Korea Rural Economic Institue

‘산촌 사회경제 조사’를 위한 기초연구

영문 제목
A preliminary study for the socioeconomic survey of mountain villages
민경택;  정호근;  김명은;  구자춘;  김의경;  이정민
우리나라 산촌은 인구 과소화, 낮은 소득수준, 열악한 생활환경 수준 등으로 촌락의 존립조차 위협받고 있는 실정이다. 산촌문제를 이대로 방치할 경우 지속가능한 산림경영과 국토의 효율적 이용에도 큰 차질을 가져올 것이며 여기에서 비롯되는 사회적 비용도 심각하게 증가할 것이다.

이러한 문제의식에 따라 산촌에 대한 조사가 수행되고 있지만 총량적이며 평균적인 분석에 치우치거나 미시적 조사라 하여도 일회성으로 끝나서 산촌주민의 생활과 의식의 변화를 추적하지 못하는 문제가 있었다. 이에 산촌 사회에 대한 미시적 조사를 연속적으로 수행할 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 이 연구는 우리 산촌의 변화를 미시적으로 조사하는 「산촌 사회경제 조사」의 예비연구로서 수행되었다.

This study aims to examine the current status of mountain villages, analyze the characteristics of population change and make the population projection in the mountainous area and establish a questionnaire for the socio-economic survey of mountain villages. The report is organized as follows. First, we examine the notion and characteristics of mountain villages by reviewing literatures. Second, we analyze the characteristics of population change and make population projection in mountainous area, employing the cohort-change ratios method. Finally, we propose the questionnaire for the microscopic survey of mountain villages.

Mountainous areas are defined as local towns(eup or myeon) with forest ratio of less than 70 percent, population density under 111 per square kilometers, and plowland ratio of less than 21 percent. Population in mountainous areas has decreased dramatically, while the ageing index has increased. To make the population projection, the cohort-change ratios method is applied. Cohort-change ratios revealed that the multitude of young generation moved to cities to find education and job chances, and some matured generation moved to mountainous area to live in. This continuing trend will culminate in 680 thousand people and 1,035 ageing index in 2030, which brings about the inequal land development and inefficient forest management. In order to address these issues, policy makers need to develop some stimulus plans that revitalize and stabilize the economy of mountainous areas.

For the purpose of the application to the sustainability assessment of mountain villages, a survey questionnaire classified as three sectors, including environmental, social, and economic sectors, was developed and investigated by stakeholders that include residents and specialists in the mountain village. As for the environmental sector of the indicators, 'the harmonization of residential areas and surroundings', 'water pollution', and 'potential for development of natural resources' appeared to be important. In the category of social sector, indicators for human resources such as the existence of a community leader are considered the most essential factor, while in the economic sector the competitiveness of local products appeared to be substantial. It is noteworthy that the indicators in this study unlike others not merely focus on physical and economic aspects but encompass social and human resources factors.

Maintaining and revitalizing the local society and economy are crucial to seek the balanced development and improve the public benefit of forests. To develop the monitoring scheme that observes and improves the sustainable indicators, support and research on mountain villages should be provided.

Researchers: Kyung-Taek Min, Ho-Gun Chong, Myeong-Eun Kim, Ja-Choon Koo
Research period: 2013. 2. - 2013. 7.
E-mail address: minkt@krei.re.kr
제1장 서 론
제2장 산촌의 개념과 현황
제3장 산촌지역 인구 동향 분석
제4장 조사항목 설정과 예비조사
제5장 요약 및 결론
산촌 사회경제 조사를 위한 기초연구
산촌; 사회경제
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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