농업·농촌정책 고도화를 위한 정보지원체계 구축 방안(1/5차년도)
- 영문 제목
- Plans to Establish an Information Support System for the Development of Agricultural and Rural Policy (Year 1 of 5)
- 저자
- 박준기; 김미복; 김태훈; 이두영; 박지연; 
- 출판년도
- 2018-12-30
- 초록
- 농업·농촌정책 결정의 합리성 확보를 위한 방안으로 데이터기반 정책 수립을 통한 정책고도화의 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 또한 소비자의 농업·농촌에 대한 수요가 다양해지고 있으며, 이에 대한 효과적 대응이 가능하도록 농정추진 방식의 전환도 요구되고 있다. 특히 지방분권화 추세 속에서 농정추진체계도 중앙정부 주도에서 지방지차단체의 역할 확대 방향으로 전환되어야 하며, 이를 위해서는 지역특성을 효과적으로 파악할 수 있는 정보 지원체계 마련과 지방농정 담당자의 역량 제고 등 지방농정 고도화가 이루어져야 한다.
이 연구는 1/5년차 과제로 농정의 기획·수립·추진·평가 과정에서 활용되고 있는 농업정책 관련 다양한 통계정보 실태를 분석하고, 지방농정의 고도화 및 정책결정의 합리성 제고를 위한 정보지원체계 구축 방향 제시를 목적으로 수행되었다. 이를 위하여 승인 및 미승인통계 실태, 지자체의 통계 활용 현황, 지자체 농정담당자의 통계정보 수요조사 그리고 일본과 캐나다의 통계지원체계에 대한 사례분석 등을 실시하였다.
Research Background
Recently various criticisms have been raised on the current system and tools of agriculture policies, and agricultural and rural policies should be established in line with changes in internal and external conditions. From the policy planning and process controlled by the central government, it is necessary to strengthen rationalization according to the characteristics of the region, to promote the data-based policy. There is a need to develop policy support that can cope with these problems and to build an information support system for them.
This research on the construction of the information support system for the agricultural and rural areas provides basic statistics about the changes in the structure of agriculture and provides periodic statistical analysis such as comprehensive analysis and in-depth analysis. These are beyond the scope of how to provide statistics and to publish various kinds of information. The purpose of this study was to promote the utilization of objective information in the process of establishment, promotion and evaluation of agricultural policies.
In order to analyze the statistics of the agricultural sector, we reviewed the literature and conducted surveys for local government officials. In the literature review, the approved statistics and unapproved statistics in the agricultural sector, the utilization status of statistics, the survey items of statistics, the publication cycle, and the problems in utilization were derived. The survey was conducted for statistical utilization and demand analysis. The result shows the demand for systemization was identified.
We conducted a case study of Japan and Canada that operated information support systems using agricultural statistics, and used it as information for establishing the direction of an information system and setting system components.
In order to analyze the use case of agricultural statistics information, the economic structure of the farm household and indices of the analysis of the local agricultural structure were suggested. As for the farm household economy, the income, consumption and financial structure by farm type were analyzed. On the regional agriculture, comparative analysis of production indices, management indices, production base, environmental indices, and budget structure was conducted.
Research Results and Implications
First, policy decision should secure practical rationality and procedural rationality. Second, policy-making rationality should be guaranteed by establishing data-based scientific policies. Third, it is now necessary to approach the central agricultural policy system considering decentralization in terms of improving the decision-making capacity of local governments.
In order to improve the reliability of local statistics, it is necessary to increase the approved statistics related to agriculture along with reorganization of the classification method to enhance the use of agricultural statistics.
Five basic directions of information systematization for agricultural policy decision making are presented. First, to ensure the logical consistency of policy, the information system needs organic linkage from the viewpoint of planning (plan) - execution (do) - evaluation (see). Second, regional analysis and benchmarking should be possible. Third, statistical techniques and analytical tools should be used to ensure mutual connectivity between data. Fourth, it is necessary to standardize data which is the core of the information system. Finally, it should be a system considering users' convenience.
This study presents a yearly research roadmap for the five-year study. The roadmap proposed in this study needs to be revised and supplemented in consideration of the following points. First, local government officials' demand for the information support system needs to be considered, and the general public should also be able to use this system. Second, the system developers should have the capacity to integrate, analyze and operate related information. Third, it is needed to build the system by closely identifying demand through the establishment and evaluation of the agricultural policies using the statistical information in cooperation with local governments.
Researchers: Park Joonkee, Kim Meebok, Kim Taehun, Lee Douyoung, Park Jiyeon
Research period: 2018. 1. ~ 2018. 12.
Email address: jkpark@krei.re.kr
- 목차
- 제1장 서 론
제2장 정책고도화와 정보지원체계 역할
제3장 농업부문 통계 활용 실태와 문제
제4장 주요국 정책결정 지원시스템 사례와 시사점
제5장 데이터기반 농정을 위한 정보 체계화 방향
제6장 요약 및 결론
- 발행처
- 한국농촌경제연구원
- 과제명
- 농업·농촌 정책고도화를 위한 정보지원체계 구축 방안
- 주제어
- 정보지원체계
- 발간물 유형
- KREI 보고서
- 보고서 번호
- R858
- http://repository.krei.re.kr/handle/2018.oak/23262
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