청송군 기초생활인프라 수요조사 및 전략사업 발굴
영문 제목
- Identification of Strategic Projects for Cheongsong County Based on a Survey of Residents on Living Infrastructure
- 송미령; 성주인; 김광선; 윤병석
- 2013-10-30
- 이 연구는 청송군의 현황을 전국적인 차원에서 진단하고 주민들의 내부 수요를 면밀히 조사하여 앞으로 5년간 어떤 전략적 사업을 추진할 것인가를 도출하기 위한 목적으로 시작되었다. 마침 올해는 새 정부를 맞이하여 ‘국민행복’과 ‘창조경제’를 국정기조로 채택하는 등 국가의 지역정책도 변화하고 있으므로 이에 부응하고 지역 간 상생발전을 도모할 수 있는 전략 마련이 필요한 시점이다.
지역정책의 주요한 내용을 비롯하여 청송군의 기존 발전계획에 대한 검토, 각종 통계자료의 분석, 청송군 행정리별 이장 대상 전수 조사 및 주민 700명 대상의 개발 수요 조사 등을 바탕으로, 창조적 마을 만들기, 중심지 육성, 문화관광 활성화, 6차산업화, 지자체 간 연계협력사업 등 크게 5개 분야의 전략사업을 제안하였다.
The purpose of this research is to identify strategic projects for Cheongsong County based on a survey of basic living infrastructure and on an analysis of the residents' needs. The focus of the study is placed mostly on comprehensive subsidy projects while strategic projects that are in line with the policy direction of the new government are also identified. Depending on the type of a project, similar cases of the project at home and abroad are examined and priorities are reviewed.
The main contents of the study consist largely of five parts to achieve the research purpose. First, under the recent changes in the policy environment, the main points that are emphasized concerning the rural development policy are analyzed to be linked with the identification of strategic projects. The reason for this is that since Cheongsong County has relatively poor financial conditions, it is necessary to have sufficient information on the policy changes of the central government to implement strategic projects. Second, the status of Cheongsong County is identified by sector from a national perspective based on the statistics data of cities and counties. The reason for this is to use it as a reference for identifying strategic projects after the relative strengths and weaknesses of the county are determined. Third, the state of basic living infrastructure and the conditions for urban-rural exchanges, as well as the demand for development, are identified through a survey of village leaders of the county. Fourth, a survey is conducted on 700 randomly selected county residents to identify and analyze their satisfaction level of basic living infrastructure and their needs for development. Lastly, based on the analysis, this study suggested strategic projects that Cheongsong County should carry out in the next five years.
Cheongsong County is at a relatively disadvantageous position compared to other cities and counties in terms of overall conditions that include conditions for local development and living infrastructure. However, in terms of the `leisurely living index,' the county is placed on the high rank, which this study interprets to have derived from the fact that it has many tourist attractions such as Mt. Juwangsan, Jusanji Pond, Dalgi Mineral Spring and an exhibition hall of stones with flower patterns. Thus, this study evaluates that it is necessary to focus on finding strategic projects that reinforce the strengths of the county. The county residents have a relatively high demand for development in the fields of medical welfare and cultural leisure. For now, the demand is expected to increase especially as depopulation and aging are rather severe and as it will be necessary to mend the basic living infrastructure to attract urban-to-rural migrants.
This study suggested the following major strategic projects for Cheongsong County: “happy village building project,” “settlement center development project,” “geological park development project,” “6th industrialization of agriculture project,” and “municipalities partnership project.” All these projects are developed to reflect the changing policy direction of the central government and the needs of residents.
Researchers: Mi-Ryung Song, Joo-In Seong, Kwang-Seon Kim and Byeong-Seok Yoon
Research Period: 2012.12~2013.10
E-mail Address: mrsong@krei.re.kr
- 제1장 서 론
제2장 지역발전정책 추진 환경의 변화와 과제
제3장 청송군 일반 현황 및 삶의 질 여건
제4장 청송군 마을별 정주 여건과 개발 수요
제5장 청송군 주민의 생활환경 만족도와 개발 수요
제6장 청송군 개발 방향과 주요 전략사업
- 한국농촌경제연구원
- 2012 청송군 기초생활인프라 수요조사 및 전략사업 발굴
발간물 유형
- KREI 보고서
- http://repository.krei.re.kr/handle/2018.oak/20797
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