FMD와 HPAI 등 가축전염병은 발생하면 빠른 속도로 전파되어 축산업뿐만 아니라 국가 경제에 큰 피해를 초래함. 축산업의 지속적인 발전을 위하여 가축전염병의 청정화가 반드시 필요하며, 가축전염병에 효율적으로 대처하기 위해서 현행 축산업 방역대책에 대한 종합적인 검토가 필요함.
이 연구는 국내 방역체계 개선 방안을 도출하기 위해 수행됨. 이를 위해 먼저 국내 방역체계와 문제점을 파악하고 둘째, 외국의 방역체계 조사를 통해 시사점을 도출하며 셋째, 전문가, 축산 농가, 소비자 조사를 통하여 방역 과정에서의 문제점을 진단함. 마지막으로 분석한 내용을 종합적으로 검토하여 국내 방역체계의 개선 방안을 제시함.
Recent outbreaks of animal disease have caused severe damages to the national economy as well as the livestock industry. More than three million pigs and cows were slaughtered and buried due to the outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in November 2010. It led the government to spend more than three trillion won and the estimated damage to associated industries including the livestock industry from the outbreak of the FMD exceeded four trillion won. Moreover, High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) occurred in December 2010, forcing more than six million chickens to be slaughtered. As these cases show, prevention of animal disease is important for the ongoing development of the livestock industry. For this purpose, improvement of the animal disease control system is needed.
This study is intended to find ways to improve the animal disease control system. To do this, this study tries to (1) seize the problems of the current animal disease control system, (2) review the system in other countries, (3) survey experts, livestock farmers and consumers, and (4) propose guidelines for improving the animal disease control system.
The outbreak of the FMD reveals some issues: (1) border quarantine did not work properly, (2) quarantine measures at the farm level were insufficient, (3) initial diagnosis and response were poor, (4) epidemiology investigation depended mainly on indirect inquiry, (5) vaccination was not considered as a solution in the initial stage, (6) burial of slaughtered animals often did not comply with regulations, (7) cooperation between quarantine agencies was not sufficient, and (8) structural problems such as dense breeding were revealed.
On the basis of the appeared problems, we suggest some policy measures to improve the animal disease control system. First of all, to prevent animal disease, we should strengthen the animal disease control system by increasing the number of staff and expanding the quarantine facilities in ports and airports. Livestock farmers who travel to regions where the FMD broke out must be educated and sterilized. In addition, Korea should cooperate with neighboring countries to prevent the influx of animal disease virus.
Second, we should improve the ability of regional bio-security agencies to diagnose infectious diseases so that we can respond promptly to animal diseases. As soon as an animal disease breaks out, the highest-level warning should be issued. Banning the movement of all vehicles and personnel in livestock farms and related facilities should be implemented for a certain period of time across the whole country.
Third, for effective prevention, inspection and quarantine agencies dealing with agricultural, livestock, and marine products separately need to be integrated into one agency. This will be responsible for border inspections, operation of the integrated bio-security system, vaccine supply and demand management, and management of preventively vaccinated animals.
Fourth, livestock farmers should obligatorily install farm border fences, vehicle disinfection facilities, shower facilities, etc. Visitors to farms should be educated on farm bio-security and farm-entry/exit guidelines. Using GPS, mobile phones, etc., the management control system of vehicles and people visiting farms should be introduced.
Fifth, now it is an important task for the Korean government to achieve the FMD-free-with-vaccination status as soon as possible. In preparation for the influx of various virus types from neighboring countries where the FMD occurs frequently, mixed vaccine should be considered actively. Considering the livestock numbers, a vaccine supply plan should be set up and establishment of a national vaccine plant should also be reviewed positively for stable vaccine supply.
Sixth, regional burial sites should be secured and managed in advance. Detailed standards about processing and post-management methods should be prepared and various ways of disposing the carcasses should be considered.
Seventh, creation of bio-security funds by all stakeholders such as livestock farms, associations and central and local governments should be considered.
Eighth, livestock resource circulation based on integrated crop-livestock farming should be promoted. Also, considering the environment, proper livestock numbers for each region should be set up and maintained.
Ninth, by introducing a livestock permit system, livestock farmers must be qualified for terms relating to facilities and education, and the entry of livestock farms to areas with high environmental pollution load should be limited. In addition, introduction of a livestock-trade-permit system should be actively examined to prevent disease transmission and establish trade order.
Researchers: Min-kook Jeong, Duk Huh, Hyun-joong Kim, and Hyung-woo Lee
Research period: 2011. 1. - 2011. 5.
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제1장 서론
제2장 국내외 가축전염병 발생 현황
제3장 가축전염병 발생에 따른 영향 분석
제4장 국내 방역체계와 문제점
제5장 외국의 방역체계와 시사점
제6장 전문가, 축산농가, 소비자 조사 분석
제7장 방역체계 개선 방안
제8장 요약 및 결론