소비안정 및 수출산업화를 위한 화훼산업 발전 전략

영문 제목
Strategic Development of Floricultural Industry for Stable Consumption and Export Industrialization
화훼산업은 농업부문의 위축 속에서도 국민소득 향상과 소비패턴 변화, 고소득 작목이라는 인식 확대 등의 영향으로 그동안 성장을 지속해 왔다. 더욱이 화훼는 수출이 크게 증가하면서 정부의 수출 전략품목 중의 하나로 선정되어 집중 육성되는 등 수출 효자품목으로도 각광받았다. 이처럼 성장을 지속하던 화훼산업은 최근 들어 경영비 상승, 소비 감소, 수출 침체 등 3중고에 시달리면서 생산이 축소로 전환되었으며, 이러한 상황이 계속될 경우 향후에도 화훼산업의 전망은 그다지 밝지 않다. 이 때문에 본 연구는 화훼산업이 재도약할 수 있는 계기를 마련하고, 향후에도 화훼산업이 농업 발전을 견인할 수 있는 새로운 동력산업 중의 하나로 구축될 수 있도록 화훼산업을 둘러싼 각 부문별 현황과 당면문제를 실증적 실태조사를 통해 진단한 후, 이를 기초로 발전 전략을 제시하고자 수행되었다.
Research Background Despite the constant downswing of agriculture, the floricultural industry has been continuously developed. It has been also regarded as one of the most profitable items because of the significant increase of export. Recently, however, the production in the floricultural industry has notably decreased due to the increase of management cost, dwindling consumption, and sluggish export. With this exacerbated situation of the global and domestic floricultural industry, the industry is evaluated to be facing a crisis. Therefore, for the resurgence of ther floricultural industry, it is needed to suggest the development strategies based on the diagnosis of the current status and problems of each component (e.g., production, distribution, consumption, and policy) in the industry. Through the establishment of the strategies, the floricultural industry should play a leading role as a new growth engine industry for the development of agriculture.Research Method In order to understand the basic statistical data regarding the floricultural industry, this study used the data including the resources and previous study data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the raw data from Statistics Korea. The problems and the major issues in the current floricultural business were explored through hosting expert symposiums. The current status of production management was investigated based on the total of 774 farms. In order to explore the consumers' purchase patterns and the factors in consumption, the surveys were conducted to 1,000 respondents in Korea and Japan, respectively. Moreover, field surveys in the Netherlands and Colombia were carried out to understand the advanced systems abroad and the current status of rival countries in export markets. Through developing the supply and demand model by product items, the supply and demand of flowering plants for the medium- and long-term period were anticipated. With regard to the consumption part, diverse models were employed, including the Habit Formation Model and Ordered logistic regression model.Results and Discussion This study draws emerging problems and issues through empirical investigation of the current status and problems in each area of the floricultural industry and through the prospect of the supply and demand. Based on these results, this study suggests measure to address diverse problems. The final vision of the floricultural industry development is stable and constant development of floricultural industry In order to achieve the vision, four basic directions are suggested: (1) development of production infrastructure for high quality and low cost, (2) establishment of advanced distribution system, (3) settlement of stable and assured consumption, and (4) preparation for the systems of export industrialization. Based on aforementioned basic directions, the detailed development strategies are established as follows. For the development of production infrastructure for high quality and low cost flowering plants, it is required to make the management of farms stable by converting it into low cost production system as well as by renovating the production facility. Moreover, the active adoption of the eco-friendly flower production certification system, MPS Certification, can reduce the environmental loads, leading to meeting consumer's needs. Also, understanding effects of production efficiency through data recording can reduce the cost. The establishment of advanced distribution system for flowers can make the public markets play a leading role in the distribution system through developing hub wholesale markets for flowers. It can also be achieved by actively adopting a wet and cold distribution system. In addition, diverse dealing methods should be introduced to meet the changing environment of markets and flower production certification system should also be prepared. The detailed developmental strategies for the settlement of stable and assured consumption include the implementation of flower education, the reinforcement of a place-of-origin indication system for imported flowers, and the introduction of the place-of-origin indication system for domestic flowers. Moreover, the consumers' trust can be established by opening easily accessible large-scale horticultural stores, prohibiting garland recycling, and encouraging the use of real flowers. The preparation for the systems of export industrialization can be achieved by introducing the designation system of dedicated export complex which can secure the stable export volume, reducing the distribution costs, restoring the major export market share, diversifying the export markets, investigating the market thoroughly, and actively responding to the movement of FTA countries.Researchers: Ki-Hwan Park, Seong-Yoon Heo, Dong-So LeeE-mail address: kihwan@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론제2장 화훼의 생산구조 변화와 시설운영 실태제3장 화훼 유통 현황과 민간시장 거래 중심 실태제4장 화훼 소비동향과 소비자 선호도 분석제5장 화훼 수출입 동향과 특정시장 의존도 심화제6장 소비안정과 수출산업화를 위한 화훼산업 발전 전략제7장 요약 및 결론
신성장동력 발굴을 위한 원예·특작산업 발전 전략(2의2차년도)
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