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dc.contributor.other클렘 티스델-
dc.description.abstract최근 들어 물, 에너지, 기후변화 이슈 등과 더불어 지속가능 농업시스템 구축에 관한 논의가 활발하게 이루어지고 있다. 고투입ㆍ고산출 농업으로 인해 농업용 토질ㆍ수질 악화, 온실가스 배출량 증가, 불안전한 식품섭취 등의 부작용이 커지고 있으며, 기후변화, 도시화에 따라 농지와 농업용수 부족 현상 또한 심화되고 있다. 이에 지속가능한 농업 육성을 통한 농업 환경 자원의 유지ㆍ보전 및 그 효율적 이용이 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위한 핵심 과제로 대두되고 있다. 따라서 체계적이고 종합적인 실증 분석을 토대로 적절한 지속가능 농업시스템 구축 방안을 제시하는 연구 수행이 요구된다.이 보고서는 「지속가능한 농업시스템 구축 연구」에 관한 2년간의 연구 과제의 최종 결과물이다. 여기서는 지속가능한 농업의 실증 분석을 수행하였으며, 토양 및 수자원 변동성 분석, 농경지의 양분수지 분석, 벼 생산함수 추정을 통한 생산성과 환경성의 관계 분석, 환경성 및 경제성의 통합 분석, 사회성 분석 등을 다루었다. 또, 지속가능 농업 육성을 위한 자금 투자의 농업 부가가치 제고 기여도 분석, 전문가를 대상으로 한 토양ㆍ양분 관리 정책에 대한 심층 분석, 농업인을 대상으로 한 지속가능 농업 인식 및 실천 의향 분석, AHP 분석 방법론에 의한 실행 프로그램의 우선순위 분석 등을 토대로 지속가능한 농업시스템 구축 방안을 제시하였다.-
dc.description.abstractBackground of Research Research on sustainable agriculture has mainly analyzed the production aspect, focusing on the technical and economic aspects of environmentally- friendly and low-input agriculture. However, in future research on sustainable agriculture must move beyond the production aspect to examine other aspects. This ‘holistic’ approach to research on low input agriculture will not only examine the production aspect, but will also the environmental, economic and social aspects. Such an approach is necessary if a sustainable agriculture system is to be established which effectively manages agriculture environment resources, such as soil and water. Methods of Research This study presents the results of an actual first year study which analyzed sustainable agriculture. In the study, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) has been applied, using as its basis the rice production cost and soil-related variables data, so that a review could be conducted of the compatibility of economic feasibility and environment effect. In addition, an econometric model has been used for a simulation analysis on the contribution to agricultural added value of investment with regards to sustainable agriculture. Moreover, further analysis of soil nourishment management has been carried out with an analysis of frequency and the Ordered Probit Model on the basis of expert surveys. Furthermore, an analysis of frequency and Heckman's two-stage method have been applied to determine the level of farmers’ understanding and their intentions with regards to sustainable agriculture. Finally, an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) has been employed so as to establish a hierarchy of priorities for sustainable agriculture policy programs. Research Results and Implications An analysis of environment effect reveals that the available phosphoric acid level is 1.3~2.1 times the optimal amount in rice paddies, upland fields and orchards. Further examination has revealed that the excess nutrient is polluting ground water and surface water. Analytical results for economic feasibility show that factors of production have been invested heavily in the rice crop. Under these conditions, sustainable agriculture, including low-input agriculture, appears to be a possible alternative that will permit economic feasibility and environment effects to be improved simultaneously.Analysis results for sociality reveal that social factors include the value of producer, association and interior network. Social conditions are comprised of leadership, consumers' awareness, education and conflict solutions. In addition, analysis on how much the investments contribute to improving agricultural value added has revealed that the direct payment program is the most effective instrument. Experts confirm that economic feasibility can be improved by scientific and well reasoned nutrient management on the basis of soil test. Farmers pointed to 'economic factors' (40.5%) as being the largest obstacle to switching to the practice of sustainable agriculture. They also indicate 'uncertainty with regards to sustainable agriculture technology' (55.8%) as a failure factor for practicing sustainable agriculture. Even so, farmers who think that environmental and regional issues are the biggest problems have expanded their practice of sustainable agriculture. An analysis which sought to establish the priorities for sustainable agriculture policy programs has shown that extending R&D in agricultural technology, revitalizing soil test and fertilizer recommendations as well as introducing an emission trading system are very important policy measures. The key subjects to establish the sustainable agriculture system are classified into the following four aspects. And each aspect calls for different requirements.Firstly, from an economic point of view, the research indicates that agricultural policy needs to be integrated with environmental policy and that the function of market making based on the value chain needs to be revitalized. Secondly, from an environmental point of view, there is a need for an optimal resource management system to be established in the agricultural sector. In addition, sustainable agriculture practice will need to be extended and environmentally-friendly and sustainable intensive technology will need to be further developed. Thirdly, from a social point of view, green agriculture management needs to be fostered, technology and education needs to be extended, and social conflict needs to be mediated.Lastly, from a governance point of view, it will be necessary to strengthen good governance, to share suitable roles, to build a cooperation system and to utilize community supported agriculture. Researchers: Kim Chang-gil, Jeong Hak-kyun, and Moon Dong-hyun Research Period: 2014. 1. ~ 2014. 12.E-mail: changgil@krei.re.kr-
dc.description.tableofcontents제1장 서 론제2장 지속가능 농업의 개념 및 이론제3장 지속가능 농업의 실증 분석제4장 지속가능 농업정책의 효과 분석 및 심층 평가 제5장 지속가능 농업에 대한 농업인 반응 분석제6장 국제기구 논의 동향 및 주요국의 지속가능 농업정책제7장 지속가능 농업시스템 구축 방안제8장 요약 및 결론-
dc.title지속가능한 농업시스템 구축 연구 (2/2차연도)-
dc.title.alternativeEstablishment of Sustainable Agriculture System in Korea (Year 2 of 2)-
dc.typeKREI 보고서-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameKim, Changgil-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameJeong, Hakkyun-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameMoon, Donghyun-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameClement Tisdell-
dc.relation.isPartOf지속가능한 농업시스템 구축 연구(2의2차년도)-
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