농산물 유통구조 개선을 위한 공급망관리(SCM) 시스템 구축 방안(2/2차년도)

영문 제목
Supply Chain Management (SCM) System Implementation Plan for Improving the Distribution Structure of the Agricultural Products (Year 1 of 2)
그동안 정부는 농산물의 수급 및 가격안정, 농산물 물류효율성 제고 및 유통비용 절감을 위하여 농산물 유통구조 개선과 관련하여 많은 정책 사업을 수행해 왔으나 여전히 성과는 미흡하여 비효율적인 유통과 가격불안정 현상이 지속되고 있다.

특히 노지채소류의 경우 생산 및 공급의 불안정성이 높으며, 다양한 유통경로 구성원의 참여목적이 서로 상이하고 의사결정이 투기적 동기에 의해 개별・독립적으로 이루어지는 것이 비효율과 불안정의 주요 원인이다. 즉 전체 공급사슬(유통경로 상)에서 단계별, 구성원별, 기능별로 공급사슬의 핵심 관리주체인 조정자가 없을 뿐만 아니라 유통주체 간 제휴나 협력관계가 구축되지 못하여 연계 및 통합관리가 이루어지지 못하고 있다.

이에 따라 농산물 유통단계 및 유통주체 간 정보 공유와 거래 협력, 효율적 물류시스템을 바탕으로 통합・연계관리가 가능한 공급사슬관리(SCM) 기반 구축에 대한 대안적 검토가 필요하다. 특히 민간유통업체의 SCM 시스템 모델을 농산물 공급사슬의 핵심 단계인 도매시장에 적용하는 것에 대한 검토가 필요하며, SCM 방식의 도입 및 적용을 위한 정책적 대안 제시가 필요하다.

이 연구에서는 기존의 유통단계・유통주체・유통기능별로 개별적・독립적인 유통 및 물류관리 체계의 한계점을 완화하고 전체 공급사슬 상의 유통단계에서 참여주체 간 통합・연계・협력체계를 바탕으로 수급안정과 물류효율성 제고를 실현할 수 있는 SCM 시스템 구축 방안을 제시하고자 하였다.
Background of Research
This study is intended to present initiatives to set out an SCM system that may mitigate limitations of individual or independent distribution or logistics system depending on the stages, agency or functions of distribution, and raise the efficiency of distribution and stability of supply and demand based on a networking system among participating parties in the course of distribution on the supply chain.

Method of Research
A survey method was utilized mainly for the whole supply chain involved and we visited research subjects and related facilities for agricultural products in order to set the direction of the SCM system to build. We also conducted related statistical analysis.

