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dc.description.abstract국토녹화 이후 산림에 대한 국민적 수요는 다양하게 증가하고 있다. 목재생산뿐만 아니라 지구온난화에 따른 각종 재해방지, 수자원 함양, 산림휴양 및 치유 등 산림의 다원적 기능에 대한 수요가 높아지고 있는 것이다. 산림자원관리는 단순히 목재자원의 정비에 국한되는 것이 아니라 산림의 다원적 기능이 최대가 되도록 산림의 구조와 배치를 유도하면서 지속적으로 발휘되도록 해야 할 것이다. 지속가능한 산림경영은 산림의 다원적 기능 발휘를 위한 기본 관리원칙이다. 지속가능한 산림경영의 실현을 위해서는 산림관리에 지역의 의사를 반영하고 주민이 참여하는 것이 매우 중요하다. 과소화·고령화되어 있는 우리 산촌의 현실을 감안하면, 산주와 산촌주민만의 노력으로 산림을 적절히 관리하고 보전하기에는 한계가 있다. 따라서 소통을 통해 지역주민과 산주, 산림행정 사이의 이해와 갈등을 조정하고 현장의 소리를 정책에 반영하는 노력이 필요하다. 일본의 국민참가형 산림관리는 여러 계층의 주민들이 스스로 산림볼런티어에 참여하여 다양한 산림관리활동을 할 수 있도록 지원하는 제도이며, 민의를 반영하여 실현하는 상향식 범국민적 활동이다. 우리가 안고 있는 문제점들을 극복하고 새로운 산림관리방향을 모색하는 데 좋은 사례가 될 것이다.-
dc.description.abstractBackground of Research This study is designed to introduce forest management by people’s participation in Japan and suggest some implications derived from a case study of Miyazaki and Saga prefectures. The forest management system by people’s participation is based on the slogan suggested by the NLAPO (National Land Afforestation Promotion Organization) in 1986. A wide range of general people, companies and organizations are willing to participate in voluntary forest management activities. Legal, systematical, and financial supports as well as background of this system are reviewed and introduced.Method of Research This study was carried out by internet, literature and field surveys. To collect the information of forest management policy, laws and systems by people’s participation, internet and literature surveys were conducted. To collect information and data related to the case study of this system, field surveys were conducted in the Forest Management Commission, the responsible departments in charge, the Private Forest Associations and forest owners of Miyazaki and Saga prefectures.Research Results and Implications Forest management activities by people’s participation in Japan have been carried out under the legal and systematical supports like the “forest and forestry basic law” and the “forest and forestry basic plan”. This system is supported by the “Greenery Fund” and “Greenery and Forest Fund” in national side and by the “Forest Environment Tax” in local side. A total of 33 prefectures in 2012 had introduced this tax system for the purpose of supporting forest management activities by local people’s participation. Implications from field surveys on Miyazaki and Saga prefectures are as follows: Management activities on local forest are carried out by the volunteer groups who are composed of local residents, NPO and CSO. Also, many private companies are participating in forest maintenance and conservation activities as a part of their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). The public awareness of the necessity and importance of forest management and conservation should be raised through the forest environment education from childhood. Through the case study of Miyazaki and Saga prefectures, we found some important implications for the Korean forest management policies. Forest management activities have a significant role in maintenance and improvement of the multi-functional roles of forests. In some private forests like small-scale forests, proper management activities including thinning and replanting are urgently needed. Forest management activities by cooperation between local residents, volunteer groups, and private companies should be considered. For the purpose of the introduction and revitalization of people’s participation in Korean forest management, the whole society's continuous awareness and interest are required and then legal, systematic, and financial supports should be prepared.Researcher: Chang Cheol-suResearch period: 2014. 4. ~ 2014. 7.E-mail address: cschang@krei.re.kr-
dc.description.tableofcontents제1장 서론제2장 일본의 국민참가형 산림관리제3장 국민참가형 산림관리 사례와 성과제4장 결론 및 시사점-
dc.title일본의 국민참가형 산림관리 사례와 시사점-
dc.title.alternativeForest Management by People’s Participation in Japan: A Case Study and Implications-
dc.typeKREI 보고서-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameChang, Cheolsu-
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