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dc.description.abstract지금까지 약용작물 유통은 주산지 상인과 산지 및 소비지 도매시장이 담당하여 왔으며 이들의 소비처는 제약회사, 한의원, 화장품 업체, 식품업체 등에 공급되어 왔다. 그러나 최근 약용작물 생산 및 유통과정의 안전성 관리 강화, 유통체계 개선 등이 논의되면서 약용작물 산지유통시설의 중요성이 대두되고 있다.-
dc.description.abstractBackground of Research The number of domestic medicinal crops has been increased due to the development of cultivation technology whereas their cultivation acreage has been decreased except for Chinese dioscorea and foxglove while import of medicinal crops has been increasing. In addition, it is expected that distribution environment would be dramatically changed due to the changes in oriental medicine and food safety related policies. The policies promoting changes in distribution system of medicinal crops can be summarized as the followings; distribution standardization system for oriental medicine, introduction of distribution real-name system for oriental medicine, operation of support facility for oriental medicine distribution, regulation on supply and demand for medicinal herbs, and history tracking system for oriental medicine. The qormedicinal crops. Thus, the government is in the stage to minimize the distribution stage by introduction of GMP for manufacturers, establishment of clear role division for producers and wholesalers, and so forth.Methods of Research This study is to establish a development manner for mid/long term by construction of distribution center at producer site for medicinal crops in the region of northen part of Gyeonsangbuk-do. During the course of conducting this study, production, distribution structure, and status of export and import for domestic medicinal crops are identified while potential damage amount on medicinal crops of Gyeongsangbuk-do after the free-trade is measured. In addition, feasibility analysis on establishment of producer site distribution center for medicinal crops in Gyeongsangbuk-do region, condition for producer site distribution center and selection of operation subject, and vitalization measure for producer site distribution center are proposed.Research results and implicationsIn the region of Gyeongsangbuk-do, the major medicinal crops are the following 5 items; fruit of Maximowiczia typica, Cheongung, Pleuropterus multflorus, nut grass, and angelica. Among them, nut grass accounts for 100% of domestic production share, Chungung 92.5%, Pleuropterus multflorus 72.5%, and fruit of Maximowiczia typica 64.7% in order. Also import of medicinal crops for both ingredient for oriental herbs and for food has been in a cycle of being increased and decreased but is generally in trend of increasing. The major medicinal crops being imported among many others are white atractylis, Poria cocos, foxglove, cassia bark, and licorice. As of 2012, the major country for importing medicinal crops is China, which accounts for 53.9% of entire import amount followed by Russia 14.6% and New zealand 9.8%. It is projected that the total decrease amount in production for 2014 ~ 2018 is KRW 13.069 billion as a result of analysis on free-trade effect and supply and demand for the 5 major items (fruit of Maximowiczia typica, Cheongung, Pleuropterus multflorus, nut grass, and angelica) of medicinal crops in Gyeongsangbuk-do. From the decrease amount above, the amount for Pleuropterus multflorus, nut grass, and angelica is less than KRW 05. billion whereas that of fruit of Maximowiczia typica and Cheongung are approximately KRW 9.79 billion and KRW 2.18 billion respectively for the same period. Based on the status analysis, it is desirable that a producer site distribution center is to be established in mid or small scale in the Gyeongsangbuk-do region while Youngju-si is most suitable for the venue among Youngju-si, Andong-si, and Youngyang-gun as a result of analysis on the proposed sites. In order to effectively operate a producer site distribution center, business competency of operator of the center should be enhanced to secure market competitiveness. It is because synergy effect can only be obtained when systematization of producers, crop collection system, marketing activity, and comprehensive promotion of relevant region are organically integrated. For effectively integrating among establishment of producer site distribution system for medicinal crops in the region, vitalization of wholesale distribution, and 6th industry, it is needed to establish a governance system, in which medicinal crop producer, farmer's cooperative and agricultural association, import and export companies, existing laboratories and related institutes, local government and central government, and related industry participants can participate.Researchers: Byung-ok Choi, Kee-Hyun LeeResearch Period: 2013. 5 ~ 2013. 11E-mail address: bochoi@krei.re.kr-
dc.description.tableofcontents제1장 서 론제2장 국내 약용식물 수급 및 유통 실태제3장 경북지역 약용식물 유통실태 및 문제점제4장 산지유통센터 설립타당성 및 계획제5장 산지유통센터 운영주체 선정 및 활성화 방안제6장 결 론-
dc.title경북 북부권 및 백두대간 약용식물 산지유통센터 건립을 위한 마스터 플랜 수립 연구용역-
dc.title.alternativeA Study on Master plan for the construction of medicinal plants Processing Center in Baekdudaegan and Gyeongbuk northern area-
dc.typeKREI 보고서-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameChoi, Byungok-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameLee, Keehyun-
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연구보고서 > 수탁보고서 (C)
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