Research Results and Implications
SCM for agricultural products refers to the integrated system whereby functions are managed or operated in the entire course of distribution from production, ordering, trading, storage, processing to delivery (transportation). The introduction of the system is intended to reduce distribution costs through retaining optimal volume (buffer inventory) in stock at each of distribution levels and stabilizing the performance of interested parties in the market. Also, SCM is aimed at lowering the costs by setting an optimal distribution system at distribution stage or agency level while organically managing such system on the supply chain. In addition, SCM has a purport to shorten the supply chain by engaging related parties who are excluded or integrated to save from redundant functions and sharing information in a transparent way. There are however, many of constraints in introducing the system in the area of agricultural products, and it is suggested to deploy such system in a progressive way by applying an efficient model.
For wholesale-oriented SCM to be structured, it is needed to ① introduce a closest approach to SCM for industrial products, ② build the foundation of trading between trading parties in a sustainable way, ③ optimize the number of wholesalers or producing entities, ④ secure real-time information sharing system between traders in the markets, and ⑤ build an appropriate transportation & storage system for logistic facilities at producing or consuming places. An examination was made of how vegetables raised outdoors are handled by wholesalers (market or corporation). If SCM is introduced for logistics or produce supply and demand, led by any wholesale corporation, the corporation in record-highest trading volume in the wholesale market is thought to have an advantage.
Currently, distribution information at producing or wholesale level is provided by entities related to agriculture, varying in key contents or features depending on the entities. As related parties receive information via different routes, it would be required to find or apply a mechanism in which information may be made available to departments or agencies engaging in distribution.
A comparative analysis was made of the supply chain comprising wholesale markets and large distributors in terms of the systems of commodity & trading, logistics or information, and found that wholesale markets have a poor foundation underlying the SCM system in every aspect. A survey was done for produce distributors, showing that SCM is not relatively highly perceived or expected. However, most of them are kept informed of high logistics costs and unstable supply and demand and prices in vegetables raised outdoors. It is deemed to be needed to examine introducing SCM for produce from a mid to long term perspective.
It is required to have a phasing approach to the introduction of SCM for produce. Given the features of the current distribution system, it should be preconditioned to organize participating distributors in terms of scale, while a player with upper hand over wholesale market should exist for such species as cabbage. If SCM is introduced by government or private entities, the supply chain at initial stage for items with high demands for SCM is reasonably thought to include corporate distributors in species producing places by item, large wholesale market corporations in public wholesale markets-medium wholesalers under corporate wholesale markets corporations. It is recommended to gradually evolve the introduction of SCM depending on how further conditions are secured, on a mid-to-long term basis, and to shift from corporate distributors at item species or local level-affiliated wholesale corporations in wholesale markets-medium wholesalers in the markets, to widely organized corporate distributors (representative) at item or local level-nationwide affiliated wholesale markets-nationwide organized medium wholesalers. At the time of introduction, it is suggested to select and model a corporate wholesale market or a wholesale market on good conditions for one specific species item.
Who would participate in SCM for produce at producer or consumer level? For the former, it is suggested to have related parties participating in introducing the system at first, including distributors (organizations) with upper hand over markets at producing places, wholesale markets with higher share in markets nationwide for specific species at consuming places or corporate wholesale markets with high portions of species-specific trading. For the latter, it is advised to select one or two large corporate wholesale markets with high shares nationwide for species. It would be more reasonable to choose a single species of cabbage than multiple ones at initial stage for introduction of SCM and then gradually increase the number of species while considering resulting effects.
For a successful SCM for produce, distributors should have a trading system established in a sustainable way, and it would be required to improve policy related to distributors’ corporation at producing places. It would be needed to have the same information as that of existing agricultural cooperatives by building an integrated distribution information system between corporate or organized distributors and wholesale markets at producing places, led by the former group, and gradually create the integrated information sharing system among producers and wholesale markets. For the distribution system to be effective, distribution would have to be carried out in a standardized, professional, common, information sharing, organized or cooperative way.
The role of government would be the most important in successfully building the SCM system for produce. As drawn from a questionnaire survey for distributors, the government would have to pay the potential costs for introducing SCM at first since the distributors couldn’t afford to pay initial costs for the system, and give supports for education & training, professionals, organizational costs for distributors at producing or consuming places. Also, additional supports would have to be given for a loss over specific periods that may be incurred by distributors while initially introducing the SCM system, including for the setting of the distribution information system at producer or consumer level, organization of corporate distributors at producing places and an integrated information system for producers and wholesale markets.

Researchers: Jeon Changgon, Park Seongjin, Kim Donghoon
Research Period: 2015. 1. ~ 2015. 12.
E-mail address: cgjeon@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론
제2장 농산물 SCM 도입 여건 변화와 필요성
제3장 농산물 SCM 시스템 구축 여건 분석
제4장 농산물 SCM 구성요소 실태와 구조
제5장 농산물 SCM 참여주체 태도 분석
제6장 농산물 SCM 시스템 구축 방안
농산물 유통구조 개선을 위한 공급망관리(SCM) 시스템 구축 방안(2의2차년도)
농산물 유통; 공급망관리; SCM
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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