PDCA 사이클을 적용한 신활력사업 성과 관리 실증 분석

영문 제목
A PDCA Cycle Analysis of Revitalization Project's Performance Management
The Revitalization Project was to reflect radical changes in the idea and philosophy of rural development. The Revitalization Project which started in 2005 was terminated in 2010. Accordingly, we need to analyze the policy outcomes of Revitalization Project. This study verified the operation planning for performance management of Revitalization Project through PDCA cycle. The methodologies for analysis are literature review, survey of public officials in 70 Revitalization Project cities and counties. The survey was carried out in October 2012 and 173 people from 70 cities and counties answered. The findings are as follows: First, there was a positive relationship between the planning phase and the implementation phase. Second, there was also a positive relationship between the implementation phase and the project's completion phase. Third, there was a positive relationship between the planning phase and the completion phase. Finally, the implementation phase was a partial mediator on the relationship between the planning phase and the completion phase. Based on these findings, the implications and limitations of the research findings were discussed, and recommendations for future research were provided.
The Revitalization Project was to reflect radical changes in the idea and philosophy of rural development. The Revitalization Project which started in 2005 was terminated in 2010. Accordingly, we need to analyze the policy outcomes of Revitalization Project. This study verified the operation planning for performance management of Revitalization Project through PDCA cycle. The methodologies for analysis are literature review, survey of public officials in 70 Revitalization Project cities and counties. The survey was carried out in October 2012 and 173 people from 70 cities and counties answered. The findings are as follows: First, there was a positive relationship between the planning phase and the implementation phase. Second, there was also a positive relationship between the implementation phase and the project's completion phase. Third, there was a positive relationship between the planning phase and the completion phase. Finally, the implementation phase was a partial mediator on the relationship between the planning phase and the completion phase. Based on these findings, the implications and limitations of the research findings were discussed, and recommendations for future research were provided.
1. 서 론2. 선행연구 고찰3. 연구방법4. 연구결과5. 결 론
PDCA 사이클; 신활력사업; 신활력사업 성과 관리; 매개; PDCA cycle; Revitalization Project; operation planning for performance management of Revitalization Project; mediation
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