「농촌경제(Journal of Rural Development)」는 한국연구재단에 등재된 농업ㆍ농촌분야의 전문학술지로 1년에 4번 (3월, 6월, 9월, 12월) 발간된다.
2016년 12월에는 영문특별호가 추가 발간되었다.
Comprehensive Rural Development Strategies of Korea and their Implications to Developing Countries
[Jang_Heo Yun-jung_Kim]
Assessment of Market Power and Cost Efficiency Effects in the U.S. Beef Packing Industry
[In-bae_Ji Chan-jin_Chung]
Revisiting the Classified Milk Pricing System: Seasonal and Spatial Milk Pricing in the U.S.
[Hong-seok_Seo Bruce_A._McCarl]
Multilevel Analysis on Mother’s Nutrition Label Use and Children’s Propensity for Being Overweight
[Sung-ju_Cho Sang-hyeon_Lee]
Construction of the Rural Development Index: The Case of Vietnam
[Tae-hwa_Kim Seung-ryong_Yang]
A Way forward to Sustainable International Forestry Cooperation: A Case Study of the ‘Greenbelt Plantation Project in Mongolia’
[Dae-seob_Lee Gyu-mi_Ahn]