Strengthening Food Security through International Agricultural Development Cooperation : The 2nd Regional Conference on Food Security
- 영문 제목
- Strengthening Food Security through International Agricultural Development Cooperation : The 2nd Regional Conference on Food Security
- 저자
- KREI; 임영아; 김국환; 서대석; 
- 출판년도
- 2018-11-06
- 초록
- ‘한-네덜란드 공동 식량안보 컨퍼런스’는 아시아 지역의 식량안보를 강화하기 위한 방법으로 기후스마트 농업과 기술, 혁신과 관련한 국제농업개발협력 분야의 사례를 공유하고 다자 이해관계자들의 역할과 전략 공유를 통해 지역의 협력을 강화하고자 개최되었다.
- 목차
- 【Session 1】 Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) through International Agricultural Development Cooperation
[Topic 1-1] Current situation and issues related to climate change and agriculture in the region and suggestions for cooperation
[Topic 1-2a] Multi-stakeholder Partnerships : Introduction : State of the Art of the deals made during the First Food Security Conference in Vietnam in 2017
[Topic 1-2b] Multi-stakeholder Partnerships : Practical example of a CSA multi-stakeholder project in the region
[Topic 1-3] How to Achieve Climate-Smart Agriculture in Korea
[Topic 1-4] Open Data Food Security : Possibilities for a Regional Approach in Asia
【Session 2】Technology, Innovation, and ODA
[Topic 2-1] Development of Autonomous Orchard Robot: Integration of Robot Platform & Autonomous Navigation Algorithm, and Harmony
[Topic 2-2] Systems, Technology and Commercial Strategies to Enhance the Horticultural Supply Chain – Case Studies from Viet Nam, and Cambodia
[Topic 2-3] Leveraging the Private Sector to Deliver Technology Solutions for Farmers
[Topic 2-4] Status of Korean Cutting-edge Horticulture and Strategy for the Expansion of International Cooperation
【Session 1】 Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) through International Agricultural Development Cooperation
[Topic 1-1] Current situation and issues related to climate change and agriculture in the region and suggestions for cooperation
[Topic 1-2a] Multi-stakeholder Partnerships : Introduction : State of the Art of the deals made during the First Food Security Conference in Vietnam in 2017
[Topic 1-2b] Multi-stakeholder Partnerships : Practical example of a CSA multi-stakeholder project in the region
[Topic 1-3] How to Achieve Climate-Smart Agriculture in Korea
[Topic 1-4] Open Data Food Security : Possibilities for a Regional Approach in Asia
【Session 2】Technology, Innovation, and ODA
[Topic 2-1] Development of Autonomous Orchard Robot: Integration of Robot Platform & Autonomous Navigation Algorithm, and Harmony
[Topic 2-2] Systems, Technology and Commercial Strategies to Enhance the Horticultural Supply Chain – Case Studies from Viet Nam, and Cambodia
[Topic 2-3] Leveraging the Private Sector to Deliver Technology Solutions for Farmers
[Topic 2-4] Status of Korean Cutting-edge Horticulture and Strategy for the Expansion of International Cooperation
- 발행처
- 한국농촌경제연구원
- 발간물 유형
- KREI 세미나자료
- 보고서 번호
- SD2018_1106
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- 행사(세미나, 토론회) 자료 > 세미나자료
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