친환경 복합타운 조성사업 예비타당성 조사

영문 제목
The Feasibility Study of "Eco-Friendly, Organic Farming Town" Plan
강진군은 청정한 자연환경과 높은 친환경농업기술을 바탕으로 친환경농업의 메카라 할 수 있는 전라남도에서도 유수한 친환경농업지역으로 자리 잡고 있다. 강진군이 가지고 있는 친환경농업기반과 이 지역의 문화 관광자원을 활용하여 친환경유기농업의 생산·유통·가공·체험 등을 직접 보고 배울 수 있는 복합시설을 조성하는 것은 강진군의 지역경제에 도움을 줄뿐 아니라 국민에게 친환경농업의 인식을 높이는데도 기여할 것으로 판단된다.

이 연구에서는 강진군에서 조성하고자 하는 친환경복합타운의 타당성을 분석하였다. 이를 위해서 이 연구에서는 복수의 입지후보지에 대한 장단점을 분석한 후 선정된 후보지에 대한 기본 구상과 이에 기초한 경제성분석을 실시하였다.
This study aimed to examine the feasibility of the construction plan of "Eco- Friendly, Organic Farming Town", which is now being planned by Gangjin county of South Korea.
Before examining this plan's feasibility in full swing, authors looked into several crucial aspects of the plan in detail as this study's preliminary work: the region's capacity for the successful operation of the project, the extent of the need of the region for the substantial amount of public investment that can be given to the county when its venture for the fund becomes successful.
Next, authors visited candidate sites around the county to consider where would fit the best for the project. Geographical and Socio-economic aspects of the sites and the whole region were analyzed to help the consideration process. After the provisional selection of a preferred site, space plan for the site was drawn according to its characteristics and strengths.
Then this plan's feasibility would be tested through two stages: 1) economic feasibility and 2) policy-level feasibility. To test the plan's economic feasibility, the authors calculated its expected costs and benefits for the region and the society following the feasibility test standards set by Korea Development Institute. For costs, three main costs were presumed: land acquisition cost, construction cost, and operation cost. For benefits, the revenues from ticket sales, educational programs, restaurants, and agricultural product sales.
In consideration of the plan's policy-level feasibility, authors looked into the patterns of consumption and the suitability of the plan according to related policies and laws.
As a conclusion, while the feasibility test showed that the project can obtain profitability through attracting visitors above a certain amount, it requires concerned parties of well-thought and enduring efforts to achieve the object.

Researchers: Sihyun Park, Eun-Mee Jeong, Yong-Woog Choi
E-mail Address: shpark@krei.re.kr
제1장 개요
제2장 친환경 복합타운 건립 여건 및 방향
제3장 기본 구상
제4장 친환경 복합타운 조성 타당성 분석
제5장 사업 추진 및 운영
친환경 복합타운 조성사업 예비 타당성 조사 연구
친환경 복합타운
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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