 심층조사와 지역사례 심층조사를 실시하였다. 이러한 조사·분석 결과를 바탕으로 농촌 문화산업 육성 정책의 방향을 제시하였다. 또 중앙정부 차원과 지지체 차원으로 나누어 농촌 문화산업 육성 방안을 제시하였다.

Endogenous development strategy is becoming more important in vitalizing backward rural areas. The key point of endogenous development strategy is to establish localized production systems in which goods and services are produced based on mobilization of local intrinsic resources. In the 2000s, a variety of policies to exploit local intrinsic resources and vitalize rural areas have been implemented based on endogenous development strategy. Still, most of such policies had limitations in planning and implementing related policy programs because of the lack of integrated perspective on industrial systems or industrial policies. Under such a situation, this study tries to conceptualize exploitation and industrialization of local intrinsic resources in rural areas as rural cultural industries. And this study includes analyses of the conditions and characteristics of rural cultural industries, and policy directions to promote the industries as well.
To conceptualize and categorize rural cultural industries, we reviewed a variety of previous studies on industrialization of local intrinsic resources in rural areas. We carried out a survey targeting 139 rural areas(Sis and Guns) to investigate the conditions and characteristics of the industries. We also made investigations into the systematic traits of the industries such as production systems by in-depth interviews with related public officials and business CEOs. In addition, we conducted an in-depth case study on a local area to analyze the industrial structures, local conditions, industrial policy directions of rural cultural industries from a territorial perspective. Lastly, we reviewed critically the existing laws and policies related with supporting rural cultural industries to find and suggest the problems and As a result of this study, we defined rural cultural industries as production systems in which cultural heritages in rural areas were commercialized for the pursuit of profits. We also suggested that rural cultural industries were composed of 5 sub-sectors: local and traditional food industry, traditional crafts industry, traditional art festival and performance, rural tourism based on cultural remains, and agri-tourism. Even though rural cultural industries have relatively small national market size, they are of very importance for local economic growth of each rural area. In 2010, 12,503 firms belong to rural cultural industries hiring 117,672 people. Their total sales amount is presumed to be about 1,200 billion won in the same year.
Rural cultural industries have positive socioeconomic effects on rural areas. Firstly, the industries offer niche markets for rural entrepreneurs. Secondly, the industries help to establish sustainable local economic systems. Thirdly, the industries promote industrial development in rural areas by backward and forward linkages among sub-sectors. And fourthly, the industries enhance the quality of lives of rural residents.
As a result of the study, we suggested some policy directions to promote rural cultural industries. Firstly, enactment of the relevant law is sought after and the policy programs must be planned to promote the industries. Secondly, cooperative networks need to be established among main related authorities in the local governments, as well as in the central government. Thirdly, to increase productivity of the firms in the industries, central and local governments should help to modernize production facilities and cultivate talented persons. Fourthly, the buying public must be expanded by promoting consumers' understanding of the value of rural cultural industries and their goods and services. Lastly, for the development of rural cultural industries, local governments and their residents must exploit their own cultural attractions and resources.

Researchers: Kwang-Sun Kim, Gyu-Cheon Lee, and Jun-Pyo Hong
Research Period: 2011.1~2011.10
E-mail Address: yeskskim@krei.re.kr
제1장 서 론
제2장 농촌 문화산업의 개념과 범위
제3장 농촌 문화산업의 현황과 특성
제4장 농촌 문화산업의 주요 사례와 특성
제5장 농촌 문화산업 육성정책의 실태와 정책 수요
제6장 농촌 문화산업 육성 방안
농촌 문화산업의 실태와 육성 방안
농촌 문화산업
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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