KREI Research Summaries 2013
- 저자
- KREI; 
- 출판년도
- 2014-01-30
- 목차
- 1. A Study on the Cooperation Model and Strategy for Rural Development of Developing Countries
2. A Study on Long-Term Forest Management Strategies(Year 2 of 2)
3. Analysis of World Grain Market and Operation of World Grain Market Information System
4. A Study on the Introduction of Agricultural Revenue Insurance for Farm Management Stabilization
5. Development Directions for Backward Linkage Industries in the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
6. An Analysis of the Government's Current Agri-Food Policy Communications with Consumers and Suggestions for Improvement
7. Mid/Long-Term Food Industry Development Strategies for Creation of Value Added in Agriculture & Fishery(Year 5 of 5)
8. Rural Development Policy for Changes in Human Settlements in an Era of Rural-Urban Interaction(Year 2 of 2)
9. The Current Status of Energy use and Policy in Agriculture and Rural communities
10. Challenges of Agricultural and Rural Policies for their Consistency and Continuity
11. A Study on the Performance Analysis of Fiscal Investment and Loan in the Agricultural Sector
12. A Study on the causes and effects of farmland conversion
13. Health Status of the Rural Elderly and Policy Issues
14. Governance Status of Rural Commons and its Development Task
15. A study on improving a livestock product-distribution system for stabilizing inflation(Year 3 of 4)
16. A Study on North Korea's Agricultural Reform Measures after the Economic Crisis
17. Improvement Measures for Agricultural Products Distribution System of Traditional Market at Consumption Sites
18. Strategy for Developing Horiticulture and Special Crop Industry as New Growth Engine(2nd yr 2-yr project)
19. A Study on Plans to Raise the Economic and Social Roles of the Women Farmers(Year 2 of 2)
20. The supply and demand model and outlook of Korean forest products
21. A Study on the Cost Reduction and Management Analysis of the Major Horticultural Crops
22. Research on Establishing Sustainable Agriculture System in Korea
23. Cooperatives' roles and its strategies for vitalizing the regional agriculture
24. Externality and Policy Measures of Livestock Industry
25. Activation Measures of Wholesale Distribution for Environment-Friendly Agricultural Products in Wholesale Market
26. Promotion Strategy for Community Business(Year 3 of 3)
27. Analysis of the Chinese Horticultural Industry and Policy Implications for the Korea-China FTA
28. Welfare Analysis of Economic Agents and Distribution Analysis of Major Imported Agricultural Products after FTA
- 발행처
- Korea Rural Economic Institute
- 발간물 유형
- KREI 보고서
- 보고서 번호
- OT059
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