FTA에 대응한 지역별 농산물 산업 경쟁력 강화 방안 - 종합보고서-

영문 제목
Strategies for Enhancing Competitiveness of Regional Agricultural Products under Free Trade Agreements
이번 공동 연구는 지역 차원에서 능동적으로 품목산업의 경쟁력 제고 방안을 모색하고 함께 고민하여 깊이 있는 대책을 도출하고자 하는 목적으로 전국 8개의 시·도 연구원과 협동 연구 방식으로 추진되었다.

각 지역의 발전연구원에서 연구 대상으로 선정한 품목은 지역별로 관심이 큰 품목으로, 강원지역에서는 감자를, 충북과 충남지역에서는 각각 포도와 인삼을, 경북과 경남지역에서는 사과와 단감을, 전북과 전남지역에서는 한우와 마늘을, 제주지역에서는 감귤을 선정하였다. 또한 경쟁력 분석은 M.Porter의 경쟁력 요소를 기본으로 각 품목 특성을 반영하여 상품 요인, 생산·경영 요인, 마케팅 요인, 정부 정책 요인 등으로 구분하여 이루어졌다.
The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that can contribute to making domestic products more competitive compared to imported products and to present detailed measures that can maximize the competitiveness improvement with respect to product, production, management, distribution, and government policy.
For this purpose, Kim Byung-Ryul et al. (2009) conducted a collaborative research with eight local research institutes around the country. The factors that determine agricultural competitiveness were classified into four factors (product, production/management, marketing, and government policy) based on the concept of agricultural competitiveness and one product from each province was selected to analyze the competitiveness factors.
The major research findings of this study show that product competitiveness can be improved through different means for different products: brand development for sweet persimmons of Gyeongnam, apples of Gyeongbuk, and potatoes of Gangwon; development of high-quality seed bulbs and improvement of product marketability for garlic from Jeonnam; and expansion of farmers' participation in branding and continuous management of husbandry practices for Hanwoo, the Korean cattle, from Jeonnam.
As for the methods of improving the competitiveness with respect to production and management, it is evaluated that the following measures are urgently needed: seed bulb improvement for production of high-quality garlic, expansion of bulbil cultivation, and mechanization in the case of garlic from Jeonnam, and organization of farmers and mechanization in the case of potatoes of Gangwon; in the case of persimmons of Gyeongnam, it is necessary to switch old persimmon trees with the short Korean variety persimmon trees; in the case of grapes of Chungbuk, it is necessary to scale up producer organization units and expand facility cultivation; and in the case of Jeju mandarin, it is necessary to build up a year-round batch production system.
As for ways of improving distribution and processing, it is suggested that a mobile APC (Agricultural Products Processing Center) should be established for potatoes of Gangwon. In the case of garlic produced in Jeonnam, it is necessary to improve distribution by fostering joint co-operative enterprises. In the case of apples produced in Gyeongbuk, there is a need to build an export complex, whereas, in the case of grapes produced in Chungbuk, there is a need to expand contract cultivation in link with the local distribution network and the food industry. In the case of Jeju mandarins, it is necessary to build mandarin industry clusters. In the case of persimmons of Gyeongnam, it is important to develop an overseas marketing strategy, whereas, in the case of the Korean cattle, Hanwoo, in Jeonbuk, there is a need to integrate the distribution system from butchering to processing and retailing and seek mergers and acquisitions of slaughterhouses. In the case of ginseng from Chungnam, there is a need to build an advanced distribution system for efficient distribution and transparent and fair transactions, expand the domestic market based on consumer trust and product safety, attract various consumers, and make inroads into overseas markets by publicizing the Korean ginseng.
Finally, the following policy tasks can be assigned to maximize the factors that can contribute to competitiveness improvement: in the case of garlic from Jeonnam, implementation of a stock-up system in consideration of varying production amount of different varieties, stimulation of wholesale transactions, introduction of garlic processing center (GPC), and implementation of a government subsidy program that provides different support for different types of garlic cultivated (i.e., frigid-winter type and warm-winter type); in the case of apples from Gyeongbuk, introduction of a self-certification system for eco-friendly apples and an exclusive apple subsidy is necessary and short apple trees should be disseminated and export market-specific complexes should be built; in the case of Jeju mandarin, legal and institutional improvements, such as tightening of quarantine to cope with free customs in the future, introduction of agricultural attaches for the citrus fruit, establishment of a competitiveness improvement fund, and legislation to protect the Jeju mandarin industry, are necessary; in the case of ginseng from Chungnam, it is necessary to conduct organizational and institutional examination for construction of ginseng industry clusters.

Researchers: Byoung-Ryul Kim, Sang-Hyen Chai
Research period: 2012. 9. - 2013. 2.
E-mail address: brkim@krei.re.kr
제1장 서 론
제2장 FTA 대응 경북 사과산업 경쟁력 강화 방안
제3장 FTA 대응 제주 감귤산업 경쟁력 강화 방안
제4장 FTA 대응 경남 단감산업 경쟁력 강화 방안
제5장 FTA 대응 충북 포도산업 경쟁력 강화 방안
제6장 FTA 대응 전남 마늘산업 경쟁력 강화 방안
제7장 FTA 대응 강원 감자산업 경쟁력 강화 방안
제8장 FTA 대응 충남 인삼산업 경쟁력 강화 방안
제9장 FTA 대응 전북 한우산업 경쟁력 강화 방안
제10장 경쟁력 요인별 경쟁력 강화 방안
FTA에 대응한 지역별 농산물 산업경쟁력 강화 방안
FTA; 경쟁력
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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