농식품 수출진흥 중장기 종합정책 마련 연구 : 수출물량의 안정적 확보와 수출시장 확대 방안 중심

영문 제목
Study of Comprehensive Mid-to-Long Term Promotion of Agricultural Food Product Export : Focus on Measures to Attain the Stable Export Volume and Expand the Export Markets
농식품 수출액은 2012년 56억 달러로 사상 최대치를 기록하는 등 최근 크게 신장되었으며, 정부도 수출확대를 위한 다양한 지원사업을 전개하고 있다. 이러한 정부의 관심과 관련 기관 등의 노력으로 1995년 1품목에 불과하였던 1억 달러 이상의 농식품 수출품목이 2012년에는 10품목으로 증대되는 등 농업부문 수출산업화 추진의 토대를 마련하고 있다.

그럼에도 불구하고 농식품 수출은 수출물량의 지속적·안정적 확보가 곤란하여 수출단가 하락은 물론, 수출시장에서의 신뢰저하 문제가 여전히 발생하고 있다. 또한, 농업부문 수출을 주도하고 있는 가공식품의 경우 농업과의 연계성이 부족하며, 수출 활성화 지원체계도 미흡한 실정이다. 뿐만 아니라 주요 수출품목의 대일 의존도가 높아 엔화 변동 등에 의해 수출에 많은 영향을 받는 등 수출진흥을 저해하는 요소들이 나타나고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 수출 과정에서 나타난 핵심 현안 문제를 면밀히 진단한 후, 이를 토대로 수출 진흥을 도모할 수 있는 중장기 정책과제를 제시하고자 수행되었다.
Research Background
Although export of agricultural food products has grown impressively and become the foundation to develop the agricultural export industrialization, there is the current issue of difficulties of obtaining the stable and continuous export volume; lack of linking of processed food products, which are the key export items, with agriculture and inadequate support system; and deepening dependency on export to specific markets. Therefore, this study aimed to diagnose the current problems and status of agricultural product export and analyze the change of worldwide environment and then to present the mid-to-long term policy to seek export promotion based on the results of the analysis.

Research Method
The study collected and analyzed the agricultural food product export related documents and reviewed the preceding studies. To observe the real condition of agricultural food product export, 103 horticulture production complexes and 52 processed food exporters were surveyed. Euromonitor International (Asia), an international consulting company, was contracted to conduct the market trend and future prediction of agricultural food product market in China. Methodologies such as the time series analysis, export supply response function, correlation analysis, CRk, Herfindahal Index, etc. were used for the analysis of impact of domestic price and foreign currency exchange rate change on export of agricultural food product.

Research Result and Implication
Setting up the ground for attaining the stable and continuous export volume, focused cultivation of export oriented items and market expansion through diversification of exported countries are needed to solve the current problems of agricultural food product export. The programs needed for that would be, first, the development of the dedicated export complex to attain the stable export volume. To establish a dedicated export complex program, it is recommended to begin with a test project and then gradually increasing the target items. The policy can be continuously operated only when it has the incentives for the farmers of the items featured by the export dedicated complex to have the stable income level. The items offered by the export dedicated complex should be designated to be the subjects of government-run import insurance system to help stabilizing the producers' income from export. Moreover, reintroduction of price stabilizing insurance system, which compensates some of sales price when the domestic price suddenly increases after the export contract should be considered and additional export logics expense assistance and partial expense assistance for purchasing the fuel oil or seed should be reviewed. However, the priority of government assistance should be set with regard to government budgetary limitation and fairness to farmers who do not export so that the most important measures will be adopted first.
Second, There should be measures to strengthen the linking of processed food product exports and agriculture as well as to promote exports. To increase the domestic content of the processed food products, measures such as expansion of additional assistance of export logistics expenses of exporters using the domestic raw materials, preferred allocation of outstanding agricultural food product purchase assistance fund, tax incentive for farmers under contract with Korean producers and designation of exporter for a specific volume are needed. Moreover, the current program of processed food product export assistance needs to be improved and a new assistance program needs to be developed. The infrastructure assistance instead of direct assistance is needed.
Third, a strategy of entering the Chinese market is needed to not only expand the export of agricultural food products but also mitigate dependency on export to a specific country. Although China is the world’s largest consumption market, it is an ‘isolatedly fragmented market’ which has different income level and consumption inclination according to region. As such, it is more important than anything to segment the market and select the target market then develop the export strategy by reviewing the market trend, forecast and other information. Since export of fresh agricultural food products is very limited in China because of the country’s adoption of quarantine system, it is recommended that the expansion of export to China should be centered around the processed food products. To improve the accessibility of Chinese consumers to Korean agricultural food products, the logistics and distribution networks in China are needed. Moreover, there is high level of non-tariff trad barrier such as the demand for sanitation certificate during customs clearance of imported food products, excessive quarantine criteria and sanitation permit of health (functional) foods, and it hinders the expansion of export to China. Therefore, Korean Government should discuss such matters with Chinese Government to overcome the problems promptly.

Researchers: Ki-Hwan Park, Kyung-Phil Kim, Byoung-Hoon Lee and Seong-Yun Heo
Research period: 2013. 7. - 2013. 12.
E-mail address: kihwan@krei.re.kr
제1장 서 론
제2장 농식품 수출 동향과 부류별 구조 변화
제3장 농식품 수출의 대내외 환경변화와 최근의 수출 정체
제4장 농식품 수출진흥의 한계 요인과 실태 분석
제5장 농식품 수출진흥을 위한 중장기 정책 과제
제6장 요약 및 결론
농식품 수출진흥 중장기 종합정책 마련
농식품 수출
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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