Korea Rural Economic Institue

농촌의 사회통합 실태와 정책 개선방안(2/2차년도) - 다문화가족과 귀농·귀촌인 대상 심층연구

영문 제목
Current Situation of Rural Social Cohesion and Policy Improvement Measures (Year 2 of 2): In-depth Study on the Multi-cultural Families and Urban-to-Rural Migrants
박대식;  안석;  김남훈;  임지은
농촌 다문화가족과 귀농·귀촌인은 사회문화적으로 다양한 배경을 가지고 있다. 사회문화적으로 다양한 배경을 가진 사람들이 농촌에 계속 유입됨에 따라서 이주민들과 원주민들 간의 사회적 갈등도 빈발하고 있다. 그리하여 이주민들과 원주민들 간의 사회통합의 중요성도 부각되고 있다.

본 연구는 「농촌의 사회통합 실태와 정책 개선방안 연구」의 2/2차년도 연구과제로서, 농촌주민 일반을 대상으로 한 1/2차년도 연구과제의 후속 심화연구이며, 다문화가족과 귀농·귀촌인을 초점 연구대상으로 하였다.

지금까지 농촌의 사회통합 문제에 관련한 선행연구는 별로 없다. 더구나 농촌 다문화가족과 귀농․귀촌인의 사회통합 실태를 직접적으로 조사하여 정책 개선방안을 제시한 선행연구는 없다.

그리하여 이 연구는 농촌 다문화가족과 귀농·귀촌인의 사회통합 실태를 경제·사회문화·정치·종합적 측면에서 심층적으로 조사하고, 관련 정책의 문제점을 파악하여 농촌 다문화가족과 귀농·귀촌인의 사회통합 증진을 위한 정책 개선방안을 제시하였다.

Background of Research
This study is an in-depth study on the social cohesion of rural multi-cultural families and urban-to-rural migrants. Rural multi-cultural families and urban-to-rural migrants have various socio-cultural backgrounds and they are becoming key factors in the change of Korean rural society in recent years. Therefore, rural multi-cultural families and urban-to-rural migrants are very important groups in the discussion of rural social cohesion. This study aimed to investigate the current situation of social cohesion of rural multi-cultural families and urban-to-rural migrants and suggest policy improvement measures.

Method of Research
This study employed several surveys among rural multi-cultural families and urban-to-rural migrants, focus group interviews, in-depth interviews, a collaborative research, and investigation of existing data. The survey was conducted among 514 rural multi-cultural families and 543 urban-to-rural migrants. Four focus group interviews on the current situation of social cohesion of rural multi-cultural families and urban-to-rural migrants were conducted. The in-depth interviews were conducted among 22 rural multi-cultural families and 16 urban-to-rural migrants. The collaborative in-depth research with the Korean Women’s Development Institute on the social cohesion of rural multi-cultural families was conducted. Existing related data were collected by searching the data of related research institutes and government organizations.
Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentage, means and t-test, F-test and chi-square test were conducted to elucidate the current situation of social cohesion of rural multi-cultural families and urban-to-rural migrants. Finally, multiple regression was employed to identify the influential factors for the level of perceived social cohesion.

Research Results and Implications
Social cohesion of rural multi-cultural families and urban-to-rural migrants has been investigated through four aspects: economic aspect, socio-cultural aspect, political aspect, and comprehensive aspect.
Major policy tasks to improve the social cohesion of rural multi-cultural families are as follows: 1) in the economic aspect, ① strengthening job placement and vocational education, ② actively using social economic policies, and ③ prohibiting discrimination against female marriage immigrants in economic activities; 2) in the socio-cultural aspect, ① expanding social exchange between multi-cultural families and ordinary rural residents, ② improving Korean language education, ③ strengthening family education and bilingual education, and ④ strengthening learning support and career guidance for children of multi-cultural families; 3) in the political aspect, ① expanding political participation of multi-cultural families, and ② strengthening prevention and management of discrimination.
Major policy tasks to improve the social cohesion of urban-to-rural migrants are as follows: 1) in the economic aspect, ① activating the social economy with urban-to-rural migrants and indigenous people in the community, ② improving housing purchase and lease support, and ③ providing and arranging job-related information; 2) in the socio-cultural aspect, ① promoting the social exchange between urban-to-rural migrants and indigenous people in the community, ② cultivating community spirit and strengthening mutual understanding education, and ③ activating a mentor system; 3) in the political aspect, ① establishing the democratic and transparent village operation base, ② establishing a conflict mediation system and strengthening prevention and management of social conflict, and ③ promoting support for urban-to-rural migrants.

Researchers: Park Daeshik, An Sok, Kim Namhoon, Lim Jieun
Research period: 2018. 1. ~ 2018. 12.
E-mail address: pds8382@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론

제1부 농촌 다문화가족의 사회통합 실태와 정책 개선방안
제2장 농촌 다문화가족의 사회통합 실태
제3장 농촌 다문화가족의 사회통합인식 영향요인 분석
제4장 농촌 다문화가족의 사회통합 관련 정책의 실태와 개선방안

제2부 귀농·귀촌인의 사회통합 실태와 정책 개선방안
제5장 귀농·귀촌인의 사회통합 실태
제6장 귀농·귀촌인의 사회통합인식 영향요인 분석
제7장 귀농·귀촌인의 사회통합 관련 정책의 실태와 개선방안

제3부 요약 및 결론
제8장 요약 및 결론
농촌의 사회통합 실태와 정책 개선방안2의 2차년도: 다문화가족과 귀농·귀촌인 대상 심층연구
사회통합; 다문화가족; 귀농·귀촌
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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