Korea Rural Economic Institue

산림산업 활성화를 위한 종묘산업 발전방안

영문 제목
A Study on the Development Strategies for Seed and Seedling Industry to Revitalize Forestry Business
정호근;  임철균
제2차 치산녹화기가 종료한 80년대 말 이후 산림사업의 조림면적이 감소하면서 산림용 종묘의 생산도 함께 축소되어왔다. 최근 들어 청장년 영급 산림이 늘고 입목 축적이 증가하여 산림의 영급별 균형과 목재생산을 위한 벌채가 증가할 가능성이 높다. 기후변화 대응 및 탄소흡수원 확충을 위한 목질계 바이오매스 등 산림에 대한 신재생에너지 수요도 증가하고 있다.

조림을 통한 성공적인 산림사업을 위해서는 우수한 산림용 종묘 수급기반이 필요하지만 현실은 규모면이나 전문성 측면에서 현재 및 미래의 수요에 대응할 여력이 부족한 실정이다. 또한 종자공급원이 부족하고, 종묘 생산을 위한 관리 인력이 부족하며, 기후변화에 대응하기 위한 종묘 연구개발을 위한 전문가도 부족한 현실이다.

이러한 맥락에서 이 연구는 산림용 종묘산업의 문제점과 그 원인을 파악하고, 이를 토대로 발전방향과 관련 정책과제를 도출하기 위해 수행되었다. 보고서에서는 산림용 종묘생산 현황과 관련 제도를 정리하여 제시하였고, 산림용 묘목생산과 조림의 현황 및 문제점을 분석하였다. 발전과제를 종자와 양묘산업으로 구분하여 제시하였다.

Seed and seedling industry is important as the basis of forestry business. The demand of forestry is growing not only for the quality of life but also for providing natural resources. As income grows, the public is looking for better environmental service as well as wooden materials for the living. Because the demand for new renewable energy is increased to cope with climate change and the CER(Carbon Emission Reduction), there is a growing interest in forest resources.

However, seed and seedling industry lacks in size and capacity to allow forest business to catch up with increasing demand. Hence, after examining the current situation of production and usage of seed and seedling, we derive a development strategy for the seed and seedling industry to revitalize forestry business. The scope of the study covers seed production, seedling production, and afforestation.

We found the following as the current problem in the seed industry. There isn't an efficient control system to manage central seed orchard and seed stand. Hence, the quality degradation of seed as well as tree can occur. Even though there would be enough good seeds in orchard or stand, the shortage of good labor to harvest the seeds and the supply and demand misalignment could still cause a seed problem such as using the seeds from the un-designated seed stands.

We found the following as the current problem in the seedling industry. Both public and private tree nurseries have the same single big problem. That is the shortage of labor and it has been getting worse. Tree nurseries irregularly require much labor during the short period of time and it is getting more difficult in rural areas to recruit labor especially good experienced labor. The shortage of labor is the biggest problem in planting for both public and private forests.

We propose the following as the solutions for the problems of seed and seedling industry. First, it is necessary to establish a mid to long term seed supply plan. Based on this, we need to readjust seed production system. It is better to provide only the major seeds from central seed orchard and seeds for special purpose or selected area from the seed stands.

Second, the formulation of the national seed management system can't be done without proper marketing and distribution of seeds. In that sense, early settlement of the producer verification can restrict the usage of unproven seeds to grow saplings for the forestry.

Third, the shortage of labor can be solved by mechanization and facility cultivating, which is less demanding in labor compared with outdoor cultivating. The expansion of facility cultivating in seedling is possible only when the number of species from facility cultivating of national afforestation is increased, not to mention facility itself and related nursery technique. When the facility cultivating is equipped with modern tools and automatic control system, it is much easier to resolve the labor problem in the seedling industry.

Forth, we need to reinforce the infrastructure both tangible and intangible. In the sense, a professional education organization with specialized program would be desirable to make new seed and seedling specialists and keep them by providing supplementary education.

Fifth, Expanding both the research areas and the research volume is necessary. Considering the required long period of time for growing and the difficulty for species differentiation, the application of BT technology including cloning and tissue culture is important but it is better to focus only on core, major species considering the necessary size of budget for the research.

Researchers: Ho-gun Chong, Chul-kyun Yim
Research Period: 2013. 1 ~ 2013. 12
E-mail address: hogunc@krei.re.kr
제1장 서 론
제2장 산림용 종묘 생산 현황과 관련 주요 제도
제3장 산림용 묘목 생산방식과 생산자 현황
제4장 산림용 묘목 이용자의 조림사업과 문제점
제5장 외국의 종묘사업 동향과 전망
제6장 산림용 종묘산업 발전과제
농림업 후방연관산업의 전략적 발전방안(3의2차년도) - 농기계·종자·산림종묘
산림산업; 종묘산업
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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