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dc.description.abstract환경보호와 자원순환을 통한 지속가능성 확보는 세계 여러 나라의 주요 이슈 중 하나이다. 자원순환이란 폐기물의 발생을 억제하고 재활용 또는 재이용 등의 방법을 통해 환경친화적으로 이용·관리하는 것이다. 우리나라의 환경 및 폐기물 관리 정책도 자원순환사회로 패러다임을 전환하고 있으며, 농업분야도 환경보호와 농업 어메니티 보존을 위해 영농폐기물과 유기성 폐자원의 관리 및 처리를 자원순환형 체제로 전환하는 것이 필요하다. 우리나라 농업에서는 기술 발전에 힘입어 다양한 영농자재가 투입되고 사용량 역시 증가하고 있다. 이에 따라 영농폐기물과 유기성 폐자원 발생량이 지속적으로 증가함에도 불구하고 이를 효율적으로 처리·관리하기 위한 방안은 미흡한 실정이다. 과거에 비해 폐자원의 재활용률이 높아졌다고는 하나 여전히 일부 영농폐자원이 부적절한 방법으로 처리되고 있다.이 연구는 2년차 연구로 영농폐기물과 유기성 폐자원의 효율적인 자원화 방안을 도출하고자 한다. 금년은 2년차로 농산부산물과 가축분뇨 등 농축산부문 생산 과정과 수확 후에 발생하는 유기성 폐자원의 발생과 처리 현황, 이를 이용한 물질자원화 및 에너지 자원화의 실태와 경제성 분석을 통해 실태를 점검하고 관련 법 체계 및 제도를 검토하여 현실적인 정책 방안을 도출하였다.-
dc.description.abstractBackground & Purpose of ResearchIt is important and urgent to establish ground for ‘sustainable agriculture’ and improve the quality of farmers’ lives, thus the paradigm of agriculture related policies is in need of a change.To establish an optimal agriculture production system considering the environment and create more beautiful and pleasant environments and scenery maintaining and preserving rurality, it is necessary to establish a system for efficient management of agricultural waste and its utilization. Many countries in the world have strengthened the regulations on dumping waste into the ocean and disposal while they are trying to process waste inland and come up with its utilization in various aspects. Amongst the foregoing, recycling organic waste resources as energy in agriculture is especially drawing more attention.Creation and utilization of organic waste resources is in close relationship with agriculture and raw materials in various aspects. The major organic waste resources include rice by-products, livestock sludge, etc. which can be utilized and are being developed in various forms and manners such as energy, feed, and compost. Especially, vitalization and commercialization of new renewable energy is being actively promoted. According to the major energy policies, we are targeting 20% of power to be generated from the new renewable energy. However, there is no accurate legal systematic guideline for management and processing of these organic waste resources. In general, it is principle that the foregoing shall be managed and processed as business daily waste according to ‘daily waste’ or the output specified in the Waste Control Act. In addition, there are too many government management and policy making entities, including the Ministry of Environment (MOE), the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA), and the Korea Forest Service (KFS), apart from scores of related non-government entities, so the systematization of creation, management and cooperative handling is not possible fundamentally. Thus a comprehensive and systematic approach is necessary to more efficiently manage and change organic waste resources into energy in the agro-livestock sector. Now the time has come to draw policy tasks and promote systematic strategies. Method of ResearchIn order to review the creation and processing status and system of agro-livestock organic waste resources at home and abroad, the current status and system of domestic agro-livestock organic waste resources is analyzed by collecting data from the related entities including NSO, MOE, MAFRA, and the Korea Environment Corporation.To identify the management status of rice straw, which is a major agricultural waste, and by-product after harvesting upland crops, paddy farming households and open field and greenhouse crop farming households were surveyed. Besides, AHP and IPA analyses were conducted on the experts for comprehensive management and determination of policy priority for organic waste resources. In order to identify the management and processing status of by-products being created after the 1st processing of major agro-livestock products, we visited and investigated farming association corporations collecting rice straw, management entities, major rice processing complexes (RPCs), and the Association of Animal By-product Processing. We also visited and investigated resource creating facilities by utilizing and processing the foregoing by-products, and general corporations. In addition, we investigated the operation status of energy self-supporting villages including Hongcheon and Wanju that comprehensively process and utilize the muck and food waste being created in the areas. By conducting economic feasibility analysis through analyzing general social cost and