Korea Rural Economic Institue

Strengthening Food Security through International Agricultural Development Cooperation : The 2nd Regional Conference on Food Security

영문 제목
Strengthening Food Security through International Agricultural Development Cooperation : The 2nd Regional Conference on Food Security
KREI;  임영아;  김국환;  서대석
‘한-네덜란드 공동 식량안보 컨퍼런스’는 아시아 지역의 식량안보를 강화하기 위한 방법으로 기후스마트 농업과 기술, 혁신과 관련한 국제농업개발협력 분야의 사례를 공유하고 다자 이해관계자들의 역할과 전략 공유를 통해 지역의 협력을 강화하고자 개최되었다.
【Session 1】 Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) through International Agricultural Development Cooperation
[Topic 1-1] Current situation and issues related to climate change and agriculture in the region and suggestions for cooperation
[Topic 1-2a] Multi-stakeholder Partnerships : Introduction : State of the Art of the deals made during the First Food Security Conference in Vietnam in 2017
[Topic 1-2b] Multi-stakeholder Partnerships : Practical example of a CSA multi-stakeholder project in the region
[Topic 1-3] How to Achieve Climate-Smart Agriculture in Korea
[Topic 1-4] Open Data Food Security : Possibilities for a Regional Approach in Asia

【Session 2】Technology, Innovation, and ODA
[Topic 2-1] Development of Autonomous Orchard Robot: Integration of Robot Platform & Autonomous Navigation Algorithm, and Harmony
[Topic 2-2] Systems, Technology and Commercial Strategies to Enhance the Horticultural Supply Chain – Case Studies from Viet Nam, and Cambodia
[Topic 2-3] Leveraging the Private Sector to Deliver Technology Solutions for Farmers
[Topic 2-4] Status of Korean Cutting-edge Horticulture and Strategy for the Expansion of International Cooperation

【Session 1】 Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) through International Agricultural Development Cooperation
[Topic 1-1] Current situation and issues related to climate change and agriculture in the region and suggestions for cooperation
[Topic 1-2a] Multi-stakeholder Partnerships : Introduction : State of the Art of the deals made during the First Food Security Conference in Vietnam in 2017
[Topic 1-2b] Multi-stakeholder Partnerships : Practical example of a CSA multi-stakeholder project in the region
[Topic 1-3] How to Achieve Climate-Smart Agriculture in Korea
[Topic 1-4] Open Data Food Security : Possibilities for a Regional Approach in Asia

【Session 2】Technology, Innovation, and ODA
[Topic 2-1] Development of Autonomous Orchard Robot: Integration of Robot Platform & Autonomous Navigation Algorithm, and Harmony
[Topic 2-2] Systems, Technology and Commercial Strategies to Enhance the Horticultural Supply Chain – Case Studies from Viet Nam, and Cambodia
[Topic 2-3] Leveraging the Private Sector to Deliver Technology Solutions for Farmers
[Topic 2-4] Status of Korean Cutting-edge Horticulture and Strategy for the Expansion of International Cooperation
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KREI 세미나자료
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