Korea Rural Economic Institue

반려동물 연관산업 발전방안 연구

영문 제목
Development Strategies for the Companion Animal Industry
지인배;  김현중;  김원태;  서강철
핵가족화와 1인 가구가 증가하면서 반려동물을 기르는 사람들이 빠르게 증가하고 있다. 이제 반려동물은 가족과 같은 존재로 대우받고 있으며, 국민들은 반려동물을 통해 보다 나은 삶을 살아가고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 아직까지 미성숙한 반려동물 문화, 관련 서비스의 부족, 관련 제도 미흡 등으로 일부 반려동물들은 의도적이든 의도적이지 않든 학대를 받고 있으며, 반려동물 주인들은 생활면이든 경제적이든 여러 어려움을 겪고 있다.

본 연구는 우리나라 반려동물 및 연관산업 관련 기초 현황 자료가 매우 부족한 상황에서 추진되었다. 그럼에도 불구하고 우리나라 반려동물의 사육 현황과 전망, 반려동물 연관산업 및 서비스 현황과 전망, 반려동물 소유자들의 서비스 소비 실태, 일본과 미국의 반려동물 관련 사육·연관산업·제도 현황 등 최대한 많은 자료를 수집하여 정리하려고 노력하였다. 이를 통해 우리나라 반려동물 산업과 연관산업이 어떠한 방향으로 나아가야 할지에 대해 고민하였다.

Background of Research
In Korea, the demand for companion animals is increasing due to changes in social structure, such as the nuclear family and the increase in the number of single-person households, and the size of related industries is growing rapidly. Nevertheless, the issue of animal welfare continues to be pointed out, and the management and support systems of related industries are insufficient, which impedes the healthy development of the industries. Therefore, this study suggests ways to diagnose the problems of the animal breeding and related industries that the existing animal protection and welfare policy does not cover and to protect and cultivate the industries through their prospects.

Method of Research
In order to understand the status of the companion animal industry, we reviewed the press releases and research reports on the related industries and gathered statistics of Statistics Korea and the Korean Agriculture Ministry. A survey was conducted on 2,000 people in order to investigate the present situation of the companion animal breeding in Korea, actual use of the service, and public perception of companion animals.
The Bass diffusion model was used to forecast the companion animal breeding industry and related industries. The experiment choice models were used to estimate consumers' preference for animal feeds and the willingness to pay for each property.
We held a policy debate and a seminar to identify the problems of the companion animal breeding and related industries and to find measures to develop the industries, and held 13 meetings with industry experts.
Research Results and Implications
It is estimated that 5.74 million households, or 29.4% of the nation's 19.52 million households in 2017, have 6.32 million dogs and 2.43 million cats. Therefore, it is believed that the number of companion animals in Korea will reach about 8.74 million. The number of people raising companion animals is estimated at about 14.81 million. The size of the animal-related industry in 2014 is 1,568.4 billion won, which is growing by an average of 14.5% per year. The number of companion animals will steadily increase to reach 13.2 million in 2027. The size of the animal-related industry is expected to grow from 2.3 trillion won in 2017 to more than 6 trillion won in 2027.
Basic statistics on the production, distribution and breeding of companion animals are insufficient, and companion animal abuse, loss, and abandonment problems continue to occur. Since the animal which is less than 2 months old is sold to the market, the mortality rate is high, resulting in consumer damage.
Despite the compulsory registration of companion animals for the prevention of loss, abandonment and insurance expansion, the number of companion animals registered by 2016 is only 1.07 million, accounting for only 19.8% of 5.4 million. In addition, accidents of dogs attacking people are also occurring continuously.
Basic statistics on the feed industry are insufficient, and there is no feed law reflecting characteristics of companion animal feeds. Domestic feeds are not competitive due to the lack of a domestic high-quality meat supply system. There is a huge price difference of medical care depending on animal hospitals. Also there is a problem of medical expenses due to excessive medical treatment. Demand for animal care is rising rapidly, but it is difficult to meet the growing demand for animal healthcare services due to lack of an animal nursing care system and experts.
The companion animals insurance penetration rate is only 0.16% due to the weak domestic pet insurance market, and the companion animals insurance market is sluggish due to the high loss ratio of insurance companies. This increases the economic burden of consumers.
As the companion animal industry grows rapidly, many related certificates issued by private organizations are being created. However, there is a lack of systematic management. Dog shows are not active enough and there is a great lack of experts in animal care. Facilities and manpower management standards are insufficient for new industries such as the companion animal care service industry, dog cafes, dog hotels, dog kindergartens.
This study concluded that the companion animal industry could develop only if a mature companion culture is established and a healthy companion animal industry is fostered. Therefore, this study set these two as the core objectives for the development of the industry.
In order to establish a mature companion culture, animal welfare should be expanded in the production, sale, and breeding of companion animals. Also, the consciousness of the citizens raising companion animals should be mature.
Also, to cultivate the animal-related industry, it is necessary to establish a system in which the government can protect and nurture the industry by enacting relevant laws. In addition, it is necessary to establish the management system to improve the situation and problems of the companion animal industry.

Researchers: Ji Inbae, Kim Hyunjoong, Kim Wontae, and Seo Gangcheol
Research period: 2017. 1. ~ 2017. 10.
E-mail address: jiinbae@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론
제2장 반려동물 연관산업 현황과 문제점
제3장 반려동물 사육 및 연관산업 규모 전망
제4장 반려동물 및 관련 서비스에 대한 소비자 분석
제5장 외국의 반려동물 연관산업 현황과 시사점
제6장 반려동물 연관산업 발전 방안
반려동물 연관산업 발전방안 연구
반려동물 연관산업; 반려동물
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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