benefit, we try to logically prove the value of using agro-livestock organic waste resources as energy. Furthermore, we conducted consignment research on the status of technologies that change major agro-livestock waste resources into energy, and development measures as well as management policies and implications of the agro-livestock waste resources of major advanced countries.We conducted an expert conference with the relevant experts and policy makers to identify the current status and problems regarding disposal, management, and recycling of organic waste resources, and to draw detailed improvement measures. We also hosted a meeting with recycling business managers and related associations to identify the status of recycling corporations and draw problems and improvement measures.Result and Implication of Research This research has identified the status of creation and processing of major organic waste resources, and recycling technology, and reviewed problems and improvement measures in order to prepare efficient recycling measures utilizing organic waste resources in the major domestic agro-livestock sector. Through the foregoing, we presented the development goal and direction for efficient resource recycling together with the relevant methods, roles of pertinent entities, and improvement measures for the system and relevant policies. The goal for efficient resource recycling is to establish a resource recycling agriculture system by efficiently recycling agro-livestock organic waste resources. The execution directions for accomplishing the goal include efficient recycling technology development, establishment of recirculation agriculture infrastructure, promotion of industrialization, and policy support. According to the expert group's analysis of the order of priority of the directions, political support is the first priority, followed by technology development, establishment of recirculation agriculture infrastructure, and promotion of industrialization.As for detailed tasks for each proposed direction, it is shown that the self-governing governance, in which the central and local governments and the private sector work together for resource recycling agriculture, shall be expanded in the sector of policy support. Next, high efficient and low-cost energy technology is selected in the sector of technology development while agriculture environments of local units should be diagnosed precisely in the sector of establishment of recirculation agriculture infrastructure. In the promotion of industrialization sector, the technology to minimize or eliminate stench and such civil complaint causes should be promoted. Thus a method of establishing efficient governance is proposed by presenting the roles of each subject including local farmers, residents, local unit farming association corporations, the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, farmers’ groups, energy recycling entities, research and extension organizations, and central and local governments, in order to accomplish the detailed foregoing tasks efficiently and effectively. The policy support for recycling wastes can be classified into 3 major categories. First, the legal management system for agro-livestock organic waste resources should be established. A new approach to organic waste resources, rather than regulation on environment pollution, is needed to promote and foster agriculture, and it is necessary to establish so-called ‘wide area environment-friendly low carbon agriculture complex’ to realize the foregoing. In addition, it is necessary to design and establish the concept of agriculture and farming villages with resource recycling as a practical task in the mid and long term.Researchers: Suh Daeseok, Kang Changyong, Kim Wontae, Choe Jinyong Research period: 2017. 1. ~ 2017. 12.E-mail address: dssuh@krei.re.kr-
dc.description.tableofcontents제1장 서론제2장 농축산 유기성 폐자원의 발생 현황과 처리 실태제3장 농축산 유기성 폐자원의 자원화 실태와 문제점제4장 농축산 유기성 폐자원 자원화의 경제성 분석제5장 폐기물 관리제도와 주요 정책제6장 농축산 유기성 폐자원의 효율적 자원화를 위한 개선 방안제7장 요약 및 결론-
dc.title농축산 폐자원의 효율적 자원화 방안 연구(2/2차년도)-
dc.title.alternativeA Study on Efficient Recycling of Agricultural and Livestock Wastes as Resources (Year 2 of 2)-
dc.typeKREI 보고서-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameSuh, Daeseok-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameKang, Changyong-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameKim, Wontae-
dc.relation.isPartOf농축산 폐자원의 효율적 자원화 방안 연구(2/2차년도)-